Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 703: Energy Devouring Tree


However, those Shadow Clansman will soon become discover. How to deal with these Undead Race? When they face Undead Race, they need to mobilize their Divine Power. When defending, they must let Divine Power block Shadow Clansman attack and attack. When the time comes, they need to let their Divine Power reach their weapon, so that they can break through the defense of Undead Race and block the attack of Undead Race.

The Undead Race people also discover this, but their defense although was broken, but Shadow Clansman hard of kill them, because they can regenerate, even if their defense is broken by Shadow Clansman, their injuries can still be recovered. They recovered within a short period of time, but this situation could not be known to Shadow Clansman, so they would retreat as soon as they were injured. If they were injured, which seemed fatal to Shadow Clansman, they would fall directly from sky to the ground. Now although has plenty‘s Reaching Sky Vine fights with Shadow Clansman in sky, but on the ground, it is the same as has plenty‘s Reaching Sky Vine, so if Blood Slaughter Sect‘s disciple falls to the ground, you can still returned to directly from the ground to the base of Blood Slaughter Sect, and they are not there yet While at returned to‘s base, their injuries had already recovered.

But in any case, Shadow Clansman blocked Blood Slaughter Sect‘s attack. Faced with this situation, Ding Chunming did not say anything. Their performance of Undead Race was already very satisfied. This means that Undead Race‘s current fighting strength is indeed It has been greatly improved, which is definitely a good thing for Undead Race.

In the subsequent several days time, the two sides have been fighting in frontline here, but these days Shadow Clansman retreat‘s getting slower and slower, Blood Slaughter Sect wants advancing 60, and it takes getting longer and longer, because those Shadow Clansman‘s Magical Artifact also have Divine Power, so those Magical Artifact‘s attack The power is getting stronger and stronger, and the advancing speed of Blood Slaughter Sect is also getting slower and slower.

Seven days passed like this. On this day, Mao Xuanying came to Shadow Sovereign‘s study room there at once. Shadow Sovereign When he heard that Mao Xuanying was coming, he immediately let Mao Xuanying enter his study room. Waiting until Mao Xuanying After entering study room and saluting Shadow Sovereign, Shadow Sovereign shook his head, and then he open the mouth and said: “Your Majesty, before Your Majesty commanded to integrate Divine Beast with our clansman, I have already done it, but our Divine Beast cannot be compared with ordinary The clansman fused with combined together can only be fused with the Expert combined together in the clan. If our Divine Beast is fused with the ordinary clansman combined together, then our clansman will explode and die. They can’t stand the power of Divine Beast. Only our clan Those in Expert are fine, but minimum requires Army Commander level clansman.”

In Shadow Clan here, they are ten people, one hundred people are one team, one thousand people are one battalion, ten thousand people are one brigade, hundred thousand people are one army, one million people are one legion, also in other words, you only have Commander one million people, You can only call them Army Commander because they have too many soldiers, so their Army Commander are all very formidable in strength, at least comparable to those elders of Blood Slaughter Sect.

After Shadow Sovereign heard Mao Xuanying’s words, he couldn’t help being stunned, and then he nodded said: “OK, Then let the people above Army Commander first, so that we can also have more a batch powerful fighting strength, you can arrange it, I We will let clansman fully cooperate with you. ”

Mao Xuan responded, and Shadow Sovereign waved his hand and asked him to leave. After Mao Xuan responded leave, Shadow Sovereign sighed lightly. At this time, the **** came to report, saying it was too Shi Ling Asking for a meeting, Shadow Sovereign couldn’t help but be startled when he heard this, and then his two eyes couldn’t help but light up, he immediately open the mouth and said: “Let him in.” The **** responded and went to call someone. After a while, too Shi Ling entered the study room , he knelt down towards Shadow Sovereign and saluted Shadow Sovereign.

Shadow Sovereign look at is too Shi Ling, he immediately open the mouth and said: “Too Shi Ling, but what is the order from Lord Main God?” Shadow Sovereign is not afraid of what the God of Shadow Clan has to say, but is afraid that the God of Shadow Clan will ignore them. As long as the God of Shadow Clan has something to say, then the God of Shadow Clan will definitely They will be given some rewards, but if the God of Shadow Clan ignores them, then there is really nothing they can do.

Shi Ling immediately open the mouth and said: “Yes, Your Majesty, today I contacted Lord Main God and told Lord Main God about our situation. After Lord Main God heard our situation, he told us directly, asking us to block it with all our strength. Blood Slaughter Sect‘s attack, and Main God master rewarded us with the same thing, this is it. “After speaking, Tai Shi Ling moved his hand, and in his hand had an extra thing. He put this thing on the ground. Seeing this thing, Shadow Sovereign couldn’t help but be startled, because it turned out to be a thing like seed, and Shadow Sovereign was a little strange. The solution of look at is too Shi Ling, then open the mouth and said: “What is this thing? ”

Tai Shi Ling open the mouth and said: “Returning to Your Majesty, this thing is the seed of the energy-devouring tree. This energy-devouring tree can absorb the power of Blood Slaughter Sect, and then bloom and bear fruit quickly. After it blooms and bears fruit, it will bear more fruit. With more seed, one seed can produce countless seed. These seed can absorb Blood Slaughter Sect’s energy and bloom and bear fruit. And these seed, in addition to being used for planting, can also be integrated with our bodies. Wait until After our body fuses these seed, it can also absorb the energy of Blood Slaughter Sect, and we no longer need to be afraid of their energy. This will not only make our energy stronger, but also make Blood Slaughter Sect‘s energy weaker.”

