Light Spirit Epic Chapter 918: Lost in Tianyuan (21)


Chapter 918 Lost in Tianyuan (21)

“Nah…! Why don’t you do more!” Hearing Seglade’s answer, Bedivere was equally angry and helpless.

This is the danger of running out of ammunition and food and hanging on the line!

Without the (slightly stronger) weapon of the Bone Pile Cannonball, the only means of attack they had left were the hundreds of wooden arrows. No matter how high the attack power of these wooden arrows can be, if you don’t try, even this last hope will be lost!

So, the werewolf was cruel and stretched out his palm to the quiver——

“Enough, boy!” Palamedis pressed down on the impulsive Bedivere. “You still have those wooden arrows. It won’t kill the monster anyway.”

“Palami!” Bedivere protested loudly. He thought the big cat wanted to stop him from continuing to attack, but of course he refused.

The leopard warrior slapped the ronin on the head: “I said [enough] is [enough]. You don’t need to shoot, let me deal with it.”


Ignoring the werewolf’s protest, the big cat stood up. Crystal armor grew from his body, and the fur on his body began to glow with dazzling golden electric light.

The big cat looked at Bedivere and said earnestly: “The boat will be handed over to you. Take these little devils to a safe place, okay?”

“What do you want to do—“

Whoosh! —Before Bedivere asked, Palamidis had already jumped out with a gun!

The light stone crystal backpack on the big cat’s back cannot provide enough buoyancy for flying, it can only slow down the falling speed, and the effect is like a parachute.

Originally, it doesn’t make any sense for the big cat to fly like this. He can’t hit the black golden eagle that is moving very fast in the air, and he will only become a living target in the air.

However, the situation has changed dramatically. After Bedivere blasted with bone stakes, the black golden eagle was not only severely injured, but also covered with heavy bone stakes. These cannonballs with bloodletting grooves and undercuts are deeply embedded in the monster’s body, while bleeding, while bringing extra weight, and rubbing flesh to cause pain, hindering the action of the eagle!

As a result, the maneuverability difference between Palamidis and the Black Golden Eagle becomes much smaller, enough to be compensated by technology!

Like the eagle, the big cat condensed a thin film of light stone on the soles of his feet, which allowed him to lightly step on the photon flow in the air and make a small change of direction in mid-air!

Even if the steed eagle has a greatly weakened mobility, even if it wants to dodge, it is still unknown whether it can avoid the relatively flexible Palamidis falling from the sky!

It twisted its body reluctantly, trampled the space with its hooves, and traversed as it rose, but no matter what, it couldn’t distance itself from the big cat!

And the two will collide in the next instant!

Clap! Palamidis stomped his feet, stepped on the air, adjusted his posture, and landed on the back of the eagle subtly!

Crack! Immediately, he raised the meteor gun Gengunier in his hand and stabbed the monster’s body fiercely! Most of its spear body penetrates the chest of the black golden eagle, no matter how the monster moves, it is impossible to get rid of it!


It flipped up and down, rolled from side to side, and hovered erratically in mid-air, trying to throw Palamidis off its back!

“Want to get rid of me?! No way!” the big cat yelled, grabbing the handle of the spear with all his might. He even sent a strong electric current from his body, numbing the black golden eagle and slowing down the monster’s struggle!

Immediately it became a wrestling between the two—leopards and monsters competed not only with strength, but also with skill, stamina, and will!

The black golden eagle pulled and slammed wildly with all its strength, trying to throw Palamidis off, and Palamidis also grabbed the monster with all his strength, using electric shock and physical strength to maintain himself on the back of the eagle on, and constantly suppress the opponent’s actions!

Everyone on the boat was dumbfounded. This is neither cutting each other with weapons nor biting and grasping each other with fangs and claws, but a fight between [getting rid of] and [entanglement]. Such a peculiar way of wrestling is rare in the world!

Touch! The monster rammed into the bottom of the boat as it rolled around, almost knocking the people off the boat! Bedivere is still in a daze, and he doesn’t know how to maneuver the spaceship to escape!

“Stupid! What are you waiting for?!” The big cat saw that the spaceship and the eagle were still at a dangerous distance, and immediately shouted: “Take them away! I’ll handle it here!”

The werewolf woke up from the daze. He immediately grabbed the edge of the photon mirror and opened it like an umbrella. Electricity has flowed from Bedivere’s metal prosthetic left arm to the Photon Mirror, and the propulsion it produces makes the boat move!

Bedivere also grabbed the jet thruster with one hand and set it on fire. The ejected flames and high-pressure gas further propelled the spaceship to move, making the ship accelerate for a good distance!

