Light Spirit Epic Chapter 323: The riots on the winter night (Part 1)


Chapter 323: Riot in Winter Night (Part 1)

At the same time, Vivian’s research institute, in a certain room.

“Attention, take your time, be very careful meow—-” Saifer muttered aside.

Sitting next to him is his younger brother Seglade. The leopard boy handled the huge disaster in front of him carefully, bit by bit. Once he misses, the consequences will be inhumane, causing him to fall into the abyss of eternal redemption.

He carefully manipulated the utensils in his hands, like dismantling a bomb, and tremblingly separated the dangerous goods in front of him and put them on a plate beside him. The thing was glowing with a strange blue light, and his brother Saifer couldn’t help swallowing while watching his brother’s actions, and cold sweat fell from his forehead.

Finally, Seglade separates the last dangerous item. The two Leopard brothers breathed a sigh of relief. They finally completed this life-and-death task beautifully.

“You two brats!” Palamidis cursed while chewing the bacon: “How many times have I told you? Don’t pick the green peppers out of the meal! Eat them!”

The two kittens looked at Palamidis pleadingly: “But, this is really bitter—-“

“Noisy! Eat as much as you want! Green peppers are nutritious and rich in vitamins, which can help you grow your body! ——If you are always picky eaters, you will never grow taller!” Intimidating and persuading, “Do you want to become a dwarf like Arthur for the rest of your life?!”

“Arthur is fine as well, at least you beat Dad, meow.” Zephyr retorted, wagging his tail.

Palamidis smashed his son in a fit of anger: “Stinky boy, if you have time to argue, why don’t you eat the green peppers quickly!”

“Woooooooooo, don’t eat meow! Don’t eat meow!” The two leopard teenagers quarreled together.

“Well, are you still struggling?” Vivian walked into the dining room, and a golem brought the food in front of her.

“I’m sorry, these two boys don’t want to eat well.” Palamidis said shyly, he just hoped that the punch that smashed his son just now wouldn’t be seen by Vivian, otherwise… If you are mistaken for someone who uses violence against children, your favorability will plummet.

“Hehe, don’t you like green peppers?” Vivian looked at the green peppers left on the plates of the two leopard teenagers, “How can the green peppers cut so finely cut them one by one like Arthur when he was a child?” Pick it out?”

“Because, it’s bitter meow!” Seglade looked at Vivian coquettishly, as if he wanted a woman to help persuade their father, lest they suffer from green peppers again.

“Sorry, I’m so busy today, the golems make all the meals.” Vivian smiled rarely, seeing Palamidis almost fainted, “I’ll take care of this.”

She took away two plates full of shredded green peppers.

“But!” Palamidis yelled hastily. He knew that pampering children was not a good thing.

“Okay, come back soon.” Vivienne went out with her plate.

Two kittens give their dad a winner’s smile.

“Go back and clean you up—” said the Leopard Man, but he had just finished when Vivienne walked back.

“Try this.” She put a plate of salad on the table, and the fruit-laden salad looked delicious.

“Uh…green peppers…really gone?” Palamidis asked. Not only poured the green peppers, but also made a plate of salad for these two boys to eat. This kind of indiscriminate cooking will have a bad influence on the children——

“Okay, let’s eat first.” Vivian said. She seems to have her mind.

The two leopard teenagers shared the salad suspiciously. Their father had tried to secretly bury green peppers in the salad before. They were fooled once and learned more cunningly.

However, no matter how they searched, they didn’t find any trace of green pepper in the fruit. After careful inspection, they ate it with confidence.

“Delicious meow!” shouted the leopard boys, “Aunt Vivian made it so delicious meow!” They swept away the salad in no time.

“Okay.” Although Palamidis had a crush on Vivian, he was full of dissatisfaction with this incident. This kind of practice will only encourage the bad habits of picky eaters in children. “I think those green peppers that you didn’t eat will be crying in the trash now. That’s great.”

“They all ate the green peppers,” Vivian said.

“Uh, what?” The three Leopards shouted together.

“I cut the green peppers into powder and added them to the salad dressing.” Vivian smiled, “Looking at how clean you licked the plates, you should have eaten the green peppers, right?”

The two kittens were speechless. They grabbed their necks and made a suffocated expression of pain.

“Is it unpalatable? If it is unpalatable, why are you so happy to eat it?” Vivienne smiled, the warmth of memory flashing across her face, “The two of you are too similar to Arthur when you were young, so simple deceived.”

The rich sweetness of the salad dressing completely overshadowed the bitterness of the green peppers. The pungent aroma of the green peppers further brings out the sweetness of the salad dressing and fruit. It is indeed delicious.

“Woo meow.” The two kittens looked helpless, “It’s really not bad, but… green pepper meow…”

“Is it delicious or unpalatable? Make it clear.” Vivienne’s face flashed black, and her hair flew showing a terrifying force.

“Okay, so meow…it’s delicious meow.” The two leopard teenagers were sweating coldly.

“Well, that’s good.” Vivienne immediately put away her anger and smiled, “If you want to eat green peppers in the future, do it like this. Make the same salad every day until you are tired. If you don’t want to. To eat such a salad, quickly get used to eating ordinary green peppers.”

“Okay, okay, ahahahahaha —–” Two kittens rushed with cold sweat and laughed, and had to follow the lady’s force.

Palamides watched silently, seeing a certain radiance in this wise lady. Her frown and smile fascinated him.

The two children also like her very much.

Perhaps, he thought, he should summon up the courage to try——?

But he quickly put it out of his mind. All kinds of unfortunate events in the past have made him lose his self-confidence.

Vivienne is such a noble and beautiful goddess, how could he, an old man with a child and nothing to achieve, be able to climb high?

The two leopard teenagers looked at their father, and what they had in mind became clearer and clearer: Since the father is so shy and afraid to confess, then it is enough to create a scene that will make him courageous enough to confess. !

Unbeknownst to Palamidis, a big trouble that nearly cost him his life is creeping up.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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