Light Spirit Epic Chapter 393: Reverse War in the Demon Realm (2)


Chapter 393 Rebellion in the Demon Realm (2)

The white bears were naked, kneeling on all fours, locked by iron hoops, and fixed in each single room. The whole body is almost immobile, the only thing that moves is the head, so that they can stick their head out of the hollow of the small cell to eat: the mushy food that flows from the feeding trough outside the cell.

The white bears are imprisoned here and live like livestock. When a certain polar bear was needed, the foxes released them from the single room. Either to do research, or to take…. (breeding).

“Ugh…” Elaine looked at her clan, her legs weakened and she fell to the ground. He has been treated this way too.

Hall snorted, “Mage, is this the [trouble] you’re talking about? We can’t save so many people!”

“I know, but——“

“Please!” Bedivere urged hysterically, “The White Bears are innocent, they should be saved! For my sake, Duke Hall, save them!”

Grand Duke Hall looked at the werewolf boy, helpless for a while. The pounding outside the door was getting louder, and a large group of guards was about to rush in at any moment. Hall sighed: “Master, is there any compromise?”

“It’s impossible to carry so many people over a long distance.” Merlin pondered, his brain racing, looking for a solution: “However, maybe, I can open a shield and let us Survive the impact of the Big Bang alive here. Destroy the institute first, and then we will slowly find a way to teleport back.”

Grand Duke Hall looked at the Roman Emperor, as if seeking the Emperor’s approval.

“I have to take this kid back first (he patted the male star on the back), he is in urgent need of medical treatment.” The Roman Emperor Justin I refused to compromise. What he cares about is the life and death of the evil star, so he doesn’t care about the life and death of the white bears.

“Okay, I can teleport back and forth again. After sending you back, the shield can still be used once (I will be petrified and dormant after it runs out).” Merlin threatened, “Quickly decide. The people who go back.”

“Tristan, take Albert back,” Bedivere whispered.

“What? What are you going to do?!”

“I still have unfinished tasks,” said the werewolf boy. There was determination in his tone.

“I don’t want to go to the human world.” Albert whispered, “No, I’d rather die!”


Tristan didn’t say much, just knocked the tiger man unconscious.

“Tristan?!” Bedivere couldn’t help but look reproachful.

“There’s no time to make trouble with this kid! Take him or leave him here, your choice!”

The werewolf boy sighed: “Okay, El will take care of you.”

“Have you decided yet?!” Merlin roared.

Tristan supported the fainted Albert and walked to Merlin’s side. The Roman emperor, carrying the evil star, was also waiting there. In order to protect the Roman emperor, Knight X also plans to leave.

“Elaine, you should go too!” said the Archduke Hall.


“Come on! You’re just hindering our fight by staying here!” Hall roared, pushing the bear man over with one hand.

The white bear man staggered and fell towards Mage Merlin. As soon as he touched the corner of the mage’s clothes, the group disappeared immediately.

“The two of us are left, kid.” Duke Hall pulled out his weapon with a smile.

Bedivere didn’t answer, but drew his magic bow from the ring in his right hand. The ring was found by Mage Merlin in the corner of the institute.

Dozens of guards slammed open the warehouse door and rushed in, and they were about to start a fight with Bedivere and the others.

“Hahahahaha! The dead boy!” The Director of the Renard clan also drove a particularly huge wolf statue, “See where you go to escape!”

Hall didn’t say much, and rushed forward to draw a sword. The green arc of the lightsaber hit the Patriarch’s Warg Golem, but was bounced off! The Warg Golem has a strong protective shield, and Hall’s attack does not work at all!

“Huh?!” Seeing that the situation was not good, Hall hurriedly jumped back, and the sharp claws of the Warg Golem had already slashed across his chest! If he jumped half a second later, he would be dismembered by the golem!

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahaha! Your complacent swordsmanship is no more than that!” Leonard shouted triumphantly.

Hall sneered and fell down. Behind him, Bedivere had already pulled an arrow hard, and a powerful shock wave shot out!

Touch! The shock wave blasts off the Warg Golem’s shield! The golem was hit half a yard back, but held on!

No use! What a powerful shield!

The other guards are charging up against Hall and Bedivere too! With their weapons in their hands, they slashed around, and the knights and werewolves had to keep evading!

The Warg Golem opened its mouth wide and gathered a large number of photons! It spit out a powerful beam and slashed straight at the two people in the melee!

“Wow!” Bedivere had just dodged an attack by a tiger guard. He thought that Reynolds would take care of the safety of his comrades, but he didn’t expect the foxmen to be so crazy that they even attacked their comrades together! The beam was drawn obliquely from two o’clock at a thirty-degree angle, and cut off the head of a tiger man in front of Bedi’s right, and it was about to hit Bedi!

“Idiot! Get out of the way!” Grand Duke Hall had avoided the but now he rushed over desperately and slammed into Bedivere! He himself was hit by the beam, his right leg was hit by the beam, and he was immediately broken!

“Woo!—Grand Duke?!” Bedivere just got up and shouted quickly.

“I’m fine! Be careful yourself!” Hall grabbed his severed right foot with one hand and countered with his sword with the other, killing the other guards. The old man was able to continue fighting at such a disadvantage, and Bedivere had to admire him!

However, another beam of light came across! Bedi saw that the crazy beam cut off the tiger guard in front of him by the waist, and was about to hit him. While he was about to jump to avoid, Merlin had already come to their side!

“Get up!” As soon as Merlin came up, he released a powerful shield. The light beam that hit was deflected by the passport and hit the ceiling diagonally! Merlin instantly opened his passport to wrap Bedi and Hall, and the shield continued to extend downward, instantly wrapping the white bears who were locked in the single room at the bottom of the warehouse!

“Blast!” Merlin hurriedly shouted, his words short and powerful.

The Celestial Knight Hall had already taken out the detonator and smiled at Patriarch Leonard: “Goodbye, Lord Patriarch!”

Clap! Celestial Knight Hall pressed the detonator with a sneer.

Dozens of photon bombs installed in the research institute exploded together, and the white light engulfed everything in an instant!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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