Light Spirit Epic Chapter 519: Melee on the Frontline (3)


Chapter 519 The melee on the front line (3)

At the same time, the coastline outside Brindisi.

“Ha!” Tristan stepped on the ice skateboard at a very high speed, from sea to land, and from land to sea. He was like a phantom in the night, flying in the fleet of the orcs, wielding a spear in his right hand to chop down the enemy, while his left hand kept shooting through opponents with ice arrows.

“Seventy-two!” After killing another tiger man, he flew past Evan like a demonstration, and loudly reported his achievements.

Ivan ignored Tristan. He rode on Javier’s back and waved his weapon to shoot several vacuum waves: “Seventy-three!”

“Oh no, seventy-five!” The vacuum wave shot through several orcs in succession, and Evan quickly corrected himself.

“You know what, it’s childish,” Javier complained.

“Stop talking, wait until I win him.” Evan kicked the Cuifeng Dragon, and the dragon who was kicked in pain hurried forward.

“I will remember this kick, brother!” Cuifenglong cursed viciously.

“Go back and make up for it.” Evan didn’t bother to quarrel with Javier, he saw the next prey, and quickly pulled the trigger to shoot a light bullet.

“Ha! Seventy-six!” Tristan arrived first, flying past the orcs’ warship, and cut off the hapless tiger man’s head.

“Hey, that’s my prey!!” Evan protested loudly.

“This is a competition, of course it’s first come, first served!——Eighty!” Tristan swept out a shot before landing, and he attached ice magic to the tip of the silver spear, which instantly froze and froze again. The ice cubes, which were instantly blown away by the high vibration, shot through the bodies of the four enemy soldiers like a shot.

“Damn!” Evan said angrily, “Javier, use wind pressure!”

“I thought you wanted a fair competition?” Cuifenglong sarcastically said.

“Stop talking, hurry up!”

“Huhu.” Cuifenglong laughed twice, and immediately took a deep breath: “Huh!”

The huge wind pressure bomb instantly blew up a warship, but Ivan had a better way of attacking. When Javier spit out the wind pressure bomb, he had already shot dozens of vacuum waves, slicing the wind pressure bomb into pieces. Hundreds of shockwaves! The shock wave and the vacuum blade fell on the orcs’ boats like raindrops, blown into mud by the wind pressure, and countless orcs were cut into pieces by the vacuum wave!

“One hundred.” Evan reported with a sneer.

“Hey, you’re cheating!” Tristan yells injustice.

“No, this is also an attack from my hand. It’s just with the help of a little external force.” Evan said disapprovingly, and the murloc prince flushed with anger.

Tristan lands lightly on the sea and whistles.

Hiss! ! A siren burst out of the water and caught Tristan.

“Destroy me gorgeously!” The Murloc Prince ordered.

The siren opened its mouth of blood and spit out a huge water pressure cannon. Tristan fired countless ice arrows at the same time, and these ice arrows collided with the water pressure cannon to synthesize a more powerful crimson wave cannon.

Crimson waves swept across the battlefield, smashing three ships in one blow. The orcs jumped off the boat, but before they left the boat, the ice fragments of the missiles had shot through their flesh.

“One hundred and twenty, I win!” Tristan smiled smugly.

“Oh, you won’t——” Evan, who had already been riding the Emerald Wind Dragon up high in the sky, issued an order to make the dragon spit out a huge wind pressure projectile—[Air-chasing wave].

A huge vacuum wind pressure ball with a diameter of one hundred feet fell from the sky and blew up the sky on the sea. The gust of wind and waves it rolled up sent the ships of the orcs flying one by one, and the wreckage of the ships scattered everywhere was mixed with the corpses of the orcs, at least there were hundreds of them.

“Hmph, two hundred. It’s only possible to count less, and it’s impossible to count more.” Evan said proudly.

“That’s not your power! You really cheated this time!” Tristan said angrily.

