Light Spirit Epic Chapter 6: Dark Iron


Chapter 6: Dark Iron Chapter (Beginning) Trapped in Hell

At the time of noticing, everything has been taken away.

Happiness, pain, sadness, fear; home, friends, loved ones—everything is lost.

The only thing left is rage. The urge to destroy everything.

Nothing matters anymore, living is just living.

——Desperately, every day alive to die.

That is, how unbearable?

In his nightmare, the seat of the great god, Kama (Fate), appeared before the eyes of young Arthur.

God does not move, God is speechless.

——God has eight billion arms, and each arm holds an extremely sharp blade, which can instantly cut human flesh into powder; the flame on each blade carries a billion degrees High temperature can instantly burn a person’s soul to fly ashes.

God looks down on all beings, God is arrogant and ruthless.

——God is hundreds of feet tall, and it can grow taller and bigger indefinitely. One of its fingers is enough to smash people a thousand times, and one breath of its breath is enough to scrape people thousands of miles away.

Standing before God, Arthur was as weak as an ant.

God waved his arm, a sword fell, and Arthur rolled to dodge. He was blown dozens of yards by the photon storm raised by the giant blade.

The **** waved his other arm and swept over with another sword. Arthur leaped high, the giant blade swept under his feet, the heat of the flames nearly scorching him.

The **** waved eight billion arms at the same time, the blade fell like raindrops, and the fire on the blade was even more overwhelming.

The teenager rolled, dodged, fled frantically, and survived in the cracks of Jian Yu. His speed is as fast as lightning, and his movement is as agile as a butterfly. Dancing in this rain of swords, moving under this storm of death, as if he had been through such battles a billion times.

The heat of the flames couldn’t scorch him, and the sharp blade couldn’t bluff him. His only strength at this moment was the fortitude that came from the depths of his soul.

However, people are people after all.

No matter how strong you become, humans are always weak. No matter how strong they become, human beings will never be able to defeat God.

Not to mention that there is no means of confrontation, and it is impossible to continuously evade the attacks of God.

His battle only lasted for tens of seconds, but it lasted as long as a century. After evading tens of thousands of attacks, a small mistake made by the young man made the challenge fall short.

The blade smashed his arm and smashed his leg; he lost his mobility and eventually even his body was smashed.

So, once again, God wields a giant blade and it ends.

After the flames, no embers remain. Even the young man’s soul was burned without a trace.

His challenge failed again. His [spirit] was reincarnated in the universe once again—until it came to God again.

How many times are you going to challenge yourself, stupid human?

You are such a small, weak, ignorant, and ignorant person, just keep struggling at the bottom of the world! It’s good to be trampled by fate all the time! Why continue to resist?

——Don’t you understand that it’s all in vain?

When he woke up in the morning, Arthur found himself on the boat. His body was still sore from yesterday’s battle, and the shaking of the boat made him feel the urge to vomit.

“Huh?” Then he felt his hands were tied behind his back, and he felt that something was wrong.

“Oh, wake up?” said the masked man rowing the boat, “do you know what your situation is now?”

“Hope for advice.” The young Arthur asked weakly, twisting his body and leaning on the boat to sit up, trying to see the surrounding environment clearly.

The fog was blurred, and a small wooden boat sailed on a sea (lake?) surface. The water was as calm as a mirror, save for the waves of microwaves raised by the boat. Arthur could only feel the cold around him, but not the dampness of the mist. He had a sense of being out of touch with reality, [distorted].

The masked man was dressed in a black robe and then covered his face with a black cloth bag. His tall figure looked like an executioner and a bit like a human trafficker.

While Arthur was observing the masked man, he was also observing the boy’s face. He looked at it for a long time, and then said slowly: “Hum, the boy is quite calm. Don’t you know that you have been sold by your master?”

“…It’s really Richard’s style. What you can’t get will be destroyed.” Arthur pretended to be indifferent, but he couldn’t hide the anger in his heart. The knight bought the boy who was once a slave, and now he wants to sell the boy elsewhere.

Arthur’s life is doomed to be ill-fated. After one disaster ends, he will be involved in another disaster in an instant.

——What a [wonderful] life.

“Even if you are a slave redeemed by the welfare system of the Knights, it does not mean that you can disobey your master casually.” The masked man smiled sinisterly: “I advise you to be your master’s dog safely next time. Better. However, I’m afraid you won’t have this [next time].”

“Don’t you mean to kill me? Even killing a small character like me doesn’t make any sense.” Arthur asked tentatively.

He tried to break free from the ropes that bound him, but in vain. The ropes were tied so professionally that there was no room for the hands to move at all.

A hideous laughter could be heard from under the mask of the masked man. He had already seen through Arthur’s little tricks to divert his attention, and now he just satirizes the teenager with a victorious smile: “Kill you? No. —— However, you won’t live long. You can live from The people who come out of the arena can be counted on ten fingers.”

“The arena?”

“Ah, here we are.” The masked man said The fog around him slowly dissipated, and the mysterious realm was reflected in the boy’s eyes.

The ominous islands formed by jagged rocks stand up on the sea, like claws reaching out to the sky.

A huge building towers over an isolated island. It’s shabby and lifeless, with an eerie green vibe on the walls. The solemn scene seems to hide the gloom of death.

Such an island, such a huge building, has no reason to remain hidden in the world and unknown to the world. Arthur instantly understood that the smoke just now was a masterpiece of magic, and only when the ship got close enough, the smoke would dissipate and the building would appear in front of visitors.

“…Stealth magic? Is it necessary to cover up a building like this?” Arthur asked.

“Huh? The kid knows quite a lot. But, you probably don’t know this, right? The stealth magic here is natural and has existed since hundreds of millions of years ago. This is the viewing platform of the gods. It’s where they watch humans kill each other for fun. This is the death arena [Langredoia], the **** **** of gladiators.”

“I see. . 

The masked man had already covered Arthur’s face with a handkerchief with Ecstasy, and the boy didn’t struggle and couldn’t. He gradually lost consciousness.

In the confusion, Arthur vaguely understood the fate he was about to face.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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