Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 702: Conversion (2)


The fourth is natural energy’s join and natural energy’s join, which change the characteristics of Undead Race from a certain degree. In the past, Undead Race’s skeleton defense strength was very strong because of multiple Level Up and the melting of Blood Slaughter Sect for Strength of Bloodline. Due to the improvement of Cultivation Method and other reasons, their bones have become very formidable, comparable to steel, but natural energy‘s join has given their bones another one type of ability, that is, the ability to regenerate, and it can regenerate quickly. As long as they If the Netherworld ghost flame in the body does not disappear, then even if they lose their arms and legs, they will grow new ones in a short time. It is this ability to survive that makes them almost have The real immortal body, the previous Undead Race was killed by very difficult, and now the Undead Race is even more difficult to kill. Because these abilities are added to the together, they have almost no natural enemies, and of course they are even more difficult to kill.

And after Undead Race transformed Netherworld ghost flame, they have another ability, that is nourishing‘s own body. Their body is actually a skeleton, and they are also Bone. The flesh and blood of grow out in them, in some kind of degree Generally speaking, just like clothes, their real body is the skeleton, and now the Netherworld ghost flame can always nourishing their Bone, making their Bone more formidable. This is another benefit after they transformed the Netherworld ghost flame .

When Undead Race Human, put this information Tell Wen Wenhai when they Wen Wenhai all of them excited When they woke up, they really didn’t expect that the spiritual death clan could actually control the Netherworld. ghost flame There are so many tricks for playing, but this is normal, Netherworld ghost flame and Undead Race , are very suitable, so they can combine Netherworld ghost flame Use this degree , this is already very remarkable.

On the other side, Mao Xuanying arrived Shadow Sovereign of study room Here, after asking to see you, Shadow Sovereign He directly called Mao Xuanying in. in the room , Mao Xuanying entered the room, immediately directed at Shadow Sovereign salute, Shadow Sovereign But he waved his hand said: “Forget it, Mao. beloved minister Come to me, but something happens? ” Shadow Sovereign Just say it look at Mao Xuanying, he just asked the **** to deliver Zhang Wutong’s letter to Mao Xuanying there not long after Ah, Mao Xuanying came so quickly, is there something wrong? so Shadow Sovereign That’s why he asked this question. He didn’t think that Mao Xuanying had already solved the matter. After all, he had just dealt with this matter. explain/transfer Go down didn’t have long time , is impossible solve.

Mao Xuanying directed at Shadow Sovereign gave a salute, and then open the mouth and said: “Returning to Your Majesty, I have already completed the test of the method proposed by General Zhang and others. If you want those clansman converted into Magical Artifact to use Statue again, you need to use When it comes to iron worms, I have already tried converting frontline into Statue, and then fused combined together with those clansman, so that those clansman equal to have Statue in their bodies. If they have Divine Power in their bodies, then They can let Divine Power slowly increase, and at the same time, the amount of Divine Power stored in their bodies will also slowly increase, also in other words. The idea proposed by General Ma Yichuan is completely feasible. Now this kind of The method is to tell General Zhang Wutong and General Shangguan Feng to let them integrate those clansmans that have been converted into Magical Artifact in frontline there into an iron worm Statue, so that they will have more Divine Power and they can better deal with Blood Slaughter Sect. .” When Mao Xuanying said the last word, a smile appeared on his face. He did not expect that the matter could be resolved so quickly.

After Shadow Sovereign heard what he said, he couldn’t help but be stunned. He didn’t expect that the matter could be solved so quickly and so perfectly. This made him stunned. He immediately look at Mao Xuanying said: “What Mao beloved minister said But really? Have you really solved this matter?” He still can’t believe it, because this matter was solved so smoothly, completely beyond his imagination.

Mao Xuanying quickly said: “Yes, Your Majesty, everything I said is true, the matter has indeed been resolved, please Your Majesty feel relieved. ”

Shadow Sovereign Hearing what Mao Xuanying said, he couldn’t help but be overjoyed, and then he immediately open the mouth and said: “OK, fantastic, HaHaHa ha, I immediately wrote to them and told them this method. In this way, our fighting strength of frontline there , it will be improved at once. For us, it is definitely a good news, HaHaHa, ha, good, very good. “Shadow Sovereign looked like it was indeed very delighted, so he directly took out two pieces of jade slip. Without using anyone else to do anything, he directly entered some content into the two pieces of jade slip, and then handed them to the **** next to him, and said said: to the eunuch.” Go and send it to Shangguan Feng and Zhang Wutong. “The **** responded, turn around left, and then Shadow Sovereign turned to Mao Xuanying said: “How did you discover this method so quickly? This really makes me feel very accidental/surprised. “What he said is true, he is really accidental/surprised Mao Xuanying would resolve this matter so quickly.

Mao Xuanying quickly said: “Returning to Your Majesty, it was really luck this time. I succeeded in the first test. Because the iron worm has the ability of transformation, so I made him transformation into a Statue look. Or It’s very easy. I didn’t expect that the iron worm actually did it, and the fusion was very smooth. It seems that luck is still on our side, and Blood Slaughter Sect is destined not to be our opponent.”

