Light Spirit Epic Chapter 788: Preparation for trials (8)


Chapter Chapter Preparation for the Trial

Elaine is half-kneeling on the ground. “K**Y**first*(..)” ignored the blow of the hail. Instantly turned into a dragon. He posed with his limbs pressed to the ground. Immediately moved again [Beastly Transformation]. From dragon man to dragon.

The white dragon spreads its wings and lifts into the air. At the same time, he yelled at everyone: “Come up.”

“No. Can’t fly.” Bedivere exclaimed. “Come back.”

Boom. . —

It’s too late. A thunderbolt slammed down from the sky. Elaine, who turned into a dragon, bears the brunt. Got hacked.

The dragon let out a scream. The whole is turned over. He struggled a few times with his feet upside down. Back to prototype.

The white bear is smoking all over. Coughing up and down again and again. while talking. White smoke and foam were spit out from his mouth: “Ouch. It hurts. It hurts to death.”

“You can’t die like this. What a tough guy.” Tiger was petrified from the other direction.

Bediver rolled a glance at Albert. Helping Elaine up: “Are you okay?”

“Okay. It hurts. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.” The white bear man murmured coquettishly. There were many cracks in his clothes. The fur was mottled with burnt black scars. It’s terrifying. In that moment. This guy is almost completely cracked. At the same time, it is also cooked by the high heat generated by the electric current. But he survived under such extreme conditions. The strength of the body is simply against the sky

The werewolf moved the tree shield a little. Looking up at the sky in the rain: “Obviously. They don’t want us to fly directly. If you want to take a shortcut. You will be punished.”

“Then what should I do.” Albert stomped his feet irritably: “You don’t need to fly. Do you use a jumping meow.”

Bediver froze for a moment. This sentence started the werewolf.

Although a pretty crazy approach. But he had seen someone do something similar.

Should say. That’s just a very basic combat skill circulated in the Knights of Great Britain. Anyone with a Silver Knight or above can do it. How well it can be done is another matter.

Bediver watches the hailstorm in the sky. Watched for five minutes. He guessed right. Not only are these hailstones exactly the same size. falling speed. Rhythm. interval. distance between each other. exactly the same. This is an artificial hailstorm. So many phenomena are not random.

“El. Elaine. Watch my movements.” The werewolf drew his lightsaber. The other hand still holds his holy tree shield just in case: “I only demonstrate once. Don’t miss it.”


Albert’s voice of doubt has not yet subsided. Bedivere had already jumped out. He flew up to the roof of the building next to him. Use there as a springboard. Leap towards the hailstones falling from the sky.

Pop. He stepped on a hailstone. Use this hailstone as a tread. Jump up.

Pop. He jumped onto another hailstone. Another leveraging jump. Let yourself fly higher.

Draw. More faster chapters to come. He cut through the hailstones that were blocking the way in front of him. Step on the hailstone that splits in half. Let yourself continue to fly upwards.

Clap clap clap clap. The werewolf climbed into the air in a spiral shape, stepping on the hailstone. He climbed more than thirty yards in an instant.

“My God.” Tiger and White Bear were dumbfounded.

Combat skills—[Horse stepping on flying swallows]. A combat technique that was once very popular in the Knights of Great Britain (formerly Pantoracken). general speaking. It is to step on everything that can be trampled in the air with an amazing reaction speed. In order to long-term lingering skills.

The knights of Great Britain used to be on those battlefields that were under fire. Fly around with this technique. In the opponent’s camp, there were many rumors that “Knights of Great Britain can fly”.

But actually. They can’t fly. They just let the bullets fly. While stepping on these flying bullets move fast.

A simple combat technique can turn an otherwise flat battlefield into a three-dimensional one. Increase the range of activities of the knights. It was a very powerful ability. but. As seen. It is also extremely difficult to control. More faster chapters to come. Dangerous. A very difficult combat skill to master.

A normal knight jumps back and forth three or four times and that’s the limit. Able to use this combat skill proficiently. A knight truly soaring in a sky full of bullets. It was the first time that he became a monster “flying on bullets”;

But most people in the world don’t deserve that toughness. Often ends up falling to the death.

