Light Spirit Epic Chapter 692: Goodbye to Silver (4)


Chapter 692 Reunion with Silver Four

Ripped cloak. The red-clothed Death God revealed his ugly true face. Not only did not flinch. Instead, it became more brutal.

It spins a huge scythe. Turn your weapon into a meat-slicing whirlwind.

The whirlwind of meat cutting rolls toward the King of Knights. It can cut people to pieces in an instant.

Arthur sees the situation is not good. Immediately raise the scabbard of kings. The King’s Sheath summons the Holy Griffin Shield. This white feather shield deflects all attacks. Nullifies all damage.

Kng-kang-kang-kang. An endless chain of shocks hit the shield. Most of the attacks are deflected. The impact of the scythe left only a few taps on the shield.

The moment Arthur thought he was safe. The scythe unexpectedly pierced the shield of the Holy Griffin. The sharp sickle pierced the shield. Straight to Arthur’s arm. penetrated an inch deep. just stopped.

“Ugh.” The King of Knights reluctantly stabbed back with a sword. The Sword of the Holy King turned into a giant light. With the wrath of the king. Pierce the head of the **** of death in red.

“You bastard..” The King of Knights dragged his sword down. Cut the Red Reaper in half.

The monster is cleaved perfectly. Fall down helplessly. The King of Knights looked at the red-clothed Death God who fell to the ground. The thing was under the red cloak. It’s really just a skeleton.

“Hehehehehehe.” The voice echoed around the King of Knights: “It’s useless. The King of Knights.”

At this time. The four knights also cleaned up the surrounding soldiers. Come over to meet the King of Knights.

“Your Majesty.” Palinlor saw that King Arthur’s left arm was injured. Can not help but exclaimed.

“Shh. Don’t be noisy.” King Arthur shouted loudly: “Who the **** are you. Quick.”

“I am your end. More chapters coming sooner. Your end.” The eerie voice continued to drift around. Can’t hear the source. Can’t even hear the direction.

“What do you want…”

“The King of Knights. You can turn the fortunes around. Extend the life of the world. But it’s all about dying.”

The knights listened to the cold words of the death god. An infinite haze shrouded his face.

“The world has come to an end. No matter how hard you resist. It will always perish. This time it’s just a warning. Next time.

As that voice fades away. The corpse of the **** of death in red on the ground also continued to fade away. It finally disappeared completely.

“Unbelievable.” Grand Duke Palinore retracted his sword. He subconsciously wiped the blood on his body with the black oil from the golems.

“Is that a golem. Or. Holy Spirit or something.”

“I don’t know. It’s no use guessing. We know too little at the moment.” King Arthur drew his handkerchief. He quickly bandaged the injured arm: “But. Good guy. It actually penetrated my griffon shield. That’s obviously [absolute defense].”

The [Absolute Defense] of the Griffin Shield. Even the giant blade attack of the seat of Kama, the **** of fate, can be blocked. But it was pierced by that sickle.

The scythe. There must be something odd.

“When I go back, I will ask the Prime Minister for advice. I hope he can analyze something.”

Hall muttered. Squat on the ground. Look carefully at the place where the red-clothed Death God disappeared. Hope to find any useful clues. But he got nothing and that weird thing really just disappeared out of thin air. Not even a quick rag was left.

It’s all weird to the extreme. More faster chapters to come. The atmosphere at the scene was shrouded in a strange and ominous atmosphere.

“Oh. No.” Leon Dickens recalled: “That white jade floor tile is so expensive. Even a piece of the city wall collapsed. It also damaged so many golems.”

He looks at the battle-ravaged field. Complaining nonstop.

“Lyon.” The Duke of Yones couldn’t bear the complaints of Leon Dickens. Can not help but sarcastic road. “In the battle just now, you were the one who destroyed the field. Do you remember the scene when you laughed and smashed a golem on the ground.”

“Uh. There is such a thing.” The Grand Duke of Leon Dickens was cheeky. “Sorry. I’m a bit old and confused. Can’t remember such a thing.”

The crowd burst into laughter. As if to drive away the unease in my heart with a brief smile.

“The capital move seems to be postponed.” Hall said to King Arthur.

“No. Don’t delay.” The King of Knights seemed to have other plans in mind. “Since it’s decided, don’t change it again and again. Tell the remaining golems to step up the project. The destruction of the battle was not as great as expected. There should be no problem.”

“Yes. Your Majesty.” Hall saluted King Arthur. “Enough is enough. Time to go back to London.”

Arthur replied absentmindedly, “You guys go back first. I have something to do here.”

“Your Majesty.” All the knights panicked.

“Don’t worry. That **** of death won’t bother me again for the time being.” The King of Knights insisted.

In desperation. The four knights drove away on the dragon cavalry one after another. Only the King of Knights was left in this pure white royal city.

King Arthur walked to the high platform in the middle of the royal city. Seeing it all. He knelt down in pilgrimage. Looking at this huge and prosperous and holy city from a distance. Whispering in a low voice:

“I’m back. Father.”

A knight Uther was trying to keep the secrets of the round table system. Don’t hesitate to sacrifice yourself. Activate the [Ultimate Magic Fusion Technique] to blow up the entire ancient city of Camelot.

He would never have thought of it. his son Arthur. twelve years later. as King of Great Britain. Once again stand in this rebuilt white holy city.

If there is a cause, there will be an effect. Causal loop. Endless life. This. This is the essence of the cycle of Karma (fate).

