The Sword Deity in Tokyo Chapter 167: Unable to describe below the neck


In the end, Chunyang accepted the order with a blushing face. And even if she learned that her body was immersed in the bathtub, Kimura Kazuki had to be present, and she did not refuse.

Kimura Kazuki didn’t think much of it. There are not many opportunities for ordinary people. If Chunyang refused, it would be a bit foolish.

Originally, he thought that the other party would prepare for Chunyang for a few days, but he received a message from the other party at noon the next day.

Senior, I have all the medicinal materials ready. After school in the afternoon, remember to come to my house.

So fast?

My dad gives me pocket money on time every month, so I still have some savings.

Kimura Kazuki sighed, sure enough, the rich are different.

According to the medicinal materials on the list, it is about 200,000 yuan in RMB. That’s three million yen… As a result, Chuno had everything ready the next day. It is no wonder that there is a word of poor culture and wealth, which is indeed not wrong.

Exactly, tomorrow and the next two days will be at the Tachibana Martial Arts Hall to test out the teams to participate in the Jade Dragon Banner National Competition. Today, Chunyang takes a medicinal bath to absorb the medicinal properties and improve physical fitness. In the next two days of competition, you can also Out of line.

He also observed the past two days to see if there were any stronger girls in the school. It turned out that some of the participating schools in the Tokyo Prefectural Qualifiers did not have many strong players. On the contrary, the players from other prefectures are much more powerful than those in Tokyo. This, he guessed, should be the reason why many Kendo families have not settled in Tokyo.

After all, Tokyo is an international city. There are a lot of people here, and buildings are crowded together, like a steel forest, so there are very few relative forests and vegetation.

The less vegetation is green, the less spiritual energy.

And other prefectures are not like the Tokyo side, like Takeda Hiro, the Japanese juggernaut, did not settle in Tokyo, but chose Flying Fish Mountain in Yamagata Prefecture. It can be seen from this that the family of ancient Japanese kendo, the metropolis chooses the family address in a place with lush trees. In this case, far from the city, the swordsmanship of chain repairing will also calm down.

After school in the afternoon, Kimura Kazuki soon came to the Shuiliu Apartment.

Although Chunyang blushed, she had already figured it out, so she didn’t procrastinate. There were many bags on the table in the living room. Kimura and Shu came over to take a look, nodded secretly, and bought them according to the list.

“What do I do now?” Chunyang stared at Kimura Kazuki, although he was ready, his heart was still pounding.

“Boil the water in the bathtub, at least 90°. Then put these herbs in uniformly.”

The reason why Kimura Kazuki remembers the recipe of dragon bone soup is because this recipe is relatively simple, which is why this recipe is known to the public. As long as you have money, buy good medicine… boil water, and after the medicine bath, your physical fitness will improve. can be improved.

And in the previous life, he also soaked. The reason why he took the medicated bath at the beginning was to experience the changes in his body. He wanted to transform the keel soup, and to see if he could develop a formula that would allow ordinary people to have the qualifications for chain repair. Of course, all the medicinal materials are provided by the spiritual house for free. From the perspective of the spiritual house, as long as there is a chance to study it, it can be tried.

Of course, Kimura Kazuki can try it for free because he is a doctoral student and has research results in talisman.

Unfortunately, he didn’t study it in the end. Not even an improvement…

Chunyang nodded and went into the bathroom.

Kimura Kazuki looked towards the second floor…

Qiuna, who was in the corridor on the second floor, quickly lowered her head. He patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, “I was almost discovered.”

Qiunai came out to peep because Chunyang was a little strange, so he took her to the pharmacy to buy things and asked her to bring it back together. As a result, when asked what the other party was doing, Chunyang just said it was a secret.

Secrets make people curious, and Qiu Nai is no exception. So when she got home, she secretly observed Chunyang in the corridor on the second floor. As a result, Chunyang sat in the living room in a daze, until Kimura and Shu came to her house, and Qiu Nao almost exclaimed… What is this for?

Akino, who was sitting on the second floor, sneaked down the stairs.

At this time, Qiu Nao got down and walked towards the bathroom. As a result, I was shocked when I looked at the door of the bathroom, and I couldn’t help but take a step back.

“Are you ready?”

“Okay… okay!”

Hearing this, Kimura and Shu don’t push the door open. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Chunyang, wrapped in a bath towel, standing beside the bathtub, looking at the hot potion in the bathtub with a look of horror.

“Why haven’t you gone in yet.” Kimura and Shu frowned slightly, he thought that the other party had already taken a bath.

Chun Yang swallowed her saliva and looked at the hot potion in the bathtub. At this time, the fear in her heart suppressed her shyness. She whispered, “It will burn.”

At this time… Qiu Nai had sneaked to the bathroom door and looked around. But only two vague figures could be seen. But even so, it shocked her heart… New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

“Have these two…have developed to this point?”

Two people are alone in the bathroom, what is this for? Qiunai had countless plots in her mind… and the voices of these two people were not loud or small, so she could hear them.

She avoided it, but her little feet seemed to be stuck with double-sided tape and couldn’t move.

In the bathroom.

“Don’t be afraid.” Kimura Kazuki said, he put his hand directly into the bathtub, and in Chun Yang’s terrified eyes, he fiddled twice as if nothing had He said lightly, “You can also Try it.”

Chun Yang took a look, holding the bath towel in one hand and gently touching the water surface with the other. Surprisingly, it was not hot and the temperature was just right.

She looked at the senior and saw him smiling. While breathing a sigh of relief, I thought that I was still wrapped in a bath towel, and the body inside the bath towel was still naked… At this time, I reacted and blushed.

Seeing this, Kimura Kazuki turned around.

Seeing this, Chunyang cautiously stepped into the bathtub. Feeling the warm water temperature, she put away the bath towel and put it aside, and immersed herself in the medicinal bath, leaving only one head outside, “Okay.”

Hearing the sound, Kimura Kazuki turned to look at Chunyang.

For reasons that cannot be described below the neck, the water in the Dragon Bone Decoction medicinal bath is dark brown, and nothing can be seen at all. This is also the reason why Chunyang is nervous, but not panic. Although she was alone in the bathroom, she had been with the senior for a long time, and she still trusted the senior’s character. first

“How do you feel.”

“Nothing… It hurts!” Chun Yang was taken aback by the question, the medicinal bath seemed to be very gentle, and there was no feeling at all. But before she could finish her words, she exclaimed, the shyness in her eyes turned into pain, and in an instant her whole body seemed to be eaten by countless ants, which made her take a deep breath, her delicate face was slightly twisted, and her body Subconsciously, I want to stand up.

Seeing this, Kimura Kazuki forcibly held Chunyang down, and he said solemnly, “Hold on.”

ps: There is another chapter, about 11:30. Today, I will definitely make up for the 900 monthly pass, don’t worry!


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