Light Spirit Epic Chapter 559: Fighting in the Dark Abyss (2)


Chapter 559: Fierce Fight in the Dark Abyss (2)

At the same time, Avalon Pure Land(?)


Deeper darkness.

In 513 AD, the capital Camilo.

The fire engulfed everything.

The knight got up from the ground, dazed. His head had long been covered in rubble, blood dripping from his forehead, dazed his right eye.

The Roman soldiers surrounded, and the leading general shouted: “Surrender, Heavenly Knight. Your capital has fallen, and your country has perished. There is no point in struggling any more!”

(Huh? Here is ——)

“Don’t waste your time.” The Celestial Knight retorted, “Even if the country is destroyed, even if I die here today, I will take away a few more enemies. The glory of Pantoracken will always shine in the sky. , even the **** storm can’t cover up its light!”

(Déjà vu. This strange familiarity is——-)

“Stupid.” The Roman general said, “Then die with your honor!!”


(Why am I seeing this?)

At the command of the general, hundreds of soldiers rushed up. They raised their guns in salvos, and the light bullets swarmed down like raindrops.

(Yes, because I have seen it with my own eyes.)

“Hahahahaha!!!!” The Celestial Knight smiled heroically, swung the beam saber in his hand at an amazing speed, and bounced all the approaching light bullets back, and the bounced light bullets in turn sent the enemy away. One down.

(No. I shouldn’t have seen this!)

“Don’t be afraid! It’s just stray bullets! Shoot me! Shoot! Shoot! No matter how skilled he is, he will get tired. One mistake is enough to bring him down!” !!”

The enemy set up a photon shield and was overwhelming. The bullet rain is more dense, and the reflected stray bullets are effectively prevented. The Celestial Knight was still on the defensive, but his face was obviously tired.

(At that time, I was not here!)


Under the neglected defense, a luminous bullet penetrated the chest of the Celestial Knight.

The Celestial Knight had no fear or remorse on his face, just closed his eyes with satisfaction and fell to the ground. Countless light bullets came one after another, landing on the Heavenly Knight, opening one after another scorching black holes on his body.

(does it all seem so real?)

After a wave of attacks passed, the enemy was convinced that the Celestial Knight was dead, so he relaxed his guard and went up to check the Celestial Knight’s body.

However, the corpse of the Celestial Knight gradually faded and disappeared.

(Why do I know all this?)

“Virtual image magic?!” The general exclaimed.

It’s too late. The heavenly knight suddenly burst into laughter, “You too underestimate me, don’t you?”

Countless pillars of fire poured from the ground. Some hapless enemies were immediately set ablaze by pillars of fire, screeching and rolling on the ground, then twisted and charred in agony.

“Don’t panic! Rearrange the formation and pay attention to your feet!!” the general shouted.

(A sight that does not exist in memory, but it is so real.)

“Hahahahahahaha!!!” The Celestial Knight sprang out from the ground, taking advantage of the chaos, rushing to the left and right frantically, slashing with lightsabers. Wherever the sword light went, there were all shredded corpses.

“There! Fire Magic Team!” the general commanded.

The magicians stepped forward, and countless light bullets and magic flames shot at the Celestial Knight.

“Rise!” The celestial knight smashed the ground with a punch, and the earth wall lifted up by magic was like a thick city wall blocking the flying attacks until it was beaten to a pulp and turned into sand and dust. The Heavenly Knights had long since escaped into the ground and fled elsewhere to ambush.

“Four times, no, five magic tricks. And there is also a big magic trick.” The general sneered, “As expected of a heavenly knight, he has withstood the consumption of six magic tricks with his physical body, and he still hasn’t turned into petrification?”

(So real, like being there!)

“You won’t last long! Soon your body will be swallowed up by the photons and turned into stone! Your remains will be weathered into dust, nothing left!”

“Flesh or something…” A voice sounded from behind the general. The general stabbed back, but the stab was empty.

