Light Spirit Epic Chapter 625: The decisive battle at dawn (4)


Chapter 625 Decisive Battle at Dawn (4)

Two dragons, one silver and one white, began to throw the huge instruments in their hands.

The instrument was separated into twelve petals during the fall, and fell right around Roble, forming a huge circle.

Arthur looked curiously at the huge stone pillars.

Each of them was a full thirty feet tall, large and heavy, and had numerous engraved incantations of unknown purpose. There was a light, golden light in the notch of the curse pattern.

This familiar pattern, this familiar light, gradually formed a huge barrier, trapping the still-expanding Roble in it!

The black gas on the battlefield cannot penetrate the barrier and enter Roble’s body, which prevents Roble from continuing to expand. Intuition told Arthur that even if Roble in the enchantment exploded at this moment, people outside the enchantment should also be safe.

Because, the enchantment composed of the golden light is actually——

“Arthur!” Merlin cast a light fall technique and slowly fell from the air. He didn’t stop casting magic, and before he fell into this sea of ​​fire, he put a protective shield on himself, repelling the surrounding flames and heat.

“What the **** is this?” Arthur asked as soon as he came up.

“I made [Stone Hedge] using a similar principle to [Sword of Kings]. Like the Sword of Kings in your hand, they can absorb photons infinitely from parallel time and space.”

“This is… a weapon?” Arthur stared at the glowing boulders.

“No. As you can see, they absorb photons from other worlds and are only used to form an enchantment. Its [Sanctuary Enchantment] can block the entry and exit of all shadows.

I made this Stonehenge just to prevent this situation: to prevent [Dark Outbreak]. “

While Arthur praised Merlin for his vision, more doubts appeared in his heart: “But how did you find out about the situation here——“

“Have you forgotten what I am, King Arthur?” Merlin raised his staff and smiled slyly: “My existence can sense the changes in the world. I foresaw this a few hours ago. The second dark sub-burst.”

Merlin is a light spirit. He came to this world with the purpose of preventing the danger of dark son from destroying the world. It’s not surprising that he could sense Anzi’s mutation.

But he hastily repaired Bols in order to prevent this disaster, and brought [Stonehenge], which was secretly developed at some time, to such a place. Merlin was hiding a lot from Arthur.

The King of Knights snorted, and for the time being did not go into the matter of Merlin, and instead looked at Roble in Stonehenge: “What should I do next?…Purify him with the Sword of the Holy King. ?”

The black lump of flesh was no longer human, not even a living creature. It’s just a collection of grievances, wailing, cursing, and screaming endlessly.

Looking at it like this, I always feel that it is a bit pitiful.

Merlin was stunned for a while: “…Actually, I don’t know what to do with it. The barrier of Stonehenge is so strong that it cannot be broken from the inside or the outside.”

Merlin was stunned for a while: “…Actually, I don’t know what to do with it. The barrier of Stonehenge is so strong that it cannot be broken from the inside or the outside.”

“What?” The King of Knights glared at the mage, “Isn’t that Roble trapped in it…”

Merlin shrugged irresponsibly: “I am only responsible for preventing the outbreak of darkness, and I can’t control other things!”

Arthur suddenly has the urge to cut Merlin.

The war is gradually coming to an end, the orc army is dead, wounded, and a lot of pained creatures are screaming and struggling in the fire. According to this trend, in another half an hour, the army of 300,000 orcs will be dead.

Although I can’t bear it, is this the fate of Roble and his 300,000 troops…?

A white light rushed into the fire, interrupting King Arthur’s thoughts.

“Get out of the way!” Albert swung a sword, forcing the King of Knights away.

Arthur moved a little, and the tiger man galloped past the right shoulder of the king of knights and came to the front of Stonehenge.

El looked at the black mass of flesh in Stonehenge and was silent for a while.

Merlin narrowed his eyes and scrutinized the tiger man boy. Albert was surrounded by the white mist that had appeared before, and it was this white mist that kept the tiger safe in such a high temperature fire.

“What are you doing here? You have nothing to do here.” The King of Knights said dispassionately, showing no mercy to Albert.

“No matter what you do, you can’t open Stonehenge. Your father is dead, let him go.”

Consumed by the darkness, in the endless wailing gradually devoid of humanity. That’s what happened to Roble.

It’s a terrible way to die.

The people present were helpless——If Roble was not sealed in Stonehenge, even Arthur and the others would be in danger.

Albert clenched the magic sword Tyrfeng in his hand and slowly walked towards Stonehenge, as if he wanted to do something.

The King of Knights frowned: “Hurry up. Even if you open the barrier, what can you do? You can’t save him! He has turned into a monster!”

“I don’t understand this kind of big truth——” Albert held up the [Slicing Demon Sword—Tyr Feng], “But, everything you said is correct. I really can’t just leave my dad alone.

——I still want to save him! “

As soon as the words were over, the magic sword fell.

That is a magic sword that can cut through time and space. The blade is enchanted with cracking time and space. When the blade touches the object, the space and time inside the object will be separated, causing the object to be cut at the molecular level.

The principle is the same when it slashes on the energy field. The blade ripped apart the space and directly ripped apart a part of the enchantment. It did not destroy the structure of the enchantment, but distorted the space on the sealed enchantment and opened a gap in it!

Seeing this scene, Merlin took a deep breath.

When he made this, he thought he had made the Stonehenge enchantment so strong that no attack in the world could break it.

This painstaking “masterpiece” was destroyed by a tiger boy with such a simple method!

Even Arthur had a vague sense of Albert’s horror. This tiger hides amazing power, if left alone, he may be a huge threat to the King of Knights!

But Arthur didn’t have time to think about it. A gap was opened in the barrier of Stonehenge, and the black lump of meat in the array saw an opportunity, and immediately drilled into the gap!

The King of Knights hurriedly shouted: “You opened the breach and let it escape, do you want to kill us?”

“No! Don’t you have a weapon that can purify the darkness, meow? Use it quickly!” Albert in turn ordered King Arthur.

This is a small gap. The mass of black flesh exploded in the barrier, and it would not harm the people around. Arthur just needs to cast the powerful blow of the Sword of the Holy King into that gap, fill a large number of photons from other worlds into the barrier, and purify the darkness in it!

It seems like a simple and crude method, but it is also the only way. The King of Knights didn’t have time to hesitate, he rushed to the gap, rushing out the sword just before the black mass rushed out of the barrier!

The sword of the holy king pierced the gap in the barrier, and the golden sword light turned into a huge three-hundred-foot-long blade of light, which was released from the inside of the gap into the barrier! The storm of golden photons instantly drowned the interior of Stonehenge!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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