Light Spirit Epic Chapter 845: Escape to the Demon Marsh (21)


Chapter 845: Escape to the Magic Marsh

——Or maybe not! !

“Humph!” The big cat endured the severe pain in his chest, pulled out his dagger, slashed it with one knife, and cut off a large section of the swamp giant tortoise’s tongue!

Indeed, as an ordinary person, under this fatal blow, he would have been pierced through the heart and died!

However, as an emerald knight, Palamides was able to change his body structure. “K**yan**first*(..)” It’s not difficult to move your heart half an inch to the right!

The monster’s heart-piercing blow didn’t really penetrate the big cat’s heart, it just brushed past the left ventricle of the leopard warrior! —Although he was still seriously injured, he at least avoided death!

“Ouch—” The head of the swamp turtle emerged from the water, twisted with pain, and a row of sharp white teeth was about to bite at the Leopard Man!

Albert wouldn’t give a chance to monsters to hurt people again! He had already jumped out of the raft, raising the rhinoceros horn and hitting the ground with a stab!

The monster never expected someone to fall from the sky. Just thinking about attacking the target in front of him, the defenseless swamp giant tortoise was directly pierced by the rhino horn giant sword, and the water surface was stained with bright red for a while, becoming extremely turbid!

“Are you okay, meow?” Albert looked at the Leopard warrior in surprise: “You can’t die if your heart is pierced, what kind of structure is your body?”

(The structure of the dead.)

Palamidis pulled out the big turtle’s tongue stuck in his chest: “Stop talking, get back to the raft! The boat is going!”

His judgment was correct. Although Albert killed the terrifying swamp tortoise at the raft anchorage, the peace of the swamp was also broken, and the blood spread in the water, awakening the other swamp tortoises!

After a few seconds, the calm and peaceful swamp turns into a hellish killing field! Countless “slopes” stood up one after another, erecting their cockroaches under the incomparable excitement! The giant tortoises in the swamp were screaming, calling friends and companions, and gathered towards the raft at a slow speed!

“Get off the boat, get off the boat!” Albert opened the anti-gravity devices at the four corners of the boat, allowing the raft to float.

But he immediately frowned and said, “No! It’s going to be a hot air balloon! If you run on the ground, you’ll be swept by their tongues!”

The 30-foot-long tongues of the giant tortoises dance like tentacles, fast and deadly. Even a raft made so sturdy, if it is swept by such a tongue, it is estimated that it will disintegrate immediately!

“This time, I couldn’t agree more!” Chanel put the firewood into the fire tray (stone bowl) and let them burn vigorously. The hot air quickly filled both balloons, creating extra buoyancy that lifted the raft into the air!

As soon as it reaches thirty yards in the air, the swamp tortoises are out of reach. Seems to be safe for now.

“Um.” Palamidis took some pine resin and smeared it on the wound, and dealt with it briefly: “The previous commotion was really because the two little ghosts were in danger? Go and meet them.”

Chanel said quickly: “I know the direction—over there, five o’clock!”

“Let’s go right away.” The badly wounded Palamidis still operated the photon mirror, propelling the ship forward.

At the same time, the two young orcs who were trapped on the giant tortoise shell in the swamp had been waiting for a long time and no one came to answer them, and they were already a little impatient.

Seglade asked in a low voice, “Mr. Bedivere, I think we’ll have to run. Let’s go back as soon as possible to meet everyone, meow.”

“No.” The werewolf vetoed: “No matter how fast we run, we can’t match the tongues of those monsters. If we run away in a hurry, they will cut a lot of holes in us. Trust your father and Chanel. Well. They will definitely sense the movement here and come to save us.”

“But…” Seglade looked pained.


I can’t hold back a bit…” Seglyde whispered.

“Oh my god…” The werewolf showed an incredible look.

“You said…is it possible to get up and pee when these monsters aren’t paying attention meow?”

Bediver looked around at the giant swamp tortoises. The monsters were much more honest, but they did not lie down and continue to sleep, but paced around slowly, as if they were still looking for the traces of the two orcs.

“That’s not a good idea,” Bedivere whispered.

The two of them are now lying motionless on the turtle’s back, so that they are temporarily undetected.

I’m afraid, as soon as they change their posture, they will be spotted by these monsters right away?

Then they will have nowhere to run and die tragically. It’s scary to think about.

“That…can’t you just take off your pants and pee on your stomach?” The werewolf said depressedly: “Everyone is a man, I won’t laugh at you.”

Seglade glared at Bedivere.

“What?” Bedivere glared back at Seglade.