This year. King Arthur of Great Britain. Twenty-four years old.

Same time. Western Siberia.

“Phew. Resurrected.” Bedivere walked back to the house from the backyard. Apparently had a nice hot bath. The whole body was still steaming hot steam. A towel is draped over his shoulders.

But. What bothered Albert the most was that. The werewolf youth only wore a pair of shorts.

Saw the other person sitting on the sofa nonchalantly. The young monster hunter couldn’t bear it any longer: “Sir. Please wear at least a pair of outer pants…”

“What. What’s wrong with this.” The werewolf youth picked up a bottle of beer and poured it into his stomach. “Everyone is a man. What are you afraid of? A man. Of course, in my own home, it’s just a pair of pants.”

The tiger man turned his face away helplessly: “You are obviously the rhythm of a bachelor’s life that is doomed to end in loneliness.”

The werewolf youth does not answer. The atmosphere suddenly became very quiet.

Right now. Albert also noticed a photo in the closet next to him.

Although the photo was torn in half. But Al can still see three people in the photo. More faster chapters to come.

One of them. It’s the werewolf Bedivere.

Another one. Appears to be a human woman. But her upper body was torn off along with the photo. Only the part below the waist of the woman can be seen.

There is one more. is a child. hairy. Appears to be the child of a werewolf youth. The head of the child in the photo was also torn off. So you can’t see the appearance.

“Although you may not want to answer me” Albert’s curiosity drove him to ask: “But. They are your wife and children.”

The werewolf youth fell silent for a while. Put more beer in your stomach. Only then did he slowly say: “Yes. That’s my wife Lian Yin. And my son Husky. But they’re gone.”

“No…not.” As if afraid of touching the other person’s sore spot. Albert lowered his tone and asked, “Could it be”

“Dead. Killed by monsters.” The werewolf youth replied. His eyes were full of resentment: “And the one who killed them. It was the king of beasts that I have been chasing all these years. The overlord on the land of silver and white.”

“Overlord.” Albert was shocked: “It shouldn’t be there. [White Snow Armor]”

“Master.” The exclamation of the catman’s servant interrupted Albert’s words: “No. Gone. Silverback’s body is gone.”

“Wow…” Albert panicked. He quickly poked his head out the window of the wooden house.

In the blizzard. How quiet and desolate the whole Siberian snowfield is. It was as if time had frozen.

Should be lying within a hundred yards of the house. A huge monster corpse like a mountain. But it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Be aware. Albert and the others just came in and had a few cups of hot tea. It’s just a matter of eating a few snacks.

The werewolf lay flat on the sofa. He smiled leisurely and said: “Huhu. I’m hooked.”

“Take the bait. What are you planning…” Albert immediately worried: “Silverback’s corpse has to be reported to the hunter organization. It just disappeared. My responsibility is great.”

“Master. I haven’t reported your defeat to Silverback.” El’s servant. “It’s snowing too much. The communication is not connected at all.”

“That’s not the point.”

“And you didn’t beat Silverback either.” The Catman added: “In theory. Mr. Bedivere has the right to do whatever he wants with the corpse.”

“Ruff.” Albert glared at the cat man: “You shut up and meow first.”

“Hey hey hey. Don’t worry.” Bedivere could see the other party’s concern. He sneered and persuaded: “I installed a tracker on the corpse of the Snow Monkey. It can’t escape. I just borrowed its corpse. I will soon [return] you and find the [White Snow Armor God] in me. ]’s lair.”

“So you really plan to deal with the armor god…” Albert frowned: “You are crazy. You really don’t want to die. You know. Our hunter organization once sent thirty excellent The hunters went to crusade against the **** of armor. They all died under the claws of the **** of armor. That thing is no longer a monster. I am afraid it has surpassed the level of a monster. It has evolved into something similar to a god.”

“Even so.” Bedivere’s eyes flashed fiercely. Look at Al. It made the young monster hunter feel nervous: “The revenge of killing my wife and children. I still have to avenge it.”

He is serious. Albert knew. The werewolf youth in front of him has long since died. Wholeheartedly for revenge. Alone alone. Absolutely cannot persuade Bedivere.

“If you don’t feel right. Leave now. I have hunted a lot of monsters over the years. Gathered a lot of precious monster materials. Take some treasures from my house. So you don’t have to go home empty-handed. “

“I refuse.” Albert fumed. “You’re bribing me, meow. No way. I’m not a monster hunter for profit. I’ll go with you. Just let me meet the legendary Snow White God.”

“Oh.” Bedivere squinted at each other: “After all these years. You are still so true”


“It’s nothing.” A trace of melancholy flashed across the face of the werewolf youth: “ You are going to die. Just do whatever you want.”

He looked at Albert’s shattered empty armor and blood-stained chest: “You are seriously injured. Go take a bath. Change some medicine. Rest early. We will start tracking [Armor God] tomorrow. .”

“Very good.” Albert nodded. At the same time he took off his shattered leather armor: “I’ll bother you tonight. Ruff. Come on.”

“But. Master”

“I won’t force you if you don’t want to go. You will part ways with us. Go and get in touch with the hunter organization.”

“…No. I’ll go with you. I won’t be afraid. I’m also a trainee hunter.” said the young catman.

“Hehe. This kid has a lot of backbone.” Bedivere sneered.

Unexpectedly, the cat boy squinted at Bedivere. He replied coldly: “You dress like this. You have a little bit of persuasion.”

The werewolf youth laughed even more. And pour more beer into the stomach.


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