Light Spirit Epic Chapter 888: Fighting for Tianyuan (6)


Chapter 888: The fierce battle in Tianyuan (six)

Boom! ! The entire institute collapsed. The research institute with a height of more than ten stories, because of the continuous burning of the fire and the loose structure, finally collapsed!

“No!! Mommy!!” “Mom!” The two orc teenagers exclaimed at the same time.

If they didn’t escape this fire, then Merlin, Vivian, and Lian Yin would probably have…

The excess light of some kind of magic seeps out from the ground of the research institute, and through the rubble, it vaguely catches the eyes of everyone.

“Huh?” Arthur narrowed his eyes at the strange light.

“Your Majesty, let me deal with it. —Kelberos?” Celestial Knight Yones called.

His mount, the three-headed hellhound, has galloped forward. The giant hellhounds dug with their claws and lifted the rubble with ease.

A huge magic circle is exposed on the ground. And in the middle of the array, there is something similar to a cover.

“That’s right. Merlin’s Institute is in the basement.” Arthur remembered. The three were probably hiding in the basement during the crisis.

“Are you going to open it?” Euns said half-inquiry and half-reminder.

The people present were ready, and the three-headed Cerberus immediately hooked a paw on the cover and dug it open.

A chill seeps from the ground. That coldness is not inferior to the [Dark Blue Wave Cannon] of the Ice Crystal.

“Arthur?” Vivian stuck her head out of the basement.

“Mom!” Hal screamed when he saw Vivienne: “You’re fine meow!”

“Oh, of course I’m fine.” Vivienne walked over nonchalantly and took her son from King Arthur: “Are you okay, Hal?”

“Well, Howl is very nice today!” the leopard boy shouted.

“What about my mommy?” Husky asked impatiently.

“She’s fine, just a little burn.” Vivian said lightly.

The entire time he spoke, Arthur’s eyes fell on the bloodstains on Vivian’s body. When he saw the two teenagers have finished asking, he immediately answered: “Vivian, your bloodstain is——“

“Don’t worry, it’s not my blood.” The succubus’ watch was very relaxed, and the blood on her body didn’t seem to be on her body because anyone was injured.

“What the **** is going on?” So King Arthur was even more puzzled.

“Oh, you all come along, it’s quicker to explain.” Vivian hugged her son and walked to the basement again.

Arthur and the others looked at each other and followed with great doubts.

“Wow!” As soon as Husky stepped into the basement, he felt a cooling sensation permeate his body.

“We were surrounded by fire, we had no choice but to hide in the basement and used magic to reduce the temperature here.” Vivian said as she walked down the stairs of the basement: “And there are magic shields protecting us. Here It’s actually quite safe.”

Arthur looks at the magic formation on the basement ceiling. Indeed, there are some top magicians here, and the protective magic they release cannot be penetrated by a little fire.

“But…” Arthur couldn’t help frowning: “Since you know you want to escape, why don’t you just use teleportation to escape? Why do you want to hide in this kind of basement?”

“Ah, if it’s just me, Merlin, and Lian Yin, it’s easy to escape with teleportation.” Vivian walked to the door of the basement and gently opened the door: “We don’t have any. I ran away because of this——“

The vast basement is a wonderland surrounded by soft lighting and chilly icy fog.

In this “Wonderland”, a group of people are taking refuge.

Aside from the Institute’s resident staff and guards, a group of orcs stand out.

Or, a pack of werewolves. There are men and women, werewolves in servant costumes.

These werewolves are actually the descendants of the Eskimo tribe, and there are only dozens of them left.

Seven years ago, these werewolves were discovered when King Arthur’s troops attacked the research institute of the fox people. Their state is very bad, and their brains have been remodeled by the foxes. Although they were rescued from a dangerous state by surgery, these werewolves had suffered brain damage and were handicapped for a lifetime.

They have a very low IQ, the level of a six-year-old. And this group of werewolves were taken in by the Great Mage Merlin and stayed in the research institute to help with some simple chores.

“Wow, it’s Pabby’s clan Wang.” Husky exclaimed.

“Husky? Is that Husky?” Rinne’s voice came from the crowd. The woman rushed out and hugged her son: “Husky! You’re fine!”

“Mommy! You’ll be fine if you’re fine!” The dog boy also hugged his mother tightly, letting go of his heart.

“Uh, I still don’t get it, what’s going on here?” Arthur couldn’t help asking.

“Born here—this thing—.” Merlin also stepped out of the crowd, holding a baby in his arms.

