Light Spirit Epic Chapter 279: Disclosure to True Knowledge (True)


Chapter 279 Disclosure to True Knowledge (True)

At the same time, the Knights of the Western Heavens. Evan, who was resting quietly on the bed, rang the phone beside him.

“Yo, kid, how are you doing recently?” Kai’s voice came from the other end of the phone, “There’s not much time left, I’ll start tomorrow, do you want to come with me?”

“Just waiting for you.” Evan said, he had already made up his mind to assassinate Gunther, even if he was the only one who had to do it. But he knew that if he did it alone, the chance of success was infinitely small. Now that Kai finally came to contact him, it was of course a good thing to ask for.

Ten minutes later.

“Well, is that so?” Aoyun turned on the cavalry’s engine, “Come on. I’m only responsible for taking you to Sir Kay, and I won’t care what you want to do after that.”

“Thank you, Aoyun.” Evan jumped on the cavalry and sat behind Aoyun. The door of the mechanical warehouse opened, and Aoyun’s iron cavalry roared out.

“Speaking of which, who is this Gunser, and why are you two going to kill him so solemnly?”

“That’s… a person who threatened Arthur’s life.” Evan said. He thought to himself that he couldn’t tell Aoyun that it was Arthur’s brother.

“Murdering for your [king]… is stupid enough.” Ao Yun replied absentmindedly, “Your [king] would never want you to do such a stupid thing.”

When Evan was told this, he got pissed: “If there is someone who can threaten Dad’s life, will you, Aoyun, find a way to kill him?”

“…Good question.” Ao Yun calmly said, “First of all, the person who can threaten Dad’s life must be a very powerful guy. With my ability, I can’t beat him. In this case. The most sensible thing to do is to run away with Dad, rather than go head-to-head with that monster.”

“Oh hehe——” Evan laughed sarcastically.

“Secondly,” Ao Yun ignored his brother’s sarcasm and continued, “It depends on what kind of person he is. If he is a demon, it is not impossible to kill him. But if he is a good person, what kind of person is he? Wouldn’t it violate the knight’s creed to kill each other casually?”

“It’s the knight’s creed again, and it’s rigid enough.” Evan sneered disdainfully.

“We don’t like to fight and fight. We knights must fight for a reason. Otherwise we are just murderers.” Aoyun said, “Evan, first understand your opponent and see how he is. A man of your own. Don’t kill until you can judge things with your own conscience. I’m not saying this to follow the creed of a knight, but to follow your own conscience. I don’t want to see myself The younger brother became a lawless murderer, understand?”

“…Understood.” Evan looked at the back of his brother, who was almost ten years older than him, and didn’t know how to refute for a while.

He never knew what kind of person Gunther was. He knew too little about the adversary, and Kay was reluctant to explain the matter in depth.

Tonight, he’s going to ask Kay well.

……Then, judge with conscience whether this [Gunser] is worth killing.

When he arrived at the hotel, he saw Kay and the Leopard Man.

“What about you… Forget it, Kai, I have something to tell you.” Evan said, gesturing for Kai to chat outside.

The Leopard Man shrugged at Kai, continuing to organize his weapons at the table.

“What’s the matter?” Kay asked when he followed Evan to the back alley of the hotel.

“I want to know more about this guy named Gunther.” Evan stood in the dark corner of the alley, leaning against the wall, “You only said he was Arthur’s brother, but what did he do? What makes Arthur so afraid of him? Is this Gunther really a bad guy?”

“…Do you really want to know?” Kay said in a low voice, and he sat down on the steps of the back door of the hotel, trying to make himself as comfortable as possible.” That’s great, I’m still reluctant to tell Arthur’s life experience if possible.”

“Please. I need to know.” Evan said, half begging, half persuasion, “I was going to kill this person, but I need to know if this person is worth killing me. I can’t let my hands be unclear. Not in vain with blood.”

“Oh, you kid still say this? Did you figure it out yourself or did your brother Aoyun teach you?” Kai said disdainfully.


“…Got it, I’ll just tell you.” Kai looked around.

It was a quiet night, the moon was dark and the wind was high. This is also a small and quiet village, there is no human voice in the village, and rural life tends to go to bed early.

Kai confirmed that no one was eavesdropping (but he did not confirm the leopard boy Seifer who was squatting at the back door of the hotel), and then said:

“If you’re worried that Gunther is a good guy and can’t kill him, your worries are unnecessary. That guy is a bad guy, a scumbag, and a villain with a vicious heart.”

“…Really?” Evan replied coldly. He was not satisfied with such an answer, it was just Kay’s subjective opinion, lacking circumstantial evidence and justification.

“…well, that’s not enough to convince you-” Kay continued, taking a deep breath as the fresh air of the country night stimulated his lungs and made him strong After a moment of courage: “The Kai I want to say is actually not exactly Arthur’s brother, or, in other words, he is Arthur’s half-brother.

Arthur’s father was a knight from a prominent family. While he has a wife, he falls in love with a maid at home. Arthur’s mother is this humble maid. Arthur was the illegitimate son of that famous knight. “

“Sure enough…” Ivan whispered. He finally found the common ground between Arthur and himself, and finally understood the reason why Arthur helped him in this way. Arthur is just projecting his past on Evan, and he wants to save his soul by helping Evan.

The mean guy.

“Evan, you have a good brother, that’s your luck.” Kay’s face showed vague sadness and anger under the hazy moonlight, “However, Arthur was not that lucky. He His elder brother Gangse was utterly wicked, and his eldest wife, the main room of the famous knight…she was also utterly wicked. They not only tortured the maid who had an affair with the knight by various means, He also tried every means to torture this innocent little boy.

The most terrible thing is that the little boy has an amazing recovery ability since he was a child. No matter how serious the injury is, he will recover quickly within a day. And then… of course, the **** Gunther tortured the little boy to the death every day. Broken his legs in the morning, gouged out the flesh of his arm with a knife in the evening——“

“Stop talking!” Evan hurriedly stopped.

“…In short, Gunther used all cruel means to treat his younger brother. No. He didn’t consider Arthur as his younger brother at all. In his eyes, this Arthur was nothing but It is a wild species born by his father and his servants, and there is no problem even if he kills him casually…. He didn’t kill Arthur, just because he was not ruthless enough, and Arthur himself could Just recovered.”

“…What about the famous knight? Does he not care about anything when he sees his son being treated like that?” Evan suppressed his anger and asked in a low voice.

“Humph, that knight was busy with his official business, he left early and came back late. When he came back, Arthur was tortured and recovered. How could the knight see it? The knight’s main room is very powerful at home. , it was easy for her to cover it up.”


“Oh, you guessed it right, it finally came to light, and yes, it’s going in the worst direction.” Kay whispered, “Gunther overplayed. He stabbed six-year-old Arthur’s heart with a red-hot steel nail. This time, Arthur did not recover.”

Evan’s eyes widened. His eyes glowed blue in the moonlight.

“Unimaginable, right?” Kai suppressed his anger and said, “Gunse, who was only sixteen at the time, used the most vicious method to kill his six-year-old half-brother. When Glenn’s maid arrived, Arthur was already dying. No matter how bullied or insulted Iglin had been, her anger erupted when she looked at her son’s cold body.

She was originally a succubus. Because she fell in love with that knight, she transformed into a human form and infiltrated the knight’s mansion as a maid. …… This witch should have left early and disappeared in the world, but she really loved the knight, and she has never been able to leave him.

Her foolish infatuation led to Arthur’s tragedy, and Iglin’s own tragedy.

She reverted to her original form as a succubus, and in the rage of losing her son, killed Gunther, and… the Grand Duchess of Pantoracken. Even the dozens of servants who came to stop them were killed together.

When the knight returned home at night, all he saw was the cold corpses of his two sons, the corpses in the main room, and the corpses of dozens of domestic servants. And Iglin, accused of being the culprit of the massacre, was eventually tied at the stake and burned to ashes. That’s the whole story of Arthur and Gunther. “

Ivan was shocked when he heard it. He finally came back to his senses and asked in a low voice: “…This is unreasonable. Shouldn’t Arthur be dead? Why is he still alive? What about Gunther? “

“I don’t know. That’s all I know.” Kay said, “A dying Arthur, I think Igren begged one of her succubus daughters to bring him back to life. How was Gunther? If I survived, I can’t understand it at all.”

“That’s why I say Gunther is a monster.” Kai’s face was pale in the moonlight, “He was originally a person who died more than ten years ago, and he can’t survive in this world again.”

Evan was silent for a while. Was he going to kill someone who died ten years ago the undead of the past?

But, just fine.

“I don’t care if he is dead or not.” Evan muttered in a low voice, “He is the past, he is evil. He should not appear in front of Arthur again to interfere with the lives of the living. I decided to kill him, no matter if he is a necromancer or a succubus, and whether he is stronger than me, I must kill him. Arthur helped me, this time it is my turn to pay the debt .”

“Well said, boy!” Kai showed a satisfied smile under the moonlight, and he stretched out his hand, “I’ll leave the battle tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” Evan also stretched out his hand, holding Kay’s hand tightly.

At the same time, the leopard boy Saifel, who was hiding behind the door, made up his mind quietly, even though he was crying.

One is a half-giant, half-human boy who grew up in a slum; the other is a half-human, half-dragon boy created by a celestial knight and a dragon; the other is a boy who grew up with a tragic fate, and life finally treats him A leopard boy with a slight smile.

These three completely unrelated strangers should never have any intersection in their lives.

But now, under the guidance of fate, they come together and work hard to protect the same person.

This is one of the wonders that exist in the world.

There is only one day left until fate stops.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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