Light Spirit Epic Chapter 754: Spying on the Evil Domain (10)


Chapter 754 Spying on the Evil Domain

The scheduled time for the festival is approaching, and the High Priest is anxiously awaiting the return of the High Priest. Without the dagger used in the ceremony, this ceremony would not have been possible.

The three figures move unhurriedly towards the top of the tower.

Bediver took the high priest’s red robe and put it on, walking first.

Behind him are Albert in the costume of one of the bodyguards, and Elaine in a blood red robe. Fortunately, the robes of the Twilight Cultists were originally blood-like crimson, and the bloodstains on them were not conspicuous after they dried.

“Huh?” Of course the high priest knew his subordinates, so he was very puzzled when he saw that the people who came had changed.

The werewolf didn’t give the high priest a chance to doubt at all. As soon as he rushed over, he said to the high priest: “Sir, the situation has changed. There has been an assassin in the sect. The priest who just went to get the ritual dagger has been assassinated. The wicked hand of the man, ordered me to hand over the dagger to you before he died, and I was solely responsible for your protection.”

“Really?” The high priest wondered, “You are—”

“I’m [Blood Wolf—Bedivere]. Reinforced by the Eastern Church.” Bedivere didn’t hesitate to lie, and made everything as if it were real:” High priest, please rest assured, my subordinates are very reliable, and we are responsible for the safety here.”

“But, the attacker was—“

The werewolf secretly took out the [Sacred Tree Seed] from his storage ring, and pretended to understand: “This is an item left by the assassin. As far as I know, it should be Druidism. magic tool.”

“That’s true!” The high priest showed a resentful look: “Those **** Druids have been sniffing around recently, and I knew they were thinking something.”

The werewolf chuckled inwardly. Taking advantage of the invisible hatred between the two sects, Bedivere has successfully won the trust of the high priest.

The next strategy is very simple, try to “protect” the high priest as much as possible in the middle of the ceremony, so that he will not be assassinated by Evan. When the high priest thinks that they are all over together, Bedivere will send a gentle knife in the back of the **** cult leader.

Bedivere has the absolute upper hand in this bet. No matter how powerful the half-dragon youth is, Bedivere will never lose!

At the same time, Ivan has been hiding in a corner outside the tower, taking out a sniper rifle about ten feet long from his storage ring and setting it up.

He is ready. Once the ceremony begins and the high priest shows his face, he can simply shoot the Ming cult high priest in the head. If this can’t kill the guy, Ivan has something to do.

Half-dragon youth has eagle eyes and a variety of modern weapons designed to assassinate forever. No matter how powerful the werewolf is, Evan will never lose!

Werewolves and half-dragons are each figuring out how to obliterate their targets while trying their best to hold back their opponents and make themselves victorious.

The two have tried their best to bring forth a **** baptism for this cult festival.

At the same time, Vivian’s research institute.

The young blue leopard Zephyr and his brother Seglade are working out at the training facility, making final preparations for the round table trials that will begin the day after tomorrow.

And the little black panther Howl watched his brothers exercising boredly. The equipment in the training room was too heavy for little Hal. He couldn’t even lift the lightest dumbbell and was sulking.

“My brothers are so good, they can lift such a heavy thing and run so fast, meow.” Little Howl is very envious of the strength of his brothers.

Seglade stopped from the treadmill: “Hal, what we can do, you can do it when you grow up, there’s nothing to envy meow.”

“However, I look completely different from you meows. You are so blue, but I am black meows.”

Seifer also stopped punching the punching bag and turned around to say something to his brother.

“So what?” A voice interrupted the three leopards’ conversation: “Your father is also a **** panther. Is there a problem?”

The three Leopard Brothers followed the prestige and saw King Arthur in civilian clothes waiting at the entrance of the training room.

“Your Majesty!” The two big cats immediately knelt down and salute, only Little Hal didn’t recognize him as a big man and stood stupidly.