“Do you think I can maintain this position to pee out meow? And I’m wearing this robe and I have to take off my underwear meow. The movement is too big, I’m afraid that the monsters will see me meow.”

“Oh, it should be no problem to move slowly.” Bedivere glanced at the surrounding swamp giant tortoises again: “Their shells are so tall and thick that they can’t detect the movement on the top of the shell at all. As long as You don’t do much to get their attention and they won’t look up…probably.”

“Probably meow?” The leopard youth gave the werewolf another look.

“Hey, don’t be like this.” Bedivere was annoyed, and casually said: “It’s you who is anxious now, not me. You can find a way to solve it yourself, don’t come to trouble me, okay? In the pants, go back and wash again, everyone will understand this critical situation.”

Seglade gave the werewolf once again, a look that was even more ferocious.

“Forget it, I’ll figure it out myself meow.” Seglade tried to move his left arm, slowly reaching under him.

The process was not very smooth. They lay flat on the turtle’s back for so long, the leopard youth felt that half of his body was numb.

“What a shame…if the rain could cover me meow…” He tried to lift his robe, then tore off his pants.

Slowly move the left foot, very slowly, very slowly.

He took out little Seglyde, put it on the ground, and released it.

A stream of pale yellow water slid down the turtle’s back, and Seglade finally got rid of the filth he’d been holding back for a long time. There was the word “cool” on his cat’s face.

“Huhuhu—” Seglade was still enjoying himself, but he didn’t think that the rolling stream flowing down was following the faint lines of the turtle shell and just landed on the swamp below. on top of the giant tortoise.

Being urinated on top of it’s head, the beast is of course displeased. The black cockroach with protruding blue veins opened its mouth and stretched out its long tentacle-like tongue—in order to give this stinky brat a “surprise”.

“Huh, it’s finally resolved, meow.” Seglade finished his work with a blushing face, and was slowly reaching out, intending to put on his trousers.

“You have to remind me to stay away from the spot where you just urinated,” Bedivere said in disgust, moving slowly as far as possible from the soiled area.

“What about you meow?” Seglade said helplessly, but he himself was slowly moving to the side, trying to move away from the dirty area. The two were lying flat on the ground almost side by side, getting closer and closer as they slowly moved.

Poke, poke.

“Uh, Bedivere?” Seglade felt the strangeness on his buttocks and finally couldn’t help asking.


“Can you please stop poking my **** meow.” Seglade was slowly pulling his pants up. “It makes you feel weird when I’m bare **** meow.”

“What nonsense are you talking about? I didn’t poke your ass, do you think I’m a pervert?”


“It’s here again, and you said there’s no meow?” Seglade angrily said, pulling his pants up.

The werewolf was angry: “Really not, **** it, don’t wrong me!”

“There is no one else here except you meow. If you don’t have it, don’t you——“

The two slowly got up in horror and turned to look.

The swamp tortoise’s tongue is aimed at Seglade’s **** and stabs at it!

“No!!” With Seglade’s exclamation, the two of them rolled at the same time, avoiding the terrifying blow.

The impact of the giant tortoise’s tongue is so powerful that it can pierce the hard tortoise shell an inch deep! If it stabbed something else, the consequences are really unimaginable!

Although they dodged, Bedivere and Seglade were both startled by the attack and felt a little bit tight!

“It turns out that these turtles are perverts!” The leopard young man couldn’t care about revealing his whereabouts. He quickly put on his pants, covered his butt, and got up: “Run! If you don’t run, it’s too late, meow!”

The werewolf was already lying on the ground and was about to use [Beast Transformation], turning into a silver wolf who was good at running: “Come up!”

“No, wait meow?!” Seglade watched the movement around him.

The whole swamp is boiling, and the giant swamp turtles have climbed up again, waving their tentacle-like tongues to approach! They swung terrifyingly, like a real whip swung with all its strength, with bursts of banging that partially exceeded the speed of sound.

There is no escape! These guys’ tongues are too fast, too powerful, and too dangerous to be swept away!

The only thing they can do, and the only sensible thing to do, is to stay here and wait for help!

Seglade pulled out his dagger immediately and cut off the monster’s long tongue before the giant swamp tortoise under their feet pulled its tongue out of the tortoise shell!

Blood spews. After the swamp giant tortoise’s tongue was cut off, its tongue was not long enough to attack the two young orcs on its back!

If Bedivere did what they did before, they temporarily created a safe area until the other swamp tortoises approached.

—But are these guys really going to repeat the same mistakes and give up the two orc youths chasing the tortoise shell and turn to cannibalism? () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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