Light Spirit Epic Chapter 253: Preparation for battle in the dark (true)


Chapter 253 Preparations for the Darkness (True)

“Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” The crazy monster roared, suddenly attacking Tamistan! !

“Wow!?” The murloc boy hurriedly dodged, his reaction was already fast, but he was still scratched with four deep claw marks on his chest!

“Ugh…Beddy?! Take it easy!!” Tristan shouted as he picked up his weapon, “Focus and get the beast consciousness out of your mind!”

These shouts are of no use. Bedivere’s consciousness as a [human] had already fallen asleep, and he couldn’t hear his friend’s cry at all. There’s no point in saying anything!

Realizing this, Tristan picked up the magic bow and took advantage of the situation to dodge Bedivere’s attack while looking for a chance to knock him unconscious.

The werewolf strikes at Tristan’s throat, and the murloc boy leans back and dodges.

The werewolf slashed at the murloc’s belly again, and Tristan lay on his back and ducked again.

The giant beast jumped up and flew from the air to the murloc boy on the ground. The murloc rolled over on the ground, dodging