The werewolf climbed about a hundred yards. See the demo is almost there. Then a back-and-forth folded back. Use two or three hailstones as stepping stones. It ended up beside Albert.

It’s still a meow. “Albert looked at the werewolf with strange eyes: “Look at what you have done. That’s something a human can do. You are crazy meow. . “

“Look carefully. Stupid cat.” The werewolf pointed to the hailstones that kept falling in the air and said, “Hailstorms are regular. If you master the rules, you can step on them easily. It’s not difficult at all.”

Although it looks difficult. Actually. If you have a good rhythm. It’s not a big deal at all.

This is easier than the Golden Knights promotion test of the Knights of Great Britain. Update as soon as possible

“But. You. You are still…” There was a look of worry on the Ice Bear Man’s face.

“Don’t worry. These hailstones will hold your weight. Elaine,” the werewolf assured. “They’re enchanted. They’re full of photons. Don’t you see them falling a little unnaturally slow. Just for a moment. You can definitely step on them and not fall off.”

The polar bear bit his fingers in confusion. I don’t know if I should believe it or not. Those hailstones were the size of fists. But the body of the white bear is so huge. He always felt like he would smash them in an instant. Then it fell to the ground with shattered hail. Fell badly.

Anyway. Climb up into the sky on hail like a werewolf. The difficulty is too high.

“Like. If you have to do it. Take the Knights of the Round Table exam…I think. Or—“

“If you want to give up. Please feel free. But I’ll be out soon. I won’t wait for you here forever. Update as soon as possible” The werewolf took out the psychic stone embedded in his left arm. Back to Olin: “This is back to you. The psychic stone is really useful (maybe). Please express my thanks to your prophet Mutani for me.”

Lin takes the treasure. At the same time, he looked at the werewolf with a reluctant look: “Then… please do your best for the exam.”

“Okay. Thank you.” The werewolf did a few warm-ups: “I’m leaving.”

Bediver gallops out again. Use the building next to you to jump into the air. Take the time to step on the hail. Made several jumps. Climb higher and higher.

Watch the werewolf go further and further away. Albert couldn’t just sit back and watch. He said to Olin and Elaine, “I’m leaving too. Please wish me luck.”

“Yes. Good luck,” Olin added. Watching the tiger leap out. Albert used a slightly more clumsy jumping method than the werewolf. made a big circle. Drag out a larger spiral trail. Climb up. He calculated the timing and density of hailstorms. Only found this safer route.

Ryan looked at the werewolves and tigermen who had already climbed high. The first update suddenly felt that I was so powerless.

“If you don’t plan to participate. Just go home.” Olin sarcastically said in a cold tone. She hated this white bear man from the beginning. Never took him seriously: “Anyway, a clumsy guy like you. It’s impossible to climb to the sky on hailstones.

The Trial of the Knights of the Round Table. It’s a world where a bunch of monsters fight for dominance. Ordinary people like you. If you don’t want to lose your life. Better not to mix it up. “

The white bear fell silent for a while. He dropped his great sword. Let the body be hit by the cold rain. Injured by hail.

“…Are you going to go?” Olin urged. See werewolves and tigers have gone far. She also sent people here. Ready to go home.

Ryan clenched his fists.

“No…” He took a deep breath. Wipe the blood from the bruise on the forehead.

“I’m not a coward. More sooner chapters to come.” Ice Bear became Dragon again. Then leap out.

His body became lighter. Actions are also much quicker. He tried to step on a piece of hail. But—crack. Not steady. The white dragon fell awkwardly to the ground. He fell ugly and turned his back to the sky. The hailstorm is still going on. Countless hailstones hit Elaine. It made him cold and painful.

Olin watched quietly. express no opinion. Not even a word of encouragement.

“I—” The white dragon man got up again. Look at the seemingly out of reach destination in the sky.

“I’m going to be a knight of the round table.” He jumped out again. Step on hail. Trying to use the hail as a stepping stone to jump into the sky.

But he only jumped once. Didn’t grasp the timing of a jump. There is no hail around to step on. Had to fall to the ground.

Pop. The White Dragon Man fell from more than thirty yards in the air. And it’s one hand that lands first. Of course the hand was broken.

