Light Spirit Epic Chapter 890: Fighting for Tianyuan (8)


Chapter 890: The fierce battle in Tianyuan (eight)

“Enough!” Bedivere held up the magic-sealing bracelet in his right hand and cried, “Palami, I’m going to try to use this bracelet to contact the examiners of the round table trial! This is more than we can handle. It’s time to let the knights of Great Britain deal with it! They may have a way to capture this undead monster and send it to the pure land of Avalon!”

“Stop! It’s useless!” Palamidis was still floating in mid-air, falling at a slow speed by the anti-gravity of the light stone crystal.

Unable to agree with the werewolf’s proposal, he shouted hysterically: “Far water can’t save near fire! Before the people of Great Britain came to seal the monster, it escaped! — And I don’t want to. I failed my exam because of this little thing!”

(This is the real reason! For this sake, are you still thinking about the exam?)

(No. Palamides is just thinking about his sons. If they call for help at will, not only will they be disqualified from the exam, but they will also be involved with the people accompanying them, and of course the competition fee and Seglade.)

(Too nasty.)

Bediver carefully avoided the monster’s attack, but felt extremely aggrieved in his heart. Having a guy like Palamidis as a teammate is really unreliable. Just when the werewolf felt depressed and desperate, a certain black shadow appeared in the sky.

“That’s it?!” The werewolf looked up at the thing.

A spherical creature floats in the air. With the constant flash of lightning in the air, Bedivere could clearly see that the huge sphere was composed of countless squirming swamp tentacles.

And a giant snake’s head emerged from the top of the sphere. It was the Dark Spirit Swamp Python that chased Bedivere and others for an entire noon today!

“My God! It’s still coming?!” Bedivere crouched to avoid the tail sweep of the evil spirit bone fire dragon, exclaiming at the same time.

Albert and the others used a clever trick to drag the swamp python, and the group should have left the monster’s pursuit far away, and it is impossible to be caught up again!

Unexpectedly, this monster is so desperate to get home, and it can keep chasing the faint smell of Bedivere, chasing it to such a place! ?

It’s covered in swamp tentacles, forming a giant ball of flesh. The dark spirit may have absorbed even those tentacle monsters and become part of its body!

Tentacle Monster’s octopus-like tentacles keep squirming and look disgusting! What principle does this huge tentacle sphere rely on to float in the air, I am afraid only it knows!

An evil spirit bone fire dragon is already difficult to deal with, and now there are more monsters like the Dark Spirit Swamp Python!

——Is this still keeping people alive? !

However, things didn’t turn out as Bedivere imagined. The Evil Spirit Steel Bone Fire Dragon saw the Dark Spirit Swamp Python, as if it had seen its mortal enemy, and immediately emitted a strong black flame breath at the Swamp Python!

Yes! These monsters have no mind at all, they only kill for the sake of killing, and they will destroy everything in front of them. And the bigger the target, the more hatred it can attract—it is a matter of course for two monsters to fight each other!

Unfortunately, the black flames fired by the evil spirit bone fire dragon did not scorch the opponent. The Dark Spirit Swamp python spread out with some kind of strong protective shield, easily blocking the dragon flame of the bone fire dragon!

The next second, the swamp python begins to fight back. Its huge spherical body is made up of countless swamp tentacles, and these monster octopus-like tentacles immediately transform into countless snake heads.

Thousands of serpent heads opened their mouths full of fangs at the same time, spewing venom at the evil spirit steel bone fire dragon!

Pure black, with strong corrosive venom, pouring down on the bone fire dragon like a torrential rain! They can easily corrode metal, and of course bones!

However, the flames of the bone fire dragon’s body became more intense. The high heat of the black flame steamed the venom instantly, and the venom had no chance to even touch the bone fire dragon!

“My God—” Bedivere stepped back subconsciously, trying to stay away from these monsters. This is simply a god-level fight, and ordinary people like Bedivere have no way to intervene at all. Just taking care of themselves and not being affected by the attacks of monsters is already doing their best!