“Hal, kneel down, meow!” Segredra asked his brother to kneel and salute.

“Okay, it doesn’t matter.” King Arthur has already walked in and touched the little black panther’s cat’s head: “No gift, get up. Safer, Seglade, Vivian told me last night. As mentioned, you encountered some interesting things at sea? Do you have anything to report to me?”

“This is a long story, meow…” Saifer glanced at Seglade, “I’ll make a detailed report to Your Majesty later, meow.”

Seglade couldn’t help wondering: Would King Arthur believe it when they encountered such absurd things as ghost ships?

Perhaps it would just be considered a lie or insanity. Seglade looked at Wang with a little panic.

The King Arthur in front of him is no longer the little boy he used to be. Wang is of medium build, slightly taller than his younger Leopard brothers. Although it is not very tall, and he is not wearing any equipment, the Knight King at this moment still permeates some kind of emperor’s domineering.

Seglade can’t help but feel pressured to be around such a big man.

“That, that—” Little Hal was not frightened by Wang’s domineering at all, maybe he didn’t feel it at all: “Uncle has seen my father, meow? I have never seen what my father looks like. Meow…”

“Yes.” King Arthur touched the little black panther’s round leopard ears again, “Little Hal, do you want to see your father? I’ll take you there.”

“Your Majesty…” Zephyr wanted to stop King Arthur. Taking Hal to see Palamides is a cruel fact for that child.

“It’s okay, Palami’s situation seems to be getting better.” King Arthur smiled lightly: “Everything has to be hopeful, right? This child is from Turkic, so let him meet his father.”

“I don’t think Hal is ready meow…” Seglade also said. As Little Howl’s older brother, he was always overprotective of the youngest brother.

“You’re overprotective of him. With you and Vivienne, he’ll be ready. Now is the best time to tell him everything.” Arthur picked up the little black panther: “Right, Little Hal? With your brothers and mom around, you’re not afraid of anything, right?”

Ah meow! “The leopard boy looked at his brothers with big watery eyes, as if pleading with the blue leopard brothers.

“Since that’s the case…” Saifer compromised: “Okay meow. We’ll take him to the basement of the research institute right away…”

“Vivian is also helping Merlin with the new armor system.” The King of Knights asked, “Do you want me to tell her to come back?”

“No, no need…” Seglade hugged the leopard boy from the king of knights, and carried the little black panther behind him: “It’s better than bothering Aunt Vivian, let’s go out like this, meow.”

“Okay! Meow!” Little Hal thought it was some kind of game, and danced on his brother’s back, very happy.

At the same time, Edinburgh Underground City, inside the tower of the Twilight Cultist’s Gathering.

The high priest and his party walked out slowly and approached the altar under the piercing gazes of the disciples.

“Let the ceremony begin,” the high priest announced, raising his sleeves.

—Um, what a voice, squeak. The surrounding cultists began to murmur ancient runes.

That’s an evil language in itself, and every syllable is filled with the cult of the devil.

Cng, clang, clang. The holy bells in the hands of the high priests were also shaking constantly, making bursts of crisp and gloomy low sounds, like ghostly whispers.

Cultists lit incense in their hands as they danced weird dance moves. The psychedelic smoke slowly rose, fluttering around as the believers waved their arms slowly, pulling out one after another curved white lines, and the more they escaped in the process of rising, and finally merged with the atmosphere.

The entire venue is shrouded in smoke, and visibility is getting worse.

Evan is hiding on the outer wall at the top of the tower, observing all this through the small vent. Even if the scene is smoky, the half-dragon youth who is proficient in the eagle eye technique will not be confused. How could this smoke have any effect on him?

When he takes off his glasses, his eagle eye will move, allowing him to see everything around him. His opponent, the werewolf Bedivere, could not deceive the half-dragon no matter what he did.

As it should be.

But Evan is still concerned and doesn’t know what tricks Bedivere is playing. He could snap the trigger of the photon sniper rifle now and cut a hole in the high priest’s forehead. However, Bedivere must have done something that would not let the youth of Banlong easily succeed.

