Light Spirit Epic Chapter 509: Battle of Chaos (5)


Chapter 509 Decisive Battle Against Chaos (V)

At the same time, the main control room of [Destroyer Demon Dragon—Nidhogu].

Palamides arrives at the control room with Vivienne. In front of them is a huge protective shield. Mogos kept fiddling with the control system of [Nidhogu] in it, believing that it was blocked by a protective cover, and cared about the two behind him at all.

“Are you here, Miss Vivienne?”

“Mergos, stop! You don’t know what you’re playing with!” Vivian warned in a cold tone, “Your actions will ruin the world!”

“Oh, Vivienne.” Mogos sneered disdainfully, “We haven’t seen each other for more than two hundred years, right? He taught me as soon as we met? Hehe——“

She stopped what she was doing and leaned her little waist against the glass bottle full of blood-red liquid, “This is the final product of [Blood of Chaos], mixing the characteristics of the dark son with our A photon mixture with the properties of succubus.

With this, the slave family doesn’t even need to rely on the power of [Nidhogu], only need to activate [Nidhogu] once, let the people all over the world drink [Blood of Chaos], and the slave family will be able to Forever, for generations to manipulate the world.

Do you understand? Vivian? Nujia will soon become the goddess of the new world! Whether it is a human, an orc, or even a dragon, they will kneel under the slave family’s knees and bow their heads to the slave family!

Morgan’s army of darkness is nothing at all. With [Blood of Chaos], even children can take up arms and fight fearlessly on the battlefield!

“Then, you created a [Purgatory] that is worse than [Darkness].” Palamides snorted disdainfully, the weapon in his hand was ready.

“You are an outlaw like a demon, and you have no right to control anyone! Disappear!” The photon claws in both his hands came out, and several arcs of light were drawn towards the protective cover, trying to destroy it.

Bump bump bump! The protective cover kept shaking under the attack of Palamides, and the attack was effective.

“That’s it, Palamy!” Vivian also drew out nine lightsabers, her hands wildly swinging the lightsabers, and her hair manipulated the remaining seven swords, stabbing at the protective shield from all angles.

Under the furious attack of the two, the powerful protective shield inside the golem began to weaken. According to this trend, it will collapse soon!

“Hehe, don’t be so impatient, let’s play slowly—-” Morgos waved his hand, and a figure fell from the sky.

A huge red werewolf appeared in front of Vivian and Palamidis, and it made a shock, causing them to back away involuntarily!

“Mordred, have a good time with them. Mom has work to do.” Morgoth ordered, turning around and continuing to activate the [Destroyer Demon Dragon—Nidhogu].

“Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” Red Werewolf roared and attacked the two! His claws are extremely sharp, and his movements are as fast as lightning, and he grabs Vivian’s face!

Touch! Palamides rushed over and blocked the blow with both claws.

“I’m here to entangle him, Vivienne, break the shield!”

“Be careful yourself.” The woman rushed over, swung nine lightsabers, and slashed wildly at the protective shield.

Palamides also claws out, pushing the werewolf Mordred away from Vivian!

At the same time, in the hallway of the central driveshaft.

Chaos is still fighting against his second brother, Bagus, who turned into a blood red knight.

This is the confrontation between the Ice Demon Sword and the Flame Sword, the power of ice and fire colliding!

Chaos drew an ice arc, which was as thin and sharp as a blade and swept towards Bagus at a very fast speed, intending to cut off Bagus’ arm.

But Bagus raised his magic knife and swiped to the ground, and the instantaneously raised wall of fire melted the oncoming ice arc.

Bagus slashed with a backhand sword, and a pillar of fire rolled up from the ground and swept towards Kaos.

Kaos also shot a freezing wave, which struck forward along the ground, collided with the fire column, and both dissipated at the same time!

Cold and heat collide, and it is impossible to tell the difference. However, there are advantages and disadvantages in the two physical fitness:

Bagus, who became a blood-red knight, has a large amount of [Blood of Chaos] flowing in his body. These photon-rich liquids bring a steady stream of power to Bagus, allowing him to wave his weapons and release countless fire magics. not tired;

On the contrary, Chaos only used his own power to drive the Frost Demon Sword, and he was still injured in the previous battle, so his body could not be said to be in the best condition.

Baggs used his magic recklessly, and countless fireballs approached him. Kaos could only keep dodging. He knew that using the ice sword to confront his second brother would only consume more physical strength and gradually put himself at a disadvantage.

However, dodging all the time is not an option. Bagus drove Kaos away with a few fireballs, and immediately launched a big magic.

He swirled and swung his flame blade, raising a powerful whirlwind of flames. The whirlwind with a strong suction force gradually sucked Kaos.

“Damn!” Kaos ran in the opposite direction, but the suction of the flame whirlwind became stronger and stronger, to the point where Kaos’ feet could not resist!

As a last resort, Chaos stabbed the ground with his sword! An ice wall rose from the ground, blocking Kaos and providing a temporary bunker for the Black Panther!

How could Bagus let Kaos go. The fireball has been shot from the flame whirlwind at a high speed, and a fireball exploded on the ice wall, and the ice wall was quickly blown to the point of being shattered!

Chaos slammed on the ice wall, jumped farther before the ice wall completely shattered, and made another ice wall before landing to protect himself from being sucked away by the whirlwind of flames!

But more fireballs exploded, and the wall of ice was crumbling!

It’s not the way to go on like this, it’ll just consume more stamina in vain!

Without thinking much, Chaos used the Frost Demon Sword to circle around himself. A layer of ice mist wrapped around him and quickly froze into a huge block of ice. He completely wrapped himself in the thick ice, the ice wall shattered at the same time, and he flew towards Bagus with the strong suction of the flame whirlwind!

The huge block of ice slammed into a large number of fireballs, and Kaos had to keep praying in his heart that the ice block would not melt completely before it arrived. The giant ice protecting his body is constantly receding and cracking, but he is also accelerating and crashing into Bagus!

Touch! ! The giant ice was completely shattered, and Chaos also came to Bagus. Bagus is still spinning at a high speed, and his flame whirlwind has not subsided yet. At the same time in the center of the whirlwind, he slashed towards Kaos’s head with a sword!

Black Panther only felt pain all over his body, and his hair was about to burn. But the shattering giant ice beside him absorbed most of the heat so that he would not be ignited and could still move in the next few seconds.

He crouched down quickly, just shaking his head over the oncoming magic knife. His magic sword stabbed out at the same time, the sword did not stab at Bagus, but stabbed to the ground!

Hot air rises and cold air falls. This is the most basic physical phenomenon. When Chaos’s sword touched the ground, a powerful freezing wave burst out and exploded under Bagus’ feet!

The powerful freezing explosion pushed Bagus’ flame whirlwind up from the bottom up, preventing Chaos from being burned to death in the next second. This explosion also froze Baggs’ lower body, and it continued to spread upwards, quickly freezing Baggs’ whole body!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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