Light Spirit Epic Chapter 524: Melee on the Frontline (8)


Chapter 524 The melee on the front line (eight)

“I don’t have a choice, right?” Ryder whispered, his words full of compromise and helplessness.

But he was very unconvinced. Even if he said the wrong thing, Arthur would kill him, Rabbit still wanted to make things clear: “You hated me from the moment you first met. Why?”

“Everything is to protect Bedivere.” Arthur’s stern expression deepened: “That child has always been pure. Too pure. Even if he is betrayed and hurt, he will always swallow his voice. Let yourself be hurt.

——That’s it, I really don’t like it.

In front of him he said he was his friend, but he was able to stab him hard behind his back—–I will never tolerate a villain like you.

Therefore, I have already decided: all the forces that want to deceive him, I will help him guard against; all the forces that want to hurt him, I will also help him block. “

“Humph, what do you think you are? A friend of justice?”

“No, I’m just [Bedevier]’s friend. To protect him, even if I were to be [evil], I’d be happy to do it.”

Arthur tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword, ready to unsheath and take off the opponent’s head.

Ryder also knew very well that at this distance, he could never dodge Arthur’s attack. Once the sword is unsheathed, it will definitely kill him with precision.

In order to protect Bedivere, Arthur could kill Ryder without hesitation. Even if he would be resented by Bedivere for the rest of his life, Arthur was willing.

——He is such a person.

Rabbit looked at the knight and knew there was absolutely no room for negotiation. He sighed, “Looks like you have a very strong relationship with Brady. All right.”

He took the magic flute from his arms and gave it to Arthur.

Then, he stretched out his right hand and raised the ring finger of his right hand: “Go ahead.”

The knight frowned suspiciously: “Do it? What do you mean?”

“[The Lord of Time and Space—Andrew Lalot] has its own safety device. Once put on, it cannot be removed from the hand unless the user dies. So——I think , you must chop off my finger.”

“Can others use it after cutting it off?” Arthur asked curiously.

“No, the ring will still be buckled on the chopped finger. It will only be truly [liberated] when I die.”

Arthur paused slightly. He drew his sword: “Want to give you anesthesia?”

“Did you ask me this question when you chopped off my left ear?” Ryder whispered, “…Come on, it’s better to have a long pain than a short one. Don’t make the mistake of chopping off my other fingers. You know, life would be inconvenient without fingers…”

Arthur ignored Ryder’s nagging and raised his sword relentlessly.

The golden light flashed by.

“Ugh!” Ryder felt pain in his heart, trembled a few times, and planned to take back his **** hand and bandage it.

But he saw that his hand was intact.

Arthur has already put the holy sword back in its sheath, and it seems that he has no intention of slashing people.


“You can keep the ring. Even if you cut off your finger, the nosy Constantine will still put it on for you. There’s no point in doing that.

——Just this magic flute, I’m going to take it. It must be sealed in a safe place and wait for the war to pass. “

The bunny boy clasped his right hand with his left palm, clasping his hands in front of his chest like a prayer. He was glad that his fingers were not cut off, but he was also puzzled by Arthur’s open side.

“If you really want to change yourself, be nice to Bedivere from now on. At least don’t betray him again.” Knight sighed earnestly, “Let’s go. Don’t keep them waiting.”

“…Thank you. I think I should say thank you?” Ryder turned and walked in the direction of the ship.

Arthur also walked over and said goodbye to everyone on the boat.

“Arthur, we will meet later.” Bedivere hugged Arthur before leaving.

Only then did Arthur realize that Brady had grown taller again. The little guy who used to be half a head shorter than Arthur is now almost as tall as Arthur (and Arthur is growing taller).

“Let’s go. Let Vivian seal this in a safe place.” Arthur handed Hameron’s Magic Flute to the werewolf boy, “Wherever you go next, take care of yourself.

The war will only intensify in the future, and many people will die every day, both human and orc. You will see a lot of death and sadness, and you will see the darkest and most cruel side of the world. Please promise me: don’t let the darkness cover your heart, okay? ——You know, even in the darkest place in the world, there is still light. You just need to know how to look for it. “

“Understood, Arthur.” The werewolf boy quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, “Thank you. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” Arthur touched Bedivere’s furry wolf head, as if to encourage him. He shoved a note to Bedivere: “Also, please give this note to Merlin. There are some things he needs to help prepare.”

“Understood, it will definitely be delivered to the mage.” The werewolf boy carefully put away the note, which seemed to be a treasure handed over by Arthur.

After saying goodbye to the group, the knight turned to look at King Oser behind him: “So, we still have one duel left, right? Let’s start quickly.”

“Don’t be impatient, young man.” King Oser sneered spiritually, his face flushed by the campfire, “You’ve just been through a big battle, and your body must be very tired. Get a night’s rest first.” /

I brought the Holy Spirit [The Cabin in the Woods] specially for you. You should use it at least once, right? “

“It’s really troublesome.” Arthur had a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, and he kept complaining.

But King Other was right, Arthur was really tired. Even with the exuberant energy that the King’s Sheath brought to the knights, Arthur’s stamina was exhausted by the battles over the past few days. He now has muscle pains all over his body even when he moves.

“Okay, I’ll use that hut.” Arthur walked to [the hut in the woods], wondering how weird it would be to sleep in a room full of There was no way he could experience this feeling. [The Cabin in the Woods] As Arthur approached, it had become a white brick on the ground.

There is nothing left.

“Huh?!” Arthur turned his head and glared at King Oser displeasedly: “What are you doing again?”

“No. This is the reaction of [The Cabin in the Woods] to your [heart].” King Other approached the [House in the Woods].

The hut began to change from the original white brick back to a small wooden hut. This cabin is identical to the one Arthur was entertained in when he first came to Avalon.

“This is the image projected by my [heart].” King Oser looked at the wooden house in front of him and said, “King Oser’s deity is actually a secluded person who just wants to live in seclusion in the mountains and live for a while. A person who lives peacefully. But the times let him take on the responsibility of saving the world, and he exhausted his entire life in order to seal [the boundless darkness].——This is the portrayal of his [long-cherished wish].

——The werewolf kid wanted to eat barbecue, so he got the barbecue house.

And the girl wanted something sweet, so she got the candy store. “

King Orser turned to stare at Arthur: “What about you, knight? What is your [long-cherished wish]?

You know neither love nor hate, no desire nor soul. What the **** are you? “

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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