Light Spirit Epic: Royal Knights Standard Combat Skills Course (Elementary)


Pantorakon Royal Knights Standard Combat Skills Course (Elementary) (Excerpt)



1)- The combat maneuvers in this book are only awarded to knights with the title of Silver Knight or above.

2)- Those below the rank of Silver Knight are not allowed to steal lessons. Stealing scholars will be severely punished, ranging from dismissal from the knighthood, or severed arms and exile.

3)- In addition to stealing a scholar, granting an unqualified knight the combat skills in this book without permission is also punished by the above scheme.

4)- Being able to master at least thirty combat skills in this book is one of the necessary conditions for a silver knight to be promoted to a golden knight.


[Introduction to Combat Skills]

There are fifty primary combat skills. Knights are requested to practice under the guidance of professionally qualified instructors (usually golden knights or above). Stealing scholars without permission will be punished by the second item in the warning.

A knight can choose 30 of the 50 combat skills according to the system’s capabilities, as one of the necessary conditions for promotion to a golden knight.

~20,000 Chinese characters~


[Combat Skill 0001] – Wind Kciker

With the help of the photon reflector attached to the bottom of the knight’s leg armor, trample the long-range projectile to achieve the effect of volleying. Requires excellent reaction speed and body balance support.

Criteria for passing the promotion test:

In a space with a density of 1:1 scf/hit, in order to be able to continuously step on the projectile 30 times without landing, it will be passed.


[Combat Skill 0002] – Haste (21!)

Use magic to generate kinetic energy on your body surface to increase mobility. A skilled knight can produce acceleration effects anywhere on the body surface. This combat technique can be widely used in various aspects such as fine-tuning of posture, dodging attacks, volley rolls, and whole-body acceleration.

Note: This combat maneuver counts as a micro-magic, and excessive use will inflict petrification penalties. Only 21 uses per day. (The magic-type combat skills with the number ! will be counted as 21 times. If you accelerate multiple acceleration points at the same time, the times will be superimposed.)

Criteria for passing the upgrade test: be able to accelerate at twelve fixed acceleration points on the body, with an acceleration force of not less than 100N.

The fixed acceleration points are: head, chest, abdomen, left shoulder, right shoulder, left arm, right arm, panbone, left calf, right calf, left thigh, right thigh.




[Combat Skill 0022] – Adrenalin Booster (5#)

A combat technique created by a high concentration of will. Skilled users can independently control the timing of combat skills. When the adrenaline bursts, the user will have superhuman reaction speed, and in the user’s subjective consciousness, he/she will see a stagnant and slow world. Allows the user to have stronger responses and greater tolerance for pain (same damage taken, but less stiffness from injury pain).

Note: Excessive use of this combat technique will cause a burden on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. Use only 5 times a day. (It will be counted as 5 times together with the power-based combat skills with #)

Criteria for passing the promotion test:

Can independently launch this combat technique, the duration can be as long as ten seconds,

During the continuous process: the neural response speed can be maintained at 200 ft/s (twice the normal response speed);

Pain tolerance can be maintained above 7 dol (1.5 times the pain tolerance of normal people);


[Combat Skill 0023] – Somatic-time Zipper (7!)

Very similar to Combat Technique 0022, it is a Combat Technique that speeds up the reaction. Using magic to stimulate the ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus, this method compresses the human concept of time, in order to achieve the purpose of increasing the reaction speed. In the user’s subjective consciousness, he/she will see a stagnant slow world. This combat maneuver can be activated together with combat maneuver 0022.

Note: This combat maneuver counts as a micro-magic, and excessive use will inflict petrification penalties. Use only 7 times a day. (Together with the magic-type combat skills of the number! will be counted as 7 times)

Criteria for passing the promotion test:

Can independently launch this combat technique, the duration can be as long as ten seconds,

During the continuous process: The neural reaction speed can be maintained at 200 ft/s (about twice the normal reaction speed).


[Combat Skill 0024] – Pain Killer (5#)

A combat technique created by a high concentration of will. Skilled users can independently control the timing of combat skills. When launching combat techniques, it will promote the secretion of polyphenols in the brain, and use the analgesic effect of polyphenols in the brain to resist the stiffness caused by combat injuries. Allows the user to fight tirelessly and painlessly like a berserker.

Note: Excessive use of this combat technique will cause a burden on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. Use only 5 times a day. (It will be counted as 5 times together with the power-based combat skills with #)

Criteria for passing the promotion test:

Can independently launch this combat technique, the duration can be as long as ten seconds,

During the continuous process: the neural response speed can be maintained at 200 ft/s (twice the normal response speed);

Pain tolerance can be maintained above 7 dol (1.5 times the pain tolerance of normal people);


[Combat Skill 0025] – DVA Booster (5#)

A combat technique created by a high concentration of will. Enhance the user’s dynamic vision, so that the retina can better sense the opponent’s attack trajectory to improve the evasion effect.

Caution: Excessive use of this maneuver can put a strain on the retina and may cause temporary blindness. Use only 5 times a day. (It will be counted as 5 times together with the power-based combat skills with #)

Criteria for passing the promotion test:

Can independently launch this combat technique, the duration can be as long as ten seconds,


In a space with a density of 1:5 scf/hit, if you can evade horizontal attacks 50 times in a row, you will pass.




[Combat Skill 0031] – Muscle Booster (7!)

Use magic to stimulate the muscles of the body, let the muscles overrun in a short time, and burst out with greater force than usual. Muscle explosion can be used in a variety of applications, generally used to increase arm strength, and some knights will use this technique to increase leg strength to improve mobility.

Note: This combat maneuver counts as a micro-magic, and excessive use will inflict petrification penalties. Use only 7 times a day. (Together with the magic-type combat skills of the number! will be counted as 7 times)

Criteria for passing the promotion test:

Can independently launch this combat skill, the duration can be as long as five seconds,

During the continuous process, the arm strength can be maintained at 450KG (about three times the arm strength of a normal adult male).




[Combat Skill 0050] – Death Blow (10!)

A combat technique handed down from ancient uses magic to generate kinetic energy on the blade of the weapon, and explodes a powerful lethality at the moment of attacking the enemy. Since modern melee weapons use a light blade, it is extremely difficult to increase kinetic energy on the blade composed of photons, so this combat technique is instead used in the hand holding the sword. This combat technique is the same as [Combat Technique 0002] – Acceleration, but for the convenience of control, it is limited to the weapon or the hand holding the weapon. This combat technique can be combined with [Combat Technique 0031] – Muscle Burst to generate more damage.

Note: This combat maneuver counts as a micro-magic, and excessive use will inflict petrification penalties. Only 10 uses per day. (The magic-type combat skills with the number ! will be counted as 10 times. If you accelerate multiple acceleration points at the same time, the times will be superimposed.)

Note: There may be flaws in the use of this combat skill. Since the use of kinetic energy to accelerate is a momentary thing, the launch timing needs to be well controlled. Swinging in the air during the battle may cause the stance to collapse, lose balance and fall to the ground. Please think twice before using.

Criteria for passing the promotion test:

Able to use this combat technique five times in a row on the wooden sword for practice, and the average strike force produced is not less than 400N. The calculation standard must first deduct the original arm strength value of the test object.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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