When Shadow Sovereign heard TaiShi Ling’s words, his two eyes couldn’t help but light up. He immediately open the mouth and said asked: “Can all kinds of energy be absorbed?”

Tai Shi Ling shook his head said: “This doesn’t seem to be possible. Master Main God didn’t say it, but we just need to test it and we will know.”

Shadow Sovereign heard what TaiShi Ling said, and nodded said: “OK, Let’s do this, send this seed directly to frontline there, let them test it, but make it clear to them, don’t let people from Blood Slaughter Sect discover, if you let If the Blood Slaughter Sect people are discover, they will be prepared. By that time, it will be difficult for us to deal with them. ”

TaiShi Ling responded, Shadow Sovereign waved his hand, TaiShi Ling took the seed and stepped back. Shadow Sovereign just told him about this matter, so in other words, I want to leave this matter to him, he Of course, there is nothing more to say, just go ahead and make arrangements.

Tai Shi Ling looked back and thought about it, he decided to give this seed to Shangguan Feng instead of Zhang Wutong. The reason why he gave it to Shangguan Feng was because Shangguan Feng and the others there did not encounter many attack, and Shangguan Feng and the others were there. There is a piece of region, which is buffer zone with Blood Slaughter Sect. The there has Blood Slaughter Sect and energy. Give this seed to Shangguan Feng, and he can test it with peace of mind. If it is given to Zhang Wutong, they are afraid that as soon as here is tested, Blood Slaughter Sect there will become discover , it will only become more dangerous by then.

Tai Shi Ling wrote a piece jade slip, and then sent someone to send seed, jade slip, and together of the energy-devouring tree to Shangguan Feng. After Shangguan Feng received seed and jade slip, he saw the content in jade slip and knew the importance of seed.

Shangguan Feng also fought against Blood Slaughter Sect so long time. In his opinion, what is the strongest thing about Blood Slaughter Sect? In fact, it was their Reaching Sky Vine, those Reaching Sky Vine grow out, and then released energy. This energy forced their Shadow Clansman energy back, and then the Blood Slaughter Sect people were in advancing. At this time, they had to fight against the power of those Blood Slaughter Sect people. It must be carried out with the power of Blood Slaughter Sect. In this case, of course they are at a disadvantage, so Shangguan Feng has already thought about it. If they want to deal with Blood Slaughter Sect, they must first deal with the Reaching Sky Vine of Blood Slaughter Sect, without those Reaching Sky Vine , there will be no energy of Blood Slaughter Sect, and energy of Blood Slaughter Sect, so it will be easier for them to deal with Blood Slaughter Sect.

But it is not easy to deal with Blood Slaughter Sect‘s Reaching Sky Vine. He has thought of many ways, but now he has not come up with a way to deal with Blood Slaughter Sect and Reaching Sky Vine. This also gives Shangguan Feng a headache, but now when he sees this energy-devouring seed of the tree, he suddenly thought of another one type of method. This energy-devouring tree is to swallow the energy of Blood Slaughter Sect. As long as they can swallow the energy of Blood Slaughter Sect, then they will pay for those Reaching Sky Vine in the tree, right? Will it be easier? Thinking of here, Shangguan Feng couldn’t help but feel even happier, Shangguan Feng immediately open the mouth and said: “Come here, call Shen Tu.” immediately Personal Guard responded and went to call someone, and this Shen Tu is the general of High-ranking Official under the hand/subordinate. And this general is Shangguan Feng under the hand/subordinate, one of the few generals who can deploy formation. Shangguan Feng knows that they can’t let Blood Slaughter Sect‘s people discover this energy-devouring tree now, so he wants to call Shen Tu over and ask him to deploy a formation. Cover the energy-devouring tree to prevent Blood Slaughter Sect people discover and although from using the energy-devouring tree yet. However, these must be prepared in advance. You can’t prepare them when you want to use them. That’s too late.

After a while, Shen Tubian came to Shangguan Feng‘s in the room. This Shen Tu looked 40 many years old, with a white face and no beard. He was wearing iron armor. He looked very energetic. Shangguan Feng said to Shen Tu said: “Shen Tu, today we just talked with Blood Slaughter Sect After two days of fighting, Blood Slaughter Sect will attack us one by one. I now have give you and duty. You can build a Illusion Formation behind 40. This Illusion Formation needs to be bigger. I want to build it in there. Plant a tree. This tree was given by Lord Main God. This tree can absorb Blood Slaughter Sect‘s energy, but we can’t let Blood Slaughter Sect‘s people discover. We planted this tree, so we need to build a Illusion Formation first. How about protecting this tree? Can it be done?” The reason why Illusion Formation is built after 40 is because it also takes time to build Illusion Formation. After Shen Tu has built Illusion Formation, it will be time for the next attack of Blood Slaughter Sect It’s time, Blood Slaughter Sect Now the distance of each attack is 40 miles. They build Illusion Formation in 40 to ensure that Blood Slaughter Sect‘s next attack will not attack their formation. At the same time, after they activate the energy-devouring tree, they will just energy that can absorb Blood Slaughter Sect is the best choice.

When Shen Tu heard what Shangguan Feng said, he quickly said: Commander “Yes,, does the commander have any other requests? “Building a larger Illusion Formation is really nothing to Shen Tu. Shen Tu was worried that Shangguan Feng would have other requirements, so he asked this question.


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