The Sword Deity in Tokyo Chapter 162: Akino’s request


Kimura and Shukou said that they have something to deal with, which is naturally the Jade Dragon Banner Competition.

He participated in Jade Dragon Banner to fulfill Guqiao Sakurajiu’s obsession, although he still has to fulfill Xia Wei, Qiu Nai and Donghe’s current life goals, I don’t know how long it will take. But Chun Yang’s wish was already close at hand, so he naturally couldn’t put the cart before the horse.

On the day of the individual competition, the Lihua Martial Arts Club was full of people.

The team competition has been completed in each competition area yesterday. As long as the individual competition is completed for two or three days, you can go to the main venue to compete in the public eye.

In the early morning, the teacher led the team and soon came to Lihua Budokan. Kimura Kazuki was assigned to Division C today, and there was his game in the morning.

The rules of the individual competition are three-fold. In the course of the game, as long as you get two copies, you will win by two points. After each match, opponents will be randomly drawn again.

As long as you complete the ten-person cut, you will automatically advance.

One hundred and one high schools, as long as students who participated in the team competition, will sign up for the individual competition. In the eyes of many people, the individual championship is more meaningful.

If the team competition is to highlight the team, then as long as the individual competition stands out, it is easy to be sought after. In many people’s minds, the individual championship is a supreme honor, more meaningful than the team championship.

After all, the team competition is a shared championship for five people, and the individual competition is an exclusive championship.

There are three divisions open today, namely A, B, and C.

There are two hundred and twenty ginseng competitions in each division, and those who can advance must complete the ten-man cut. In other words, only twenty people in each division can qualify. Then the final duel will be held at the main venue.

Kimura Kazuki’s game time is ten o’clock… So he is not in a hurry, but goes to Division B to watch Chunyang’s game.

Now his mood is not as optimistic as before. Before that, Kenichiro Yagyu disclosed a message to him. Because of the inheritance of the swordsman of Takeda, the Tsukahara family hopes that the young generation of the ancient kendo world, large and small, will participate in the Jade Dragon Flag. .

He also wondered why he met Jingshan Jiulang and the others at Yulong Banner. Judging from the opponent’s strength, it’s not a problem to crush other high schools, but he just happened to meet him, and when he learned of this situation, he suddenly realized.

At the same time I can wake up, I also feel a little bad in my heart.

This is not good, it is about Chunyang. Although Chunyang practiced kendo from childhood to adulthood, in the final analysis, he was just an ordinary person, not a sword cultivator, and he did not understand sword intent. Then as long as they meet those talented girls who have realized the sword intent, the Yingjiu girl group is very likely to be wiped out.

And he can’t help. Does he want women’s clothing? He’s not so shameless yet.

Although he hasn’t heard about some particularly powerful girls’ groups yet, it doesn’t mean he hasn’t heard it. Moreover, he only investigated Tokyo, Japan and other regions. If Chunyang was eliminated in the Yulong Banner National Competition, then his heart would definitely be indescribable.

The Jade Dragon Flag is held once a year. In the eyes of many high school students, it is a very grand competition. Because the Jade Dragon Banner is a pure kendo competition.

If we lose, wouldn’t we have to wait another year.

Of course, considering the IH conference, Kimura Kazuki is still considering it. Should Chun Yang be brought into the world of ancient kendo… He is really thinking about this recently.

At half past eight, he came to the B field.

At this point the game has started, and he finds a spot at random and sits down. Soon Donghe pulled Qiu Nao over, and after saying hello, Qiu Nao rarely picked up the phone to play games, but tapped Kimura Kazuo’s arm with his finger. Qiu Nao saw the senior look over, and smiled with a sullen face, “Senior, I need your help with a small matter.”


He knows all the wishes of the four Guqiao sisters, although the priority is to consider Chunyang’s problem. But he also kept the other three in mind, like Donghe’s short-term goals, he had already helped.

However, because Muraoka Xingxia led the team to promote “Legend of Sword and Sword” in various regions, the audition has not yet started.

According to Muraoka Xingxia, there will be other seiyuu to audition for the roles at that time, and an audition meeting will be held at Qingji Club at that time to determine the seiyuu of all the characters in “Legend of Swords”.

Xia Wei’s goal is to become the student council president, and this goal can be achieved as soon as possible. Although he can directly abdicate Yanagawa Iizumi, it is indeed a bit inappropriate to do so.

This is also the reason why Kimura and Shu are still struggling to teach Chunyang the real swordsmanship. After all, he feels that the obsession of Guqiao Sakurajiu will take a year to complete as soon as possible.

So if Chunyang loses this year, he can wait for next year.

Next year, the boys and girls of those families in the ancient kendo world should not participate in the Jade Dragon Banner, right? At that time, Chunyang, who had been training for another year, was fully capable of sweeping the country.

Of course, if Sakurajiu High School’s girls team wins the championship. She has to consider supporting Xia Wei to take the position as soon as possible and serve as the president of the student union. He did think about this matter… Anyway, Yanagawa Ichizumi is a senior in high school, so he can find an excuse to let the other party But all the premise is that Chunyang leads the women’s team to win the championship.

But what gave him the most headache was Qiunuo’s short-term goals… I didn’t expect that the other party would take the initiative to talk to him now.

“Senior, I’m working on a game with a few friends. You should know that… It’s just that I’ve encountered difficulties recently. Our game action designer has been dissatisfied with the swordsmanship action he designed. I would like to ask you for help… “

“Do you care about this game?” Kimura Kazuki asked calmly. The short-term goal adjustment form that he had previously asked the other party to fill out, and the other party wrote a bunch of messy stories, which made people confused.

Although the guess is the background story of the game, and the other party’s short-term goal is to make a successful game, it is only a guess, not sure.

“Of course! My biggest wish right now is to make the game “Uprising” and release it on Steam with great success.” Akino grabbed Kimura Kazuki’s sleeve, fluttering big eyes, and his face was flattering Cute, “So, senior, you have to help me.”

Tonghe couldn’t watch it any longer. This guy Qiunai had been talking ill of seniors at home before, and now he changed his face when he needed help. It was too shameless.

Just as Touwa was about to speak, Kimura Kazuki was the first to say, “How can I help? I don’t know anything about games.”

“It’s fine, you don’t need to know the game. Just chat with our team’s game action designer to inspire each other.”

Kimura Kazuki looked at Qiuno and nodded in the eyes of the other party’s bright and full of expectation, “After the county qualifiers are over, you can find me again.”

“Yeah!” Qiu Nai cheered, not caring about the eyes of the people around her, with excitement in her eyes.

At this time, the referee’s voice came from the field below.

“The winner, Yingjiu High School, Furuqiao Chunyang.”


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