Light Spirit Epic Chapter 968: Fighting for Ziyan (2)


Chapter 968: The fierce battle against Ziyan (2)

At the same time. In a virtual world.

After pushing open an ancient gate covered with disgusting bronze patina, Howl saw an ancient underwater cave with an incomparably complex structure.

The smell of sea tide permeates the underwater cave. Occasionally, some water droplets will drip from the slippery rocks. It is estimated that the seawater seeps into the cave through the cracks in the rock.

“It’s so humid. This kind of place is not suitable for overnighting.” Calvin felt uncomfortable when he saw this underwater cave.

Husky is still looking at the map: “There are a lot of cave systems here. Find a dry place and stay there. Make a fire. Don’t worry about it if it’s wet.”

“And we still have that tent, meow.” The leopard boy also said. “Sleeping in the tent will keep the moisture out, meow. Just make it through tonight.”

“Since you said so. Okay.” Calvin had another plan in mind. He readily gave in.

Husky wasn’t too happy. He didn’t want to sleep in a small tent with a guy like Calvin. But think again. It’s only temporary. While their characters “sleep” Time. Husky can totally log out of the game. Rest in the real world. Stop by for a toilet or something.

Wait for them to come back from a break. Another day has passed in the game world. Their skill counts will be reset. Husky will have enough “ammo” to fight the chapter people.

While thinking about this, Husky has already walked through the cave according to the map. Soon he came to the depths of the underwater cave. A small cave where five or six people can hide at the same time.

The teenagers went their separate ways. Lighted torches all over the cave. Confirmed that there was no hidden danger in the cave. Finally heaved a sigh of relief. A campfire was lit.

The fire shines. The heat spreads in the small cave. It drives away the cold and humidity in the cave. It makes them feel a lot more comfortable.

“Huh. I can finally settle down, meow.” Hal set up the tent. Put it next to the campfire.

“Calvin. Just like last time. Put an ice cube to block the hole.” Husky ordered.

“Alas. Do you still want to play like that? This prince suspects that the group of Zhangmen will chase them into this underwater cave——”

“I just wanted to get a good night’s sleep.” Husky didn’t bother to argue with the murloc prince. He just used the simplest and irrefutable words to perfunctory.

“Okay…” The little murloc prince was slightly dissatisfied. But he also felt that it was always right to be careful. He walked to the entrance of the cave and cast a spell to seal the hole.

It’s almost the same as the last spell. Calvin used a Ice Mist and a Frost Arrow. Simply created a large block of ice that seals the hole. Its surface is specially treated. From the outside It looks like a rock. But it looks like a mirror from inside the cave. It reflects the fire of the campfire in the cave. It prevents the light from leaking out. It exposes the whereabouts of the teenagers. The ice wall is almost seamless. There will never be any strangeness in the cave from the outside.

While the murloc prince casts spells and freezes, Husky and Howl each have a torch. They use the heat of the torch to burn the rocks on the cave floor, creating a relatively dry area. After the cave is completely sealed off. The boys I also put down the big stone in my heart. I sat down around the campfire with peace of mind. Eat their dinner.

“Although it’s very late. But let’s get started, meow.” Hal said with a wry smile. He opened a bag of spare dry food and took a bite on the stick-shaped dry food.

Crackling. Kala Kala. This is the most tasteless meal Husky has ever eaten. These dry rations seem to be the same as the emergency rations in the Knights. Although it can fill the stomach, it tastes like chewing wax.

Why did Uncle Arthur add this kind of thing to the game. It is probably to make the apprentice knights who are training to adapt to this unpalatable dry food and hard life as soon as possible. It won’t affect morale because the food is unpalatable….

Although there is only a hunger value setting in the game. There is no thirst value setting. But Husky eats this dry food. It is inevitable that there will be an illusion of thirst.

“Are you thirsty?” Calvin saw through the needs of the dog boy. He smiled flatteringly: “For a mage, it is really easy to make drinking water.”

The canine boy was a little cautious. But he felt that he couldn’t just fall for the murloc prince’s trick. He coldly rejected: “There is no use of water. There is no container for water.”

“Container. Of course there will be.” Calvin sneered. For a mage who is good at using ice magic, it is easy to make high-temperature ice that will not melt at room temperature. And this It is also the most common technique to use high temperature ice as a cup for water.