While Ryan got up. His injured hand was almost completely regenerated. It hardly affects the action.

But. Olin, who was watching all this, knew. Breaking a hand is still very painful.

“You idiot.” Olin reminded: “If you’re about to fall, spread your wings to cushion. At least you won’t get hurt. You’re not flying. You won’t be punished… Probably.”

The white dragon did not listen to the druid coordinator. on the contrary. He did a really crazy thing: he tried his best. Ignore the pain in my back. tore off his two wings.

“Woooooo…” Elaine groaned in pain. But he also discarded his own wings. Become as light as a swallow. Agility greatly increased.

On skills. The White Dragon people knew that they would never be as good as werewolves and tiger men in their entire lives. His clumsiness is bluntness deep in his bones. Naturally so. can never be changed. However. A clumsy guy like him. If it breaks the boat. Do everything you have. Maybe even a bit of a disadvantage.

For a purpose. He must be a knight of the round table. That is waiting for him. is great pain. It is the mockery of countless opponents in front of him. He also wants to be a knight of the round table.

—Even if you try your best. Be a knight of the round table.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Leaps wildly.

This time. He stepped on the hail smoothly. Then the next jump went smoothly. Jump far.

Touch. . —When he fails. It fell even worse.

Elaine who fell from the sky to the ground. The bones in his body were almost shattered.

But his talents keep him from dying. His great recovery ability. Treat comminuted fractures quickly. Let the white dragon man get up immediately as if nothing was wrong.

“Ha. Ha. Ha—” Saying [it’s okay] is false. Although there are no obvious wounds. He was covered in blood. Even this torrential rain could not immediately wash away the blood on his body.

He was spitting up blood. Because the regeneration of internal organs is slower than the regeneration of muscles and bones. much slower. Internal injuries could kill him.

“Enough. Enough.” Olin couldn’t take it any longer. “Don’t try again. If you fall from a higher place. You will die.”

Elaine didn’t hear Olin at all. He was actually deaf. The whole world had long been overshadowed by the torrential sound of the rain in his memory.

(It’s hard. It’s really hard.)

(Why Bediveville and the others can step on these little hailstones and climb to the sky nonchalantly.)

(Can’t do it. Really can’t do it.)

(I’m just an ordinary person. I’m not even a second-rate warrior——)

As Elaine looked down at the sky. When I almost fainted. A person’s face flashed across his mind.

“Uh ah ah ah ah.” The White Dragon Man regained his energy again. Yell.

He takes off his shirt and trousers. Let the dragon scale armor on the body fall off quickly. This is his conscious removal of the dragon scales. There is only one purpose: to make yourself more agile.

A white dragon without the protection of scales. Defense power dropped to almost zero. Countless hailstones fell on him. Smashed his snow-white skin into bruises. But the recovery ability of the white dragon people is still there. The injury will heal right away. He didn’t care.

Olin, who was watching coldly from the side, was very clear in her heart. Elaine felt like she had received countless punches all over her body. Must be painful.

This time. If you fall from the sky again. Supposed to be smashed to pieces. Turned into a complete mess. How good is your White Dragon’s regeneration ability. Probably die too.

This time. Elaine really gave it up.

Completely remove dragon scales. Ready Elaine. Avoid an oncoming hailstorm. Then leap out.

He landed lightly on another hailstone. Stomp on it. Use the reaction force to jump higher.

Then. He landed on another hailstone. Use this temporary foothold. Keep jumping up.

Again he managed to land on the hail. And jump higher again.

Seeing that the White Dragon climbed more than thirty yards. And jump more and more skilled. Olin knew that Elaine was fine.

The White Dragons are growing at an astonishing rate. Even within a few minutes. By the original clumsy white bear. It has become the big lizard that can fly and escape.

He leaps. trample. Leap again. trample. The whole set of actions was carried out like a cloud of water. unobstructed. His movements are already comparable to those of the werewolf.

“Come on.” Olin couldn’t help but sighed in a low voice.

She looked at the white bear man’s equipment on the ground. Release her camp seed. The tree seed rolls everything away with its note. Stored in a subspace.

“This is the last thing I can do for you. Everything after that. It’s up to you.” The woman field sighed. The figure disappeared in the torrential rain. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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