“What are you doing meow? Where is dad still me meow!” Saifer screamed hysterically: “Go back now meow!!”

“No!” Bedivere roared decisively: “If you want to go back, jump off the boat yourself! I have to take you away!”

This is no longer Bedivere’s selfish decision. This is not only in accordance with Palamides’ entrustment, but also for the sake of everyone on board.

Staying there will only increase the burden on Palamidis, that is, it will not help the Leopard warriors in the slightest, and it will also cause invisible psychological pressure to Palamidis. On the boat, they may lose their qualifications for the exam due to being late, or they may be hit again by the struggling eagle, and the boat will be destroyed!

At this point, Bedivere has regained his senses, and he fully understands what Palamidis is thinking: the big cat wants to sacrifice himself to hold the black gold eagle so that the people on board have a chance to escape!

“Dad Meow!” Seeing the figure of Palamidis wrestling with the Black Golden Eagle gradually moving away, the young Leopard Seglade screamed in despair.

“Don’t worry. He’ll survive. He’s an emerald knight with a strong physique,” Bedivere said calmly.

This is not consolation, but truth. As an emerald knight, Palamidis has a powerful regeneration ability. Even if he can’t use magic, it is not enough to deal with a small eagle! …Right?

However, for this exam, Palamidis may be disqualified due to being late. This stupid big cat finally chose to help his sons pass the exam, even at the expense of himself.

Bediver didn’t mourn much, and subconsciously shielded the protests and curses of Syfer and Seglade in his mind, and began to concentrate on manipulating the spacecraft.

Too much has been lost, and they are bound to gain this time. If you can’t meet the deadline for the exam, Bedivere will definitely face Palamides in the future.

Less than half an hour left. This is the last sprint and the last chance. There is nothing to worry about. The werewolf has fully opened the thrusters of the spacecraft, driven the photon reflector with the maximum power, and made a full effort. I hope the spacecraft Able to reach the finish line before the deadline!

The boat galloped fast, approaching Mount Kilimanjaro at a steady and dependable speed. The ship was enveloped in a dead silence, and everyone began to pray with all their heart that this final journey would be smooth sailing.

However, it backfired! The more anxious they were, the more bad luck they encountered.

Clap! ! The sound of something burning came from the bottom left and rear of the boat! Then came the smell of burnt rubber.

Clap la la la! Another sound of equipment being burned out! The burnt smell is even more pungent and unpleasant! The boat began to sway erratically! When the werewolf realized what was going on, he felt a lot of cold in his heart!

That’s right, the anti-gravity device at the bottom of the ship started to fail due to the impact just now! It was a very precise electronic instrument, and it was hit hard by the black golden eagle, and it was a strange thing that it didn’t break!

There are four anti-gravity devices on the bottom of the ship, and in the current state, two of them should be broken. The buoyancy is seriously insufficient, the boat starts to sway randomly, and the height cannot be raised! !

“Quick, add fire!” Professor Paul at the bow exclaimed, seeing the snow-capped mountains in front of them getting closer and closer!

“Cough cough!” Albert lay in Chanel’s arms and coughed a few more mouthfuls of blood!

“Can’t add fire! He can’t take it anymore!” Chanel, the elf girl, exclaimed. If the height climbs again, Albert’s life will really be threatened!

“Oh no! We can’t take it anymore, meow!” Seglade also exclaimed.

The huge mountain in front of them blocks the spaceship’s path!

No matter how Bedivere twisted the photon mirror to make the boat turn sharply, no matter how the two Leopard youths frantically added fire to the stone bowl, the deflection angle of the boat was still far from enough to allow the boat to go around this mountain. The buoyancy brought by the hot air balloon is far from enough to make the spacecraft go over this mountain!

The spaceship is about to collide! The impact at this speed will definitely crash their spaceship, and the entire ship will die!

“Get up!!” The werewolf twisted the stern to change the angle of the photon reflector, making it slant down! The photon mirror brings an upward reaction force, pushing the ship higher in an instant! The sudden climb made everyone on the boat involuntarily fall to the stern, very embarrassed, but this is the only way to save their lives from the immediate crisis!

However, the boat still couldn’t get over the mountain completely!

Touch! ! This emergency evasion ended in failure. The spacecraft slanted into the snow layer of the mountain peak, and had a close contact with this snow-covered peak!

That was a fatal encounter!

The spaceship flipped over like a rocker, instantly breaking into two halves, and countless pieces of bone and wood shattered in the screams!

Everyone on the deck was thrown overboard, and flew out helplessly one by one, falling to the snow in front of them.

Bediver, the hapless one, slammed into the stone wall of the peak, spat out blood, and fell. He buried most of his body in the snow and lost consciousness for a while! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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