“Hehehe. Little dog. If you want, this prince can make it for you. Even with water and a cup. Let you drink enough.”

“No thanks, Wang.” Husky doesn’t want to beg the murloc prince. Just in case Calvin has a market. Some nasty guys are best ignored. Otherwise, the more you talk to him, the more proud he will be. .

“I really don’t need to. You look thirsty~” The murloc prince came over and put one hand around Husky’s shoulder. This prince will give you water. Don’t be patient.”

“No need for that.” Husky suppressed his anger and replied, “Let’s go to bed early after dinner.”

“Really. Don’t lie to yourself. Your body knows how thirsty you are the best -” The murloc prince is still stalking.

Blue veins popped out of Husky’s forehead. He almost started cursing: “You—”

“Then get us a few glasses of water, meow.” Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the friends was getting stronger and stronger, Hal quickly interrupted the conversation between the canine boy and the murloc prince: “It happened that Hal also said I’m thirsty. Okay. Your Royal Highness, meow.”

Calvin gave Hal a sidelong glance in disgust: “Hmph—no one’s asking your opinion. Little black cat. Then again, you didn’t help at all today. Not only didn’t you help. Always trouble us. You have the nerve to ask this prince for this or that.”

“Uh-sorry meow-” These words deeply hurt the Leopard boy. He stopped talking.

“Shut up. You don’t have the right to teach Harwan a lesson.” Husky finally got angry. He pushed the murloc prince away: “This is just a game. If you can’t help, what will you do? You need it. With such a snobbish eye. Do you have to be someone who can help you? Wang.”

“Not necessarily. But at least don’t be a hindrance.” Calvin grinned. “This little black cat is a burden. Thanks to his recklessness. He spent all your [self-healing enhancement]. Let you today Fighting hard with no means of recovery. It’s not a drag.”

“Husky didn’t care about the woof. He said it was just a game.”

“And in reality. He is a disabled person.” Calvin criticized even more: “I guess you are very interested in helping him change diapers or something.”

“Hal doesn’t need-“

“No one is asking your opinion.” The murloc prince yelled at the leopard boy. He suppressed Howl’s words.


“Don’t bark so fiercely at Hal.” The canine boy was even more angry: “Husky doesn’t care about the realistic and unrealistic barking. Even if he is paralyzed in bed for life. Hal is still Husky’s My friend Wang. This point will never change Wang”

(stop meow.)

“Really. Are you sure.” Calvin sneered even more brazenly: “This prince can assert. He will never bring you any good. He is the little black cat who brings misfortune. Now is. Later And it will always be. He will drag you down. Take you into more dangerous situations. And kill you. If you don’t listen to this prince’s advice and stay with this little black cat. Always. One day you will regret it.”

“Walk again at that time.” Husky doesn’t believe in evil. He also won’t believe Calvin’s baseless nonsense.

Although he vaguely felt that the murloc prince might be right.

Seeing that the little friends blushed because of his arguing. The Leopard boy’s face was also filled with indescribable embarrassment. It took him a long time to muster enough courage.

Calvin and Husky were silent. The quarrel came to an abrupt end.

“It’s very late… Let’s go to bed, meow.” The leopard boy whispered. As if the roar just now exhausted his courage: “In order to avoid the same accident as yesterday. You can go to bed first. Howl is in charge of the cat.”

“You’re tired too. You need to recover—”

“Hal is not tired, meow.” The leopard boy shook his head at his little friend: “And Hal’s current condition. Even if he recovers his combat skills, it can be of great help, meow. If Tomorrow’s battle won’t help you. Then please at least let Hal help you watch Ye Meow…”


“The little black cat said so. What are you talking about.” The murloc prince climbed into the tent on his own: “Hehe. Not bad. It’s pretty dry.”

The canine boy frowned deeply. He was full of doubts and displeasure. He complained to the leopard boy: “Do you want Husky to sleep with that kind of guy? Wang.”

“You can do whatever you want with your body in the game. You guys are about to log out of the game. Right meow.”

“But. He must use Husky’s tail as a pillow again-“

“You just let him sleep meow. You won’t lose anything, meow.” Hal whispered, “He will always trouble you. In fact, he just wants to be your friend meow. Be nice to him. Son. Maybe you can get along well, meow.”

“No – not like that Wang.” Husky just wanted to say something. D Vickers’ point of If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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