“Guess again?” Evan said, pointing to the corpse on the sea.

Those orc corpses were covered in blade cuts. Before Javier played [Air Chasing Wave], Ivan did chop countless swords into the wind pressure bomb. Thousands of air currents are transformed into vacuum waves in the enchantment that wraps the wind pressure bomb. These blade-like vacuum waves dash around in the enchantment until they hit the surface of the sea, blasting out tens of thousands of vacuum blades, blasting the surrounding area. The boats are all chopped up! The ship was not smashed by ordinary wind bombs, but by the blade of the air, including the people on board.

Ivan thinks this is not cheating, because he did interfere with the power of the wind bomb with the enchantment of the weapon.

But Tristan doesn’t think so. The power of the wind pressure bomb obviously comes from the green wind dragon, and the lethality of the wind pressure bomb itself is extremely large, whether it is added with vacuum waves or not, it can cause the same damage. Evan just relies on Javier’s power and adds a little bit of his own enchantment, is that his own power? joke!

“As I said, you simply rely on weapons and other people’s strength, what’s so great about you?!” Tristan scolded.

“Return this sentence to you as it is, bastard!” Evan also said angrily.

“This is getting ugly.” Javier sighed helplessly.

“Uhhhhhh! I don’t care! Let’s see how I deal with you!” Tristan roared hysterically, ordering the siren to attack. The Kraken gathers a huge amount of energy in its mouth, ready to spit out a powerful water pressure cannon!

“Javier!” Not to be outdone, Evan ordered his dragon to prepare to attack.

“Oh, do you want to kill allies? It’s so fun.” Javier grinned, opening his mouth to gather energy, ready to unleash a powerful blast at any time!

Boom! ! ! !

A distant explosion distracted the two of them.

They destroyed more than a dozen fleets just now, but they were all old and weak soldiers, not the main force.

The true main force of the orcs, rushing out from the bottom of the water! A thousand-foot-long whale golem rudely landed on the shore, opening its huge mouth and releasing a large number of troops!

Dozens of foxmen in warg golems burst out of the whale’s mouth and ran over the Roman army!

Hundreds of other Tigermen also rushed out! They drank the [Hero’s Medicine] before the battle, and turned into berserkers who knew no pain and tireless. While running, they turned into maddening beasts, one by one, they turned into red mad beasts 30 feet high!

That’s right, these guys are the elite troops of the Orcs. They got real this time and launched a powerful offensive against Brindisi!

A dozen Warg Golems rushed forward and bit the soldiers. Cannon fire and lightsabers hit the steel monsters, causing only a few bruises. Soldiers who were helpless about this had to retreat!

The mad tigers are even rushing to the left and right in the It’s like being in a no-man’s land! They don’t know the pain for a long time, no matter if there are countless openings made by swords on their bodies, or countless holes made by guns and guns – as long as their actions are not affected, they will never stop killing!

“Oh, **** it!” Tristan scolded, “Looking at you, you’re just playing around and forgetting about this dangerous guy!”

“Don’t put all the responsibility on my head!” Evan scolded, “You can miss such a big target in the sea, how dare you talk about me?!”

“Ow!!!” “Humph!!!” The two faced each other coldly, stalemate.

“Can you guys wait to argue later?” Javier looked at the two immature boys and thought they were ridiculous and pathetic.

“You know, Javier is right. Let’s not count the number of kills just now. These are the elite troops in front of us. Let’s count who kills the most!” Evan shouted.

“Yes, just rely on your skills, not those fancy weapons and mounts!” Tristan responded disdainfully.

“Don’t use your magic!” Evan grabbed the spare lightsaber from his waist and threw it to Tristan. He himself grabbed the other lightsaber and jumped off the dragon’s back.

“Very good.” Tristan also turned on his lightsaber, jumped off the Kraken’s back, and charged into the battle.

“Humph, little brats.” Javier hovered in the air, not interfering in the competition between the two, only watching from a distance.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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