Furry, puppy-like, werewolf babies.

“It’s a baby wow, so cute.” The little murloc prince couldn’t help shouting.

“This is…?” Arthur frowned.

“It is the child born by a werewolf couple who do chores here.” Merlin touched the baby’s forehead: “Unlike his parents, the child’s brain is not damaged and his intelligence is normal. If he is here, the werewolf’s The race will hopefully be revived.”

“Really.” Arthur was stunned for half a second: “Wait, does this have anything to do with you being unable to escape with teleportation?”

“Because teleportation is slightly harmful to the body. For adults, this is not a big problem, but for newborn babies, it is not suitable.” Vivian explained: “So we I decided to stay and take refuge in the basement until the crisis is over.”

“So it is.” King Arthur nodded: “You have done a very noble thing. For the sake of a newborn baby, you are willing to take risks.”

“Huhu.” Vivienne smiled lightly, touched Little Hal’s forehead and said, “When you have your own child, you will understand our heart.”

“Stop talking.” Merlin handed the child back to the werewolves. “Now that the crisis is over, let’s get out of this basement as soon as possible. The child’s mother is not in a stable condition and needs to be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.”

“Then—” Constantine brought a few knights to the stretcher: “Let me handle the situation here. Your Majesty is frightened, you go back to rest first.”

“Very good.” Arthur looked at the two orc teenagers who found their mother, and then looked at the werewolf mother with the baby on the stretcher: “Merlin, please give me a detailed report on this incident. Disband if the others are okay.”

It turned out to be a false alarm.

Anyway, it’s fine as long as there are no casualties.

Arthur walked out of the basement still struggling with the mysterious phone call.

This was a premeditated terrorist attack. Whoever did it, King Arthur will find out one day.

But now—

Arthur looked at the mother and son of Lianne who came out of the basement. He set his eyes on the canine boy Husky.

A blue light roared in the sky, and the Knight of the Round Table Westard came over at this time: “Miss Lian Yin, how are you all?”

“Oh, Westad.” Seeing the handsome knight, Lian Yin hurriedly combed her slightly scattered head, and wiped away the blood stains and black smoke marks on her face as soon as possible, and then He said shyly: “We are fine. Everything is fine, don’t worry.”

“Your arm…” Westad looked sadly at Lian Yin’s left arm. There was a small wound on the arm, which was probably scratched by rubble or the like when escaping.

The knight of the round table immediately took out his handkerchief and bandaged the woman: “Sorry, this is the only one for now. Go back and sterilize and bandage properly.”

“Uh, thank you…” Lian Yin blushed, and even the dark night couldn’t hide the shyness on her face.

(A handsome knight and a lonely single mother. A perfect match.)

(With a knight as strong as Westad as escort, those gangsters can’t beat Husky’s idea. It’s better.)

“Listen, Westad. From today onwards, you will be responsible for the 24-hour protection of the two mothers and sons. I will leave them to you,” King Arthur ordered.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The Knight of the Round Table, Westad, saluted King Arthur, and then escorted the mother and son of Lotus to his cavalry: “Then, we will retire first.”

“Goodbye Uncle Arthur Wang!” Husky waved to King Arthur: “I’m very happy tonight, let’s play together tomorrow!”

“Yeah.” The King of Knights nodded. “See you tomorrow, Husky.”

The tall and handsome knight of the round table left with Lian Yin and his son, his iron cavalry drawing a long arc of light in the night sky.

“Daddy. That that-” The little murloc prince also whispered something in his father’s ear.

After listening to his son’s request, the Celestial Knight Youns was a little confused: “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. Hehe.” The little prince smiled Well, I’ll try. “Youns shrugged:” But that uncle Arthur over there is notoriously bad-hearted, and he may not necessarily do what his father said. You have to be prepared to be rejected. “

“Cough! I can hear your words—” Arthur coughed dryly, with angry blue veins protruding from his forehead.

“Hehehe…” Yones smiled and touched his younger son’s head: “Calvin, greet His Majesty King Arthur.”

“Yes.” The little murloc prince saluted in a dignified manner and said to the king of knights in a slightly arrogant tone: “Kalvin, the second prince of the Icelandic kingdom, greets His Majesty King Arthur of Great Britain.””Yes.”

“…No gift.” Arthur looked at the handsome little prince. Although the child looked very elegant and generous, the King of Knights always felt a little unhappy.

By the way, the image of another person emerges before King Arthur. I see. Prince Calvin was almost identical to his brother Tristan. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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