Light Spirit Epic Chapter 517: Melee on the front line (1)


Chapter 517 melee on the front line (1)

Evan was very tired of this roundabout way of answering: “Whatever you want, tell me the truth. Since we will continue to cooperate, at least let me know that you are a trustworthy partner.”

Tristan sneered: “Okay, I’ll tell you the truth. I do hate you. Remember when we first met? What were you then? A small, insignificant servant, in The boy guarding the lighthouse of the Knights of the West.

But look at you now? Already a Gaia knight, still leading a team to command the battle on the front line? And order me to take part in your idiot-like suicide missions? Boy, are you too dragged? “

Evan didn’t speak, his face was very ugly.

“Arthur said that you are the fastest growing one in our group. But I never agreed. I also worked hard to cultivate.

You are just holding a powerful ancient weapon, with the blood of a dragon flowing in your body, and you have that kind of heaven-defying talent [Eagle Eye Technique], that’s why you are so strong. Without these things, what are you? Just an ordinary human child, isn’t it? ! “

“Is that why you hate me?” Evan asked in a low voice.

“Yeah, that’s about it,” Tristan slammed mercilessly.

“Didn’t you rely on your talent as a murloc to be able to use hypnosis and ice magic so well? Didn’t you also rely on the [Soul Crystal] that Xianwei gave you to strengthen yourself? You don’t Also got a powerful weapon from the elves, what is that [silver spear]?

Don’t talk about you, isn’t it the same for Bedivere, who relies on the talent of the orcs to use [Crazy Transformation], [Beast Transformation]? Doesn’t he also hold a powerful ancient weapon [Magic Bow—Nare Fire]?

——Are we really that different? “

Tristan showed an expression of indifference and disapproval: “Bediver is my friend. You… just an [acquaintance].”

“You have an easy life. Limit yourself to a small circle. If you are a friend, you will support it unconditionally. If you are not a friend, you will look at it with jealous eyes.” Evan smiled disdainfully.

“That’s how people live. Why not?” Tristan replied. Their quarrel is getting worse and worse.

“It’s no wonder that you only have one friend of Bedivere. Your personality is so twisted that other people can’t stand you at all.” Evan said sarcastically.

The murloc prince’s pink face suddenly turned purple: “It’s better than having no friends. Just get along with your brother and dad day and night. Friends are not suitable for you at all.”

Evan was really provoked, “Boy, let’s find a place to settle this.”

“A fight? Do you think I’ll be afraid of you?” Tristan knew Ivan’s abilities very well, and he had already thought of several ways to deal with him.

“Then follow along!” Evan also stepped out, and he was very aware of Tristan’s abilities. He still had several ways to deal with a magician like Tristan.

They left the barracks and were about to go into the woods to [solve the problem] at the same time——

In the distance, beacon fires are everywhere, and the drums of war are blaring. The Hungarians attacked in the dark!

“Hmph, that’s right.” Tristan clenched his silver spear, “Let’s try another way to see who kills more orcs.”

“Without a military order, I can’t attack casually…” Evan hesitated a little.

“When the enemy is attacking, all the defenders can step forward to help. Haven’t you heard of this rule?” Tristan sneered disdainfully, while already running towards the battlefield, “However, if you plan to admit defeat, Just do whatever you want?”

“Humph!” Evan had to quickly follow, “Listen, if I win you in the competition, you will follow me to do the task without any complaints. Do you want to bet?”

“If you lose?”

“Then I will call you the boss, and be your younger brother for the rest of your life, at your command!” Evan accelerated and ran forward.

“Okay. You’re dead!” Tristan sneered viciously, dashing up. He was looking forward to the scene where Ivan knelt down to deliver tea and water to himself.

Seventeen years ago, somewhere in West Siberia.

Taking advantage of the hazy night, a figure abandoned the swaddling baby on the snow.

A violent storm of snow continued to rage, blowing the robes of the figure. Under the robes, the form of a woman loomed. She has a body similar to that of a human, but her face is that of a dragon, and her body is covered with beautiful silver-white dragon scales.

She is a dragon, and so is her baby.

As the rarest and most mysterious race among the orcs, they were made by the ancients using the genes of humans as a template and the genes of dragons.

The woman took out a small piece of white bear man’s fur and wrapped it around the dragon man baby. She cast some kind of magic that made the fur merge with the baby, disguising the baby as a polar bear.

When she was done, the woman sighed in relief. Her hand touched her stomach involuntarily. In her womb was another baby who was only a few months old.

“Goodbye, Papalov. I wish you happiness forever.” The woman shoved the ring in her hand into the baby’s arms.

Someone in the distance affected the movement, and the woman was panicked, leaving the child and running away quickly.

After the woman was completely separated, the baby was found by a werewolf hunting in the wilderness. He was Bedivere’s father, the head of the Eskimos.

Now, inside the castle of Brindisi.

“Is it really okay to leave the matter to him?” Elaine the white bear asked in a low voice.

“Just trust Brother Evan. He is a member of the Knights of Arthur. He is so powerful that there will always be a way.” Constantine stroked Elaine’s head.

It is rare in the world for a small boy to comfort a white bear who is more than twice his Can you guys stop discussing such an important military situation in such a place? “Cador wondered on the side, but he didn’t want to blame his son, his tone was controlled between mild and tough, which sounded very weird.

“What are you afraid of?” Constantine sat beside his adoptive father coquettishly, and glanced at Albert in the cage: “He can’t escape, are you still afraid that he will reveal military intelligence? Haha.”

“But——” Gaia Knight Cador also glanced at the big tiger in the prison, and the tiger’s ears moved slightly.

“Elaine will be at ease when I’m with me, and I’ll be at ease only when I’m with my dad.” Constantine sighed, “Let’s be self-willed.”

Cador listened to the battle outside the castle. If he did not have the task of guarding the cell, he would have his share in the battle outside to kill the enemy.

Now, he can only guard a tiger boy and two other children here. This huge gap made the Gaia Knight restless.

“But… go deep behind enemy lines? Elaine actually wants to go too?” Cador asked suspiciously, trying to relieve his irritability through dialogue.

“I, I have to go.” The bear man shrank, the battle outside made the timid bear man shudder again and again, “This… must have an end. It’s in my mind… all the time, Annoying me. Gotta make it… stop!”

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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