Light Spirit Epic Chapter 84: Choose from the emperor (middle)


Chapter 84: The Emperor (Part 2)

In the evening, the foreign guest reception hall.

“Have spent the whole day going around in circles with those diplomats, and I can’t even see the emperor’s face. How difficult is it to get close to the Roman emperor?” Kai sat down and sighed.

“This also shows that the emperor’s position is still wavering.” Arthur said, “We have at least taken the first step, and then we can only wait patiently.”

“That’s right, wait. Maybe during the time you’ve been patiently waiting, the emperor has already negotiated terms with the Hungarians to form an alliance.” Kai said.

“He said he wanted to make an alliance with the Hungarians a long time ago. It’s not a day or two away.” Evan said, “Please don’t calm down and don’t shake your **** legs?”

“It’s so noisy,” Kai said angrily, “I don’t even think about how boring I am here. I don’t have TV to watch, and I can’t go out to the bar to pick up girls.”

“It’s better to say how rotten your life was.” Evan said.

“Boy, do you want to fight? I’m just in a hurry, so I’ll accompany you to the end!” Kai shouted.

“Shut me up, both of you!” Arthur said angrily, “Since he is the representative of Pantoracken, at least pretend to be mature, arguing like a primary school student, what kind of decency is it? ?”

“There’s no one else around anyway,” Kai said.

“That’s not the point!” Arthur said, “…Forget it, I’m not talking nonsense with you, it seems that my IQ has dropped to the same level as yours. I’ll go out for a walk. “

“Isn’t there a bunch of guards outside?” Kai said.

“It doesn’t matter. I just went to the reading room of the hotel outside. They can’t stop me from reading books, can they?” Arthur said.

“I’m going too. It’s boring here,” Bedivere said.

“The reading room doesn’t have the ‘books’ you expected.” Kai smiled, “Speaking of the last time you borrowed a copy from me, you still haven’t returned it. Was it because Arthur confiscated it because it was not well hidden?”

The orc boy blushed immediately: “No! The book is still well hidden under the mattress!!”

Kai immediately burst out laughing.

“Let’s talk about this when we go back, Bedi.” Arthur looked at the orc boy gloomily.

“Sorry…” Brady blushed even more.

When the knight came to the reading room, he found that he was not the only user here. A young man with a handsome face and a scholarly temperament was already quietly reading the book. From the cover of the book, it seemed that it should be some kind of military work.

“Meet our future Roman Emperor.” Arthur lowered his voice.

“That person? How could it be. The future Roman emperor would read in a place like this without even a single guard?” Bedivere asked in a low voice.

“It’s true. That is the adopted son of the Roman Emperor Justin I, Justinian. His virtue and wisdom are already known to the world, and the emperor has no direct descendants, Justinian. Almost the only emperor to succeed him,” Arthur whispered.

“You won, Arthur the Silver Knight. Or, the future King of Pantoracken?”

Arthur’s whole body trembled like a sudden electric shock, not only because the whispers between himself and Bedivere were heard, but also because of Justinian’s words themselves.

“…Your Excellency’s ears are really brilliant. But what about the future king of Pantoracken… This kind of joke is a bit big.” Arthur pretended to be calm.

“Isn’t it? I don’t think my true vision magic will be wrong. The huge and quietly flowing light behind you is the proof of the emperor. I have only seen it in my life. Two people have such huge light veins, one is uncle, and the other is you.”

“Light pulse… the torrent of photons in nature? Can that kind of thing determine the fate of people?” Arthur said, “But I’m sorry, I’m just a commoner, a poor and ordinary person. What a king? The… Pantoracken has also been without a king for five centuries.”

“My uncle was also a martial artist, even illiterate. But he went from being an infantryman to a general, and was finally elected emperor by the Senate. What else is impossible in this world?” Justinian asked. , “Don’t limit the height of your dreams with the word ‘impossible’. Human dreams are boundless and never ending. If there is magic in the world to make the impossible possible, then this is and can only be a ‘dream’ ‘.”

“But, Your Excellency…”

“Sorry, I said too much when I got excited. I originally wanted Belisa to stay here to meet you guys, but I’m very curious and want to know what the **** is this knight Arthur, who was so praised by Belisarius. What kind of person is he, I just came to meet you. I didn’t expect to see the future big man of Pantoracken, this trip is really worth it.”

“Your Excellency…”

“Looking at your appearance, there should be no problem with the duel. But I’ll give you the other party’s information for the time being, so that you can make better preparations.” Justinian said, while putting the data disk into the hands of Arthur.

“Anyway, thank you…” Arthur said. Just when he wanted to take the data disk away, Justinian grabbed his hand fiercely. Arthur vaguely saw the dagger with a cold glow in the other’s sleeve, and couldn’t help but get nervous.

“I’m wondering if I should get rid of you now, Arthur the knight.” Justinian said with a smile, “you will be a huge being, huge enough to be a deadly force in the future Roman Empire. The threat of Maybe getting rid of you now is the best choice. But my gut tells me that you are an indispensable existence to the world. So I decided to believe, I decided to do Your friend, don’t be your enemy. Just hope my intuition is right.”

He then shook hands with Arthur, as he would normally say hello to a friend.

“I also hope to be your friend rather than your enemy, Your Excellency.” Arthur said coldly, “My intuition also tells me that you will be a difficult emperor to deal with in the future.”

“Hum hum hum, we are each other.” Justinian laughed, “So sorry, my friend. If you need anything to prepare for the duel, please contact Belisarius, as long as it is Rome. Anything that can be helpful will be prepared for you. Good luck.”

After Justinian left, Bedivere said in a low voice, “What a man of oppression. Before he spoke, he seemed to be just a weak scholar.”

“Meet our future Roman emperor, Justinian I.” Arthur repeated his words, “on the surface, he is ready to stab me a few times. What a cunning old fox.”

“Can he really believe it?” There was a look of unease on Bedivere’s face.

Arthur sneered disapprovingly: “At least, we have the same interests now. If you can use their resources, use them as much as possible.”

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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