“It’s now!” The werewolf retreated to Palamidis and whispered, “Let’s take this opportunity to escape. Let these monsters kill each other!”

“No! Hold on!” Palamedis watched from behind a huge cluster of crystals, “I have a bad feeling, we’ll see this fight to the end!”


“It’s no use fleeing, they will surely catch up. Bedivere, you are really [loved] by these spirits!”


“According to the experience they said, the ghost of the pirate ship you encountered before should not be accidental.” Palamidis glanced at the werewolf: “And then I went to your tiger friend to confirm. , now you have been attacked by more spirits.”

“Yes, but—“

“Bedivere, according to my guess, there must be something special about you that attracts these spirits. If things gather together, the spirits will attract each other. Is it Arthur who gave Are your Holy Spirit diamonds up to you?”

The werewolf frowned. Indeed, the diamond of the Holy Spirit White Diamond – [Holy Spirit – Cabin in the Woods] that King Arthur gave to Bedivere seven years ago is still hidden in the left arm of the werewolf’s metal prosthesis.

And the nature of the cabin in the woods is very special. It has been separated from the monitoring of Avalon Pure Land and actually exists in the real world.

Bedivere has been being targeted by various spirits lately. Is it because of this guy?

Too bad!

Bediver, who wears the magic bracelet and cannot use magic, is like a delicacy that is irresistible to these spirits.

And this “delicious meal” is still spreading to the spirits all the time, and only the spirits can feel the sweet smell.

If things go on like this, it will be useless even if Bedivere escapes to the ends of the earth! ?

At the same time, Great Britain, in front of Lian Yin’s apartment.

“It’s here.” Westad landed the cavalry in front of the apartment and put down the mother and son of Lotus.

“Thank you, Lord Verstad.” Lian Yin hugged Husky and nodded to the Knights of the Round Table: “I’m so sorry for wasting your time all night.”

“Don’t worry, this is the order of His Majesty King Arthur,” the knight said to the lady in a gentle tone: “And, I will do it myself, Miss Lotus.”

Under the soft moonlight, the handsome knight surveyed the lady in front of him.

Even as the mother of a child, Lian Yin is still beautiful and moving, exuding the radiance of motherhood all over her body. The canine boy in her arms was already asleep, and the child’s face was lying on the chest of this lady Patimo, both mother and child reflected a moving brilliance under the hazy moonlight, as if holding a holy baby Virgin Mary.

Vestad swallows a mouthful of saliva. Under this kind of situation, any normal man would be tempted, and the Knight of the Round Table Westard was just a mortal.

Of course, that strange thought was immediately suppressed by the knight’s reason. He deliberately looked away and said in a low voice, “Then, I will leave first. My subordinates will set up a security net around your apartment to prevent anyone from approaching. You can rest in peace.”

“Thank you again, Lord Westard.” Lian Yin also blushed and whispered, “Good night. May you have a nice weekend.”

The knight of the round table nodded, with a slightly reluctant look on his face, he moved the engine of the iron cavalry, and flew away at a high speed.

And when Lianyin opened the door and returned home, Husky also woke up.


“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” Lian Yin closed the door behind her, “Have you eaten dinner? If you’re not hungry, take a shower and go to bed.”

The canine boy nodded lightly. He “played” all day today, and his muscles were so tired that he didn’t want to move any more.

But he seemed to remember something, so he asked in a dazed and low voice: “Mommy, are you okay? Didn’t you get hurt in the fire?”

“I’m fine, it’s just a few scratches, which will be healed soon.”

As a powerful mage, an artificial man specially created by ancient people for magic warfare—[Patimo], Lian Yin can heal herself with any magic trick, so there is nothing special about it Care about injuries.

She placed Husky on the sand, poured a glass of milk for her son, but subconsciously touched the handkerchief on her left arm. That was the handkerchief of Knight of the Round Table, Vestad. He just used this white cotton handkerchief without any pattern to bandage Lian Yin’s wound.

Lian Yin took off the handkerchief and performed a magic trick to heal the wound on her arm. She was holding the handkerchief, but she had an indescribably complicated feeling in her heart.