Shadow Sovereign nodded after hearing what Mao Xuanying said, with a smile on his face, and then Shadow Sovereign open the mouth and said: “Yes, luck is still on our side. Divine Beast from Void World there have also arrived. You are now Let’s start the next experiment and see if we can integrate Divine Beast with Statue and combined together, improve fighting strength of Statue, and take care of Blood Slaughter Sect.”

Mao Xuan responded, Shadow Sovereign waved his hand said: “All right, and went to work. “Mao Xuanying stood up, faced Shadow Sovereign gave a salute, and exited study room, Shadow Sovereign look at. Mao Xuanying’s back showed a smile.

On the other hand, Zhang Wutong and Ma Yichuan also received the jade slip of Shadow Sovereign. After seeing the content in Shadow Sovereign jade slip, Zhang Wutong couldn’t help but excited. Zhang Wutong open the mouth and said: “OK, fantastic. It turns out that it is that simple. We also have wireworms in here, so we can directly use them. Let’s do Level Up for those clansman, Lao Ma, please arrange it. “Ma Yichuan also very happy. When he heard what Zhang Wutong said, he immediately responded, and then he went directly to make arrangements. Soon Shadow Clansman‘s Level Up started, but among Shadow Clansman, the real one was Divine Power transform by the God of Shadow Clan There are not many Shadow Clansman, so this time Level Up can only let some Shadow Clansman have Divine Power, but this makes them very happy, after all, it improves the strength of many of them.

During the battle on the second day, Shadow Clansman‘s fighting strength really improved. Their weapon was not so easily destroyed, and Ding Chunming and the others quickly discover. This made Ding Chunming and the others know that Shadow Clansman The strength of Shadow Clansman has improved, but they are not worried. The strength of Shadow Clansman has improved, but it still cannot stop their attack. It can be said that the only one that can stop their attack from Shadow Clansman and sole is their Statue. And their current number of Statue is still too small.

Of course, the effect of Shadow Clansman against Reaching Sky Vine today is correct/pretty good. After all, those Magical Artifact of Shadow Clansman can be composed into large Magical Artifact, and they can also be divided into small Magical Artifact. Such attack is more flexible and seems to be effective when dealing with Reaching Sky Vine. will be better.

Facing attack like Shadow Clansman, Ding Chunming did not make many arrangements. In fact, whether it is Reaching Sky Vine or their energy beast, they can all separate more sub-bodies, but they do not Just didn’t do it.

The computing power of Blood Slaughter Sect‘s Reaching Sky Vine is sufficient, but after they are divided into countless sub-bodies, the computing power of their parent vine is not enough, and they can only let the sub-bodies attack on their own. The attack power of those although sub-bodies is still very strong, but in terms of coordination, they are indeed can’t compare with Shadow Clansman, and they do not need Reaching Sky Vine to separate attack, although those Shadow Clansman Magical Artifact can cut off Reaching Sky Vine, but Reaching Sky Vine can regenerate in the shortest time , simply had no impact, so they did not let Reaching Sky Vine separate attack. In fact, what they paid attention to today in Ding Chunming was not those Reaching Sky Vine, but those Undead Race, and those Undead Race also participated in today’s battle, and they also wanted to try How strong are they?

It is precisely because of this that Ding Chunming and their attention are more focused on those Undead Race. Those Undead Race did not use battle armor today. They just want to see how they can fight directly with Shadow Clansman‘s Statue without using battle armor. , what will be the effect, and the final result is to make Ding Chunming and them all very excited, because those fighting strength of Undead Race are indeed very formidable, their very formidable defensive power, you must know that Undead Race also has full body armor on his body, full body armor is not a battle armor, he flashes full body armor actually has a rather special style. In the past, their full body armor looked like bone armor made up of countless Bone, but now their full body armor looks more like iron armor, and this iron armor is actually bone armor. But because their Bone now looks more like steel, this bone armor looks more like iron armor. This is mainly to be consistent with other Blood Slaughter Sect disciple and not let Shadow Clansman discover make them special. After all, other people now disciple all used battle armor, and their battle armor styles were all the same, so their bone armor was made the same as their battle armor, just to prevent Shadow Clansman discover from being different.

But wait until they and Shadow Clansman exchange hands After that, they discover Understand the power of these bone armors, Shadow Clansman of weapon , there is no way to cut through the bone armor. You must know that there are new ghosts in their bone armor. ghost flame Yes, when Shadow Clansman of weapon When it struck their bone armor, the Netherworld ghost flame will help them defend, and Shadow Clansman of weapon , when they cut into their bone armor, they were actually killed by the Netherworld ghost flame blocked, and Shadow Clansman of weapon The netherworld is also on the sky ghost flame ,This allows Shadow Clansman felt a severe headache, and then they were directly Undead Race Hit him, when Undead Race of weapon hit Shadow Clansman on the body, Shadow Clansman The defense was directly breached. This is Shadow Clansman Unexpectedly, they really don’t know His own defense is actually so poor, even Blood Slaughter Sect All at once attack Can’t stop it. ()


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