“I won’t be rude!” The real Heavenly Knight descended from the sky and landed on the general’s back. He raised his sword and stabbed, but his hand shattered into ashes before he could drop it.

The general stabbed his sword into the heart of the Celestial Knight. The Heavenly Knight spat out a mouthful of blood.

“It’s over,” said the general.

(I even know what’s going to happen next.)

“Indeed, it’s over.” The only remaining arm of the Celestial Knight had begun to petrify, but he smeared blood with his stiff fingers, and painted the final magic ritual on the enemy’s armor, paying his soul.

Ultimate magic, nuclear fusion, activated.


The air instantly boiled, making a crackling sound of discharge.

“Forgive me, Arthur.” The Celestial Knight, almost completely turned into stone, whispered with his last breath.

The light in the air is instantly connected, all the scenes are distorted, and the atmosphere is plasmonized in a high-energy state.

“Rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble!!!!!!”

The giant light turns everything into ashes. The thousand-year-old city walls of the imperial capital were vaporized in an instant. The huge air wave blew the citizens who fled outside the city to the ground, making these people who fled in a hurry even more embarrassed.

The teenager got up from the ground, wiped the blood on his knees, and looked at the huge mushroom cloud in the sky.

“Goodbye, father.” The teenager didn’t even shed a single tear.

However, that is not the case.

On the edge of Camilo’s city wall, the teenager stood there, watching everything in his eyes.

He watched as his father died and was swallowed by the great light of fusion.

In the next second, his body was also engulfed by the giant light, and he followed the entire Camilo and vanished into ashes.

The little boy named Arthur died.

He died ten years earlier, in AD 513.

Before he could escape, he was affected by the nuclear fusion explosion and died.

(So, what are you?)

(Why are you still alive?)

(Who the **** are you?)


“Ugh…” As soon as he jumped up, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, vomited blood, and immediately fell back on the bed weakly.

“What are you doing? Are you trying to kill yourself and deliberately tore the wound open?” King Oser walked into the room with a bowl of oatmeal, and sarcastically said as soon as he saw Arthur.

Arthur clutched his chest in pain, the pain in his body made him sober and understand that this is the reality.

“It was just a nightmare.” The young man replied understatement.

“Oh, a nightmare?”

“It’s an absurd nightmare, don’t worry about it.” Arthur took the food, he was about to starve to death, and quickly took a sip of porridge, “I actually had a nightmare of my own death, and he died ten years ago dropped.”

King Oser’s face darkened instantly.

“Well, what’s wrong?” Arthur asked anxiously, feeling the gloomy expression on the other’s face.

“Boy, there’s something you must know. In Avalon, you don’t dream. The round table system will sync with your brainwaves and induce you to recall memories from the that was originally used to A program to create the Holy Spirit, but the side effect is the inability to dream.”

Arthur became impatient: “Enough. What do you want to say?”

“What I want to say is: You are not a dream. That is your real memory. The memory awakened by the round table system.”

“Bullshit! How is that possible——“

“You can’t believe it.” King Oser shrugged indifferently: “However, remember this: people are always good at deceiving themselves. When the truth is unacceptable, people will rewrite their memories. , treat the modified things as real. In order to live with peace of mind, even oneself can deceive——“

“Bullshit. Stupid to death.” Arthur sneered, “Am I dead ten years ago, and now I’m a ghost? You’re going to fool me with this kind of nonsense, shake me, and make you Is it easier to beat me?”

King Orser shrugged helplessly again: “You believe what you believe. I have no interest in your memory, and I have no right to ask. Leave it alone and rest well.”

“You don’t need to tell me, I’ll do it of course.” Arthur replied unceremoniously, and swept away the food in the bowl a few times.

King Other turned to leave, and when he looked at Arthur, there was a sense of alienation in his eyes.

——As if watching, a [person who does not exist in the world].

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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