“Mommy…?” Seeing Lian Yin holding a glass of milk, Husky quickly asked, “Are you really in pain? Do you want to call the doctor?”

“Oh,” Lian Yin’s thoughts were pulled back to reality: “No, it really doesn’t matter. Here, this is your milk—“

The canine boy looked at his mother suspiciously, took a sip of milk, and chatted casually: “Mummy, Husky had a dream just now, dreaming that he was barking with Daddy’s friends. Ha. Skye also defeated the tuatara monsters and saved Pabby’s friends.”

“Oh, isn’t it? Husky is so good.” Renine replied perfunctorily, taking some antibiotics from the medicine cabinet to avoid bacterial infection of her wounds.

She didn’t take her son’s words seriously. After all, it was a child’s absurd dream, and all kinds of wild imaginations were possible.

Seeing her mother’s answer so perfunctory, Husky was a little unhappy: “Mummy doesn’t believe Husky’s words? This is all true! The tiger monster who ran naked in the sky before was also there, And little Howl’s brothers are also wooing.”

Lian Yin finds it funny, it all sounds even more absurd.

Children often confuse reality with imagination, and that’s what makes them cute.

Lian Yin was afraid that continuing to make fun of her son would hurt his self-esteem, so she interrupted immediately: “Okay, Mummy believes in Husky. After drinking your milk, go take a shower and sleep. It’s ten o’clock. , your bedtime has long passed.——Could it be that you want Mommy to bathe you and put you to sleep?”

The dog boy immediately pouted and shouted: “Husky can do a good job on his own! Husky is not a child anymore! Husky and Hal have been promoted two levels today!”

“Two levels? What two levels?” Lian Yin frowned.

“Uh—it’s nothing!” The canine boy knew he had slipped his tongue, and stopped immediately. He quickly poured milk into his stomach, resisted the muscle pain, bounced off the sand, and walked towards the bathroom: “Husky has gone to take a shower, Mommy don’t follow me!”

“Huhu…” Seeing her son’s funny appearance while walking, Lian Yin’s fatigue accumulated all day seemed to be swept away, she didn’t follow, just reminded with a smile : “The change of clothes is in the first cabinet on the left side of the bathroom, and the towels are also on the side. Remember to dry your body after taking a shower before going to bed.”

At that time, the canine boy had already taken off his shirt, leaned out half of his body from the bathroom door, and shouted slightly unpleasantly: “Got it, Mommy is so wordy!”

Lian Yin smiled again, sat down on the chair to rest, and looked thoughtfully in the direction of the bathroom.

Maybe it was because she was too tired, or because of the drug, Lian Yin felt very sleepy, and her alertness dropped sharply because of this, and she didn’t notice a dark shadow gradually approaching behind her.

“Who ——?!”

When the shadow swung out the dagger at a lightning-fast speed and pierced the woman’s left chest from behind Lian Yin, she only let out a slight exclamation.

“Haas——” When her heart was pierced, blood was pouring out, and her consciousness began to blur, she still couldn’t forget her child.

“Mommy, where the **** is the wash water —” Husky ran into a little trouble while taking a shower. He stuck his head out of the bathroom to ask for help, but he saw a scene that shocked him.

The woman’s chest spurted a lot of She was half-kneeling on the ground, but her eyes fell on her son: “Husky—run away—!”

“Mom, Mommy!!——” The canine boy screamed. With soap bubbles all over his body, he desperately ran towards his mother.

As a Patimo, the mortally wounded Renine’s body begins to activate its self-protection mechanism. Her body started to petrify quickly from the wound, and she soon turned into an indestructible stone statue, entering a state of complete petrification dormancy.

And the shadow behind Lian Yin, also holding a **** dagger, gradually walked towards the canine boy.

“No, don’t bark!!——” Husky was so frightened that he was paralyzed on the ground, unable to move.

“Shut up, kid!” The shadow made a strange, processed voice. He stretched out a hand to the canine boy, a blood-stained hand!

His hands are getting closer, and he is about to grab the boy’s throat! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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