Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 701: Conversion (1)


After listening to Zhang Wutong’s words, Ma Yichuan thought for a while, then said solemnly: “Instead of thinking about how to increase the Divine Power capacity of large Magical Artifact, I think it is better to think about how to make large Magical Artifact generate Divine Power by itself. Like this isn’t it better?

When Zhang Wutong heard what Ma Yichuan said, he couldn’t help but shook his head said:is impossible, you also know our situation. Those Statue can absorb the power of Main God, so that he always has the power of Main God. Think about it, even The power of Main God on Statue is not generated by itself. On those large Magical Artifact, how can is possible generate Divine Power by itself? You are thinking too much.”

Ma Yichuan shook his head said: “I know that on those large Magical Artifact, is impossible generates Divine Power by itself, but don’t forget that now on those Statue, there are Divine Power. These Divine Power are like catalyst/introduction, which can attract more Divine Power, we only need to make some small changes to those Great Magical Artifact. I believe that in this way, those large Magical Artifacts will be able to produce Divine Power by themselves.”

When Zhang Wutong heard what Ma Yichuan said, he couldn’t help but be stunned, and then he was a little puzzled said: “Do you have a way? How to change it?”

Ma Yichuan said solemnly: “What do you think, why is there Divine Power on Statue?” After speaking, Ma Yichuan look at Zhang Wutong, and after Zhang Wutong heard his words, he was stunned at first, and then said: a little puzzled “Simple, why is there on Statue?” Divine Power is created because he is Statue, he can match Main God communicate, Main God will give him a hint of Divine Power, don’t we all know this?”

Ma Yichuan nodded said: “Yes, because Statue can be combined with Main God communicate, so that a trace of Divine Power can be produced. The reason why we couldn’t borrow that trace of Divine Power before is because our bodies have not gone through transform, so there is no The method is to borrow that trace of Divine Power, but now those people who have Incarnation become large Magical Artifact, their bodies, equal to, have been passed by Divine Power transform, and their bodies can store Divine Power. Think about it, if at this time, they have A Statue, then he can always borrow a little bit of Divine Power from Lord Main God there, and his body can store Divine Power. The absorbed Divine Power will be stored by his body, and in his body The amount of Divine Power stored will increase. In this way, even if we don’t use Statue, can we still have Divine Power to deal with people with Blood Slaughter Sect? I think this method can be tried, what do you think?”

Zhang Wutong couldn’t help but be stunned after hearing Ma Yichuan’s words, and then he said solemnly: “This method does make some sense, but those large Magical Artifacts, after being Divine Power transform, can only exist in the form of Magical Artifact, and then they will become is impossible It has become human-shape. In this case, how can they bring a Statue on their body? Can this simply is impossible do it?”

Ma Yichuan open the mouth and said: “They have turned into large Magical Artifact, but in the end, they are still our clansman. They cannot change into human-shape because Divine Power is against their transform. If we are injecting into their bodies , what about integrating a thing? For example, is it feasible to integrate a Statue with Divine Power? But directly into their bodies, integrate a stone flame insect, but before integrating the stone flame insect, we first integrate the stone flame insect By becoming Statue, will this allow them to have a Statue in their bodies, and then will they be able to absorb a trace of Divine Power from adults Main God? And I think this kind of thing can be left to professionals to solve , for example, hand him over to Master Mao to solve, so isn’t it better?” In public, they call Mao Xuan Ying Maomister, mister This is also the honorific title of one type of, which means that he is a person with identity and status. Mao Xuanying is among Shadow Clan. He does not have a high official position, but his status is very transcendent. Even Shadow Sovereign are very fond of him. Moreover, Mao Xuanying has taught many officials of Shadow Clan and is considered to be their half. Master, so Ma Yichuan and the others would still call Mao Xuanying Master Mao in private.

After Zhang Wutong heard Ma Yichuan’s words, he was stunned at first, but then he laughed said: “Yes, that’s right, we can give our guess to Master Mao and see if Master Mao can research come up with any new thing Come, I will write to Your Majesty now.” After saying that, he took out a piece jade slip, wrote Ma Yichuan’s idea directly into it, and then gave jade slip to Shadow Sovereign.

After doing this, Zhang Wutong went to the look at battlefield. The Blood Slaughter Sect people on the battlefield won the victory once. Shadow Clansman slowly retreated into 60, and Blood Slaughter Sect did not occupy more territory today because of Reaching Sky Vine’s formidable. , it was still advancing for 60, and then stopped. When he saw this situation, Zhang Wutong breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Blood Slaughter Sect would keep advancing.

At this time, Shadow Sovereign had already seen Zhang Wutong’s letter. He glanced at contents of the letter and directly asked someone to give jade slip to Mao Xuanying. Now Mao Xuanying was also very busy, so Shadow Sovereign did not call Mao Xuanying. Instead, he directly gave this opinion to Mao Xuanying to see if Mao Xuanying could complete it. After a while, the **** came back and told Shadow Sovereign that Mao Xuanying had begun experiments in there.

On the other hand, Blood Slaughter Sect here‘s situation is also very good. Hu Wei recorded a lot of Reaching Sky Vine data. After the war, she went to see the Reaching Sky Vine in person and recorded some data on those Reaching Sky Vine, and from Reaching Sky Vine In the Yantian sphere inside, some data was recorded, and then returned to was in Black Tortoise Space. She had to go back to conduct experiments to improve Reaching Sky Vine.

Just after Hu Wei returned to Black Tortoise Space, another information came from Undead Race there. Undead Race had a new research for Netherworld ghost flame, and their research direction was also very strange. They actually combined Netherworld ghost flame with Huali and killing aura , completely integrated into together, most important, this new Nether ghost flame was actually completely integrated with their bodies into together, their bodies were slightly changed, and their strength was actually occur Changes to Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Undead Race had already transformed all their Law Idol into Lord Chitipati before, but now their Cultivation Method has also transformed into Buddhist Sect‘s Cultivation Method. Netherworld ghost flame is no longer just their weapon, but has become inside their bodies. The strength of one type of is also in other words. When they practice in the future, generated strength is Netherworld ghost flame, not Spiritual Qi.

The people of Netherworld ghost flame and Blood Slaughter Sect are all in research, and they are now using very good, but they only turned Netherworld ghost flame into one type of energy source, one type of can improve their attack power of energy, they still practice Spiritual Qi, but Undead Race It’s different. They although normally look like ordinary people, and they also have flesh and blood in their bodies, but their essence is actually still Ghost, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple. They can’t use Netherworld ghost flame directly as Spiritual Qi to practice, but Undead Race Yes, Undead Race has now completely transformed Netherworld ghost flame into their own energy. Their energy already has a trace of the power of Netherworld ghost flame. most important is that their Netherworld ghost flame actually has Buddha Force. And killing aura, there is also a trace of strength of life, and this trace of strength of life was given to them by natural energy, and the result of their approach is that Undead Race is almost immortal body, Undead Race can almost achieve undead before, but they are still Will die, but now they almost have immortal body, because of their power of blessing/additional support, Undead Race has qualitative changes.

In the past, Undead Race although could live like humans and practiced Spiritual Qi, but the reason why they could live was because they had Soul Fire in their heads, and this Soul Fire is actually the external manifestation of Soul Mark‘s one type of. If you really If their Soul Fire is destroyed, then their Soul Mark will be transferred to their next body, and then they will live again in that body, and that body is life seed, and they will transform in one go into one type of plants lifeform.

So in the past, if you wanted to kill Undead Race, you still used the has plenty method. For example, smashing their heads would destroy more than 80% of their bodies. Of course, among them, refer to, if you don’t have If you destroy their vital part, if you destroy their vital part, then is possible only needs about 40, and they will die. Their Undead Race bodies will no longer be able to be used, and they will have to use their own Soul Mark was transferred away, so Undead Race sometimes is called Undead Race. This is actually wrong. Undead Race cannot achieve undead.

Of course, that was before. If it were now, the current Undead Race, they could do undead, especially after an energy transformation, they could do undead. This time, the energy transformation, for For Undead Race, it is really important. First of all, their energy has become Netherworld ghost flame, and Netherworld ghost flame will swim in the meridians of their body, and Netherworld ghost flame can store energy marks, and in other words , Undead Race‘s weakness used to be their heads, but now their heads are no longer their weakness. As long as there is a trace of Nether ghost flame in their bodies, they will not die.

The second is join of Buddha Force. Because there are Buddha Force join and Netherworld ghost flame, they are not afraid of thing like pure Yang. If not join Buddha Force, then Netherworld ghost flame is afraid of thing like pure Yang like Sun’s True Flame. It can be said that Sun’s True Flame is If the nemesis and ghost flame of the Netherworld ghost flame come into contact with the Sun’s True Flame, they will be destroyed directly, because the Sun’s True Flame is the restrain Netherworld ghost flame, but with the Buddha Force in the Netherworld ghost flame, the Netherworld ghost flame is no longer afraid of the Sun’s True Flame, and the Buddha Force is another one type of power, he is a bit like Strength of Faith, but not completely like Strength of Faith. This power can change some characteristics of Netherworld ghost flame, so Netherworld ghost flame is not afraid of Sun’s True Flame, and there is no way to use Netherworld ghost flame with Sun’s True Flame. This is the second benefit. No more nemesis.

The third is killing aura’s join, which makes Netherworld ghost flame’s attack power stronger. killing aura itself is the killing energy, which is the strongest power of one type of attack. Therefore, killing aura’s join makes Netherworld ghost flame’s attack power become stronger. very formidable, this also makes the attack power of Undead Race become more formidable. Their current attack power is much stronger than before when using Spiritual Qi, at least five to ten times more. ()


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