First Immortal of the Sword English

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Su Yi, the glorious ‘Master of Ten Thousand Daos’ reigns supreme over the Nine Provinces of the Wilds. Whatever he desires—be it wealth, power, or women—is at his fingertips. Despite this, when he realizes he’s reached his limit, he chooses to reincarnate in pursuit of greater heights.

In the last moments before his death, he watches as everyone he trusts turns on him for the sake of treasure, and his disillusioned spirit vows revenge.

Now, five hundred years later, Su Yi is back, but as a crippled live-in son-in-law and local laughingstock; his current situation is a far cry from his former glory. Thus begins a journey back to the top, starting from the very bottom…

Deskripsi Novel First Immortal of the Sword

Associated Names
- 剑道第一仙

First Immortal of the Sword Table of Contents

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