So Evan didn’t rush to shoot. He intends to wait and see what the werewolves are doing.

—Even in the worst case, the werewolf rushes directly to assassinate the high priest, Evan still has a spare, he can always shoot one step faster than the werewolf.

…as it should be.

After a period of ritual chants and cult dancers, the high priest began to speak a bunch of Twilight teachings, persuading the devotees to sacrifice their lives for “silence”.

While he was talking about this nonsense, the ceremony officially entered the **, and two believers carried a slate into the venue.

The things on the slate made the half-dragon man gasp.

A human boy who was almost naked and only covered important parts with a small piece of cloth, who seemed to have been anesthetized by drugs, lay quietly on the slate.

And the high priest holds a ceremonial dagger, a specially made dagger with deep bloodletting grooves.

The slate and the boy were carried to the altar in front of the high priest, who muttered something to do with the boy.

Seeing this, Evan already understands. He should have expected this a long time ago. But his assassination plan was very hasty this time, and he never thought that there would be such a change!

This Twilight Cult is indeed a **** cult – their ritual is to use living people as sacrifices!

If nothing else is done, the dagger in the high priest’s hand will disembowel the boy, wash the entire church with the child’s blood, and please some demon in that unknown world!

How could Ivan tolerate this kind of injustice? !

He took off his glasses and began to use the eagle eye technique.

Oh no, he can’t use it. Failed.

The incense floating in the air is specially made, and every dust particle in the incense is filled with a large number of photons.

Evan, who relies on photon vision to see the surrounding environment, is greatly disturbed by this photon-rich smoke and dust particles floating in the air. In his eyes, the entire festival venue became blurred, and it was impossible to see clearly with the eagle eye technique!

Bediver has long since greeted the high priest for his men to set this incense.

As a cult, its high priests are often targeted by bounty hunters. In order to protect the priests, of course there is a way to guard against assassins at the festival.

Being put together!

However, Evan quickly recovered from his surprise.

It’s not a big deal if you can’t use Hawkeye.

Even’s marksmanship is extremely accurate even without the aid of Hawkeye!

He put on his glasses again, sealed his eagle eye, adjusted the scope of the sniper rifle a few times, and aimed the muzzle at the head of the high priest.

At the moment when the high priest raised his dagger and stabbed down—–

Bang! ! ——The sniper rifle also fired!

Light bullets pinned precisely to the high priest’s head, blowing up half of his hood. The high priest also lost his balance and fell backwards!

“Assassin!!” The high priest in disguise of Bedivere emerged from the crowd and pointed in the direction of the light bounce: “There is an assassin! Catch him!!”

The guards of the Dusk Sect immediately poured out, firing violently at the location of Ivan, while sending people to encircle and suppress it!

However, Evan has achieved his goal. The high priest is dead.

Should be dead… huh? !

Under the fire, he stuck his head out again to take another look.

The one who was “killed” was not a high priest at all. Bedivere was scheming, and had already replaced the high priest with a stand-in.

The white dragon Elaine got up from the ground and clutched his head, which was swollen from the beating and shed several dragon scales with a look of pain. But other than that, he wasn’t particularly badly hurt!

This guy took a shot from the sniper rifle in the front, but he didn’t get a headshot. The defense is terrifying!

Bediver also saw Evan coming out from a distance, and the werewolf showed a proud look. The high priest has been hidden by him, and even if Ivan sets out to look for it now, it is too late!

Evan did not give up, he cast a spell on himself.

He wraps his body in an atmospheric coat, and while manipulating the air, he can fly and move at high speed.

His eagle eyes glowed golden in the darkness, and he quickly scanned the entire dungeon with his own eyes to find where the high priest might be hiding!

The half-dragon youth jumped out of the tower and pressed a button while floating in the air.

A dangerous white light emerges from under the altar! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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