Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 700: Play against each other


Hearing what Hu Wei said, Wen Wenhai couldn’t help but nodded, and then open the mouth and said: “OK,, then you immediately start Level Up on Reaching Sky Vine. Give it a try and see what the effect is. If the effect is good, then of course it is the best. If If the effect is not good, use immediately/on horseback to improve it. Just tell me what you need. “Of course Wen Wenhai will fully support things like this.

Hu Wei responded, then open the mouth and said: “OK,, then I immediately will prepare. In fact, as long as we prepare Buddha Force Core Master, immediately/on horseback can Level Up Reaching Sky Vine. With the cooperation of Azure Dragon, I think the effect will be very good. ”

Wen Wenhai nodded, then he turned and glanced at the others said: “I called everyone this time, mainly to hear about Hu Wei‘s Level Up plan, and their Level Up plan. For us, it’s still Very useful, and this is what we have seen so far, and one type of attack style, there is no problem now, everyone can go back, Hu Wei, you follow Old Ding and them to frontline there, immediately starts to Level Up those Reaching Sky Vine.”

Hu Wei In response, everyone stood up and talked to each other gave a salute , turn around Gone, quickly Hu Wei Just follow Ding Chunming they are coming frontline , wait until they arrive frontline , Hu Wei They started taking action directly, Buddha Force The core kind thing ,exist True Illusion Boundary there , can be directly replaced by adding Blood Slaughter Sect disciple There are more, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple The quantity is higher than that of Reaching Sky Vine The number is much higher, plus Azure Dragon Cooperation, want to be right Reaching Sky Vine conduct Level Up , that is very easy, and now Reaching Sky Vine There is another one type of ability, that is, they can directly leave The ground is flying because they have energy sources in their bodies and they don’t need to stay on the ground all the time. This will make Reaching Sky Vine of attack , more flexible.

Of course, the Reaching Sky Vine used by Blood Slaughter Sect disciple also needs to perform Level Up, but such Level Up is also very fast. After all, all Reaching Sky Vine now have the Sky Ball, so it is very easy to Level Up.

Just when Hu Wei and the others were performing Level Up against Reaching Sky Vine, the battle between Blood Slaughter Sect and clansman never stopped. Their speed of advancing was still unhappy, but when facing Shadow Clansman, they showed In very formidable, everyday advancing 60, the battle can end early. They are clearly telling Shadow Clansman that the reason why I am in everyday advancing 60 is because I everyday only want to be in advancing 60. It is not that my everyday can only be in advancing 60, and their approach, The blow to Shadow Clansman‘s morale is also huge, after all, Shadow Clansman is a human being too.

Three days have passed like this. Hu Wei finally completed Level Up for all Reaching Sky Vine. For them, this is good news, Hu Wei still stays at frontline here, Ding Chunming also means understand Hu Wei, and he said to Hu Wei said: “Brothers and sisters stay, Do you want to see how the fighting strength of Reaching Sky Vine is?” Ding Chunclearly know Hu Wei wanted to collect the data of Reaching Sky Vine, so he asked this question.

Hu Wei smiled and said: “Yes, in our Reaching Sky Vine, although has some Buddha Force, but when attacking, it is actually natural energy give priority to. Buddha Force is only used because it can restrain Shadow Clansman, so I have to watch it. Look, how effective is Reaching Sky Vine against Shadow Clansman? If the effect is not good, we will have to improve immediately/on horseback after we go back. This is not a joke. After all, every time we make Level Up, it will be against Shadow Clansman. If If we can’t even collect Shadow Clansman, then what are we doing with Level Up, so this first-hand data is very important. You don’t know much about Reaching Sky Vine. The collected data is possible is incomplete, so I have to collect the data myself. , this is what very heavy needs.”

Ding Chunming nodded said: “OK, tomorrow When we are attacking, I will let Reaching Sky Vine join the battle. Then you can collect first-hand data. “Ding Chunming Of course, we fully support this kind of thing. After all, this matter is from relationship to Blood Slaughter Sect. Blood Slaughter Sect is using more and more Reaching Sky Vine. Every disciple has Reaching Sky Vine, so Level Up of Reaching Sky Vine, for It is also very important for disciple of Blood Slaughter Sect, otherwise Wen Wenhai would not hold a special meeting because Hu Wei and they completed Level Up, because he is very important to Fukuyama for Level Up this time, so he will hold a meeting, just to tell everyone, this time Level Up is so important, so of course Ding Chunming has no reason not to support it. When Hu Wei heard what Ding Chunming said, he nodded and thanked him. Hu Wei and Ding Chunming, their relationship are both very good, he is In Blood Slaughter Sect, apart from Laura and the others, female cultivator has the best status. This does not mean that Blood Slaughter Sect does not respect the other female cultivator, but that the other female cultivator are better than those male cultivator in terms of strength and management skills. There is a certain gap, but now among the branch Hall, there are also has plenty‘s female cultivator, these female cultivator‘s status among the branch Hall is already very high, and Hu Wei is also very cared for in Blood Slaughter Sect, because he is the wife of Zhang Hongliang, and Zhang Hongliang is very good with everyone’s relationship, so everyone takes good care of her, and Hu Wei is also very respectful to everyone.

Ding Chunming arranged a place for Hu Wei to rest, and then went to do his own business. Now everyone in Blood Slaughter Sect is all in nourishing‘s own battle armor, because this battle armor is equivalent to Blood Slaughter Sect disciple‘s External Body Incarnation, which is their other one Of course they attach importance to their lives, so they now everyday will spend time on nourishing armor. They hope that their armor Might getting bigger and bigger can better deal with Shadow Clansman. At the same time, they also hope that their strength can be improved so that they can Helped Zhao Hai.

Early the next morning, Blood Slaughter Sect attacked normally, and Shadow Clansman also attacked normally, but when they attacked, countless Reaching Sky Vine and suddenly soared from the ground. These Reaching Sky Vine were like Spirit Snake, directly wrapped around Shadow Clansman‘s body. In the past, when those Shadow Clansman faced these Reaching Sky Vine, they wanted to use in hand‘s weapon to cut off these Reaching Sky Vine, but when their weapon cut on Reaching Sky Vine, discover these Reaching Sky Vine simply could not cut off, and as a result, those Reaching Sky Vine , directly entangled on the Statue of Shadow Clansman. When these Reaching Sky Vine entangled on the Statue of Shadow Clansman, those Statue began to smoke, and more and more, those Statue also seemed very painful, they simply used various methods to attack Reaching Sky Vine, Even their Magical Artifact are all from in hand, attack Reaching Sky Vine, they used this move to really cut off some Reaching Sky Vine, but these Reaching Sky Vine can actually be remade into grow out in the shortest time, and these remade grow out Reaching Sky Vine are still clinging to those Statue, but those Magical Artifact of attack Reaching Sky Vine are also beginning to smoke, as if they have been corroded by some thing.

As soon as Zhang Wutong saw this situation, his complexion couldn’t help but become even more ugly. He immediately turned to Ma Yichuan said:, “It seems that these vines of Blood Slaughter Sect are also Level Up. They want a full Level Up , we are all restrain.”

Ma Yichuan’s complexion is also very difficult. He is said solemnly: “It seems like this. They have indeed begun to attack us in an all-round way. What do you think about this situation? Do you have any ideas?” Ma Yichuan is now There is really no other way. They have used almost all the methods they can use. Now he really has no good way to deal with Blood Slaughter Sect.

Zhang Wutong shook his head said: “No, I really have nothing to do now, but these Reaching Sky Vine of theirs are really big. Do you think the effect would be better if we use big Statue to deal with these Reaching Sky Vine? A little?”

Ma Yichuan said solemnly: “You can give it a try. By the way, we still have a small number of Statue. You can try it with our large Magical Artifact. Among our large Magical Artifact, some of them already have Main God and Divine Power. Are you ready? Give them attack with all their strength, maybe it will have better results?” Ma Yichuan also added, he felt that this method seemed better.

Zhang Wutong nodded said: “OK, Then give it a try. “After saying that, he directly passed on the order. Many large-scale Magical Artifacts began to attack directly. On these large-scale Magical Artifacts, there were already Divine Powers of Main God. The reason why there were Divine Powers of Main God was because, These large Magical Artifact were previously taken into in hand by those large Statue, and then absorbed Main God‘s Divine Power from those large Statue there. As long as the Divine Power of Main God can enter the interior of the large Magical Artifact, then this large Magical Artifact can be used in long time. Storing this kind of Main God Divine Power prevents the loss of Divine Power of Main God, so the large Magical Artifact of has plenty actually contains Divine Power of Main God.

When those large Magical Artifact mobilized all their Main God Divine Power, their Main God Divine Power was still very formidable, so when those large Magical Artifact hit Reaching Sky Vine, Reaching Sky Vine was still cut off, but although Reaching Sky Vine was cut off. It broke, but he immediately grew back, and those Magical Artifact, after being stained with the juice of Reaching Sky Vine, actually started to smoke. The very fast consumed by Divine Power, for a while, the Main God Divine Power on those large Magical Artifact of Shadow Clansman were consumed very much. Very fast.

Both Zhang Wutong and Ma Yichuan saw this situation. When they saw this situation, Zhang Wutong’s complexion couldn’t help but become very difficult. He turned to Ma Yichuan said: “Old Ma, do you think there is any way to make our Magical Artifact Can I store more Main God Divine Power in it?” Zhang Wutong’s biggest headache is this problem. Now they can only use Main God‘s Divine Power to deal with Blood Slaughter Sect‘s thing, but Main God‘s Divine Power can only be stored in the large Magical Artifact. Those In a large Magical Artifact, there is no way to generate Main God Divine Power by itself. It is like a water cup. The water cup contains water, but it is impossible generates water by itself. When they are fighting with Blood Slaughter Sect people, they have been consuming the water in the water cup. When the water in the water cup is consumed, they will be finished. Now is impossible is the opponent of Blood Slaughter Sect, and Zhang Wutong’s current idea is, what method should be used to make this water cup bigger and make this The water cup can be filled with more water, so that when they deal with Blood Slaughter Sect, they will have more power of Main God to use. That’s why Zhang Wutong asked Ma Yichuan like this.


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