Light Spirit Epic Chapter 408: The journey is the journey (8)


Chapter 408 Departure for the journey (eight)

“Where is my son?” Roble asked bluntly.

“Behind my back.” Bedivere replied coldly. Bedivere, who knew the truth about the massacre in Egypt, had a bad impression of Patriarch Roble, and even spoke with hostility.

“I’m not talking about Al. Let me ask you again, where is Robert?”

Just as Bedivere was about to speak, Albert patted Bedivere on the shoulder and spoke first: “My brother and the other white bears were on the slave ship bound for Pantoracken. The ship has now been You’ve crossed the Roman border, and you can’t catch up.”

“Al, you actually——“

“If I don’t do this, what should I do?! Send my brother who turned into an idiot back to the Fierce Fang’s territory, so that Dad can abandon him just like you abandoned me meow?!” Albert His hand squeezed Bedivere’s left shoulder so tightly that his fingernails sank into the flesh of Bedivere’s shoulder.

The werewolf boy clenched his teeth and waited quietly. From El’s nervous and trembling hands, he could feel the pain in the tiger boy’s heart. He couldn’t remove the pain for his friend, he could only help his friend share it together.

Robert’s eyes wandered a bit, and he may have realized he was wrong: “Very good. You betray your brother. It seems to be the right choice to kick you out of the house.”

“You didn’t kick me out of the house, you sold me. Don’t make a false statement, stinky old man!” Al grabbed harder, and Bedivere felt his shoulders There was blood gushing out, “Ten years ago, when you sold your clan, you deceived yourself with such peace of mind, meow?!”

When Robert heard this, a sneer appeared on his face.

It took a moment for him to speak: “You’re right. We had to do it at that time. I, the last leader of the Glick tribe, Hackett, and the last leader of the Foxmen, Red, we all know. .”

“Sure enough——“

“I won’t regret it. We have to do this. If we don’t cut the population like this, we’ll have to starve to death.” Roble’s face was cold and serious, not like a lie at all.

“Al, you also grew up on the sacrifices of those people. Without them, you would have been chopped up and eaten. Do you know what happened to your mother? She—”

“Shut up!” Al yelled.

Roble took a step back and stood in the living room: “I don’t care what you plan to do. It’s ridiculous that you think you can change the attitude of the Gricks to participate in the war with so little information.”

Bedivere finally understands now. Robert is here to thwart Brady and their peace talks.

“…Do you really want to go to war with humans so much?” Bedivere asked in a low voice, “There is obviously no basis, and even the reason for hating humans is made up by yourself—— “

“Fabrication? Is that really my fabrication?” Roble said bluntly: “If we had a little more life, we wouldn’t have to sell our own people and let them die. Their deaths are human beings. The result of squeezing our living space.

If the orcs could live a better life — at least fill their stomachs — would we need to send so many to die? ! “

Bediveville and Albert looked at each other. Roble’s words are not without merit, but they are not entirely convincing either. Human beings, orcs alike, have an inescapable responsibility for the tragedy of the Egyptian massacre.

“No one is completely innocent. But that doesn’t mean you can use that as an excuse to go to war with humanity.” Bedivere retorted.

Roble shook his head. This werewolf boy’s thoughts were too idealistic, and it was useless to talk to him too much.

The world is such a dark place, either you squeeze others, or others squeeze you. High-sounding reasons are useless at all, in the end, let the knife speak ——

Thinking like this, Roble suddenly pulled out the saber from his waist and slashed at Bedivere’s throat.

But he didn’t expect that Albert would step up to meet him and block in front of Bedivere.

Roble hurriedly put away the sword, but the sword was still very sharp, and it was about to pierce Al’s chest*!

(*Note: Al is a little taller than Bedi)

A thick hand stretched out, blocking Al’s chest. The sword sank deep into that hand, shattering flesh to the bone, and finally got stuck between the arm bones of the elephant man Pavu.

“Enough!” Papho stood in front of Roble like a hill. The young Elephant Man is relatively short in the race, but still a lot taller than the alien race.

“Humph!” Roble drew back his sword, ignoring Papho’s blood-gushing right arm at all.

“Just try your best. It’s all in vain.” Roble turned to leave. “I’m friends with all three of Hackett’s sons. Would they rather trust me or you strangers?” ? Humph.”

The tiger patriarch took a few steps out of the hall.

“Damn… Puff, what happened to your hand?” Bedivere hurried over to check the Elephant Man’s injury.

Very serious. Half of the arm was cut open to see the bones of Bai Sensen. Robert has already put away some of his strength, but he can still cause such great damage.

“It’s alright. I’ll be cured right away.” Puff took out the herb and bit it into his mouth, put it on his arm, and then took out the herbal bandage to wrap himself up.

“, it’s all because of me——” Albert was equally disturbed, and he glanced at Bedivere’s left shoulder, which also had Al’s five claw marks. “I’m sorry too, Betty. I’ll put some medicine on for you.”

Bedivere said nothing, taking off his shirt while looking out the window. He wondered how he could beat Roble. The situation is getting more and more desperate.

After finishing, the three of them walked out of the house together. Bedivere is anxious to find the three Hackett brothers, but there is no trace of Hackett anywhere. The three brothers went out early in the morning, and by now, their scents had long since dissipated in the drizzle.

The patriarch’s house is on a relatively high ground. Bedivere looked at the whole of Athens and realized how big it was. It’s not easy to find three people in such a big town.

“Okay, time is running out. Al, Pavre, the three of us are splitting up and trying to persuade the Hackett brothers before Roble. We’ll meet again here at noon.”

“I found it, but I can’t persuade it.” Pavle said without emotion, and headed east.

“I’m going too, Betty, be careful yourself.” Albert also said, walking west.

Beddie turned his head to look at the two leopard guards in front of the patriarch’s house. They didn’t mean to stop the werewolf boy or help the werewolf boy.

Beddie shook his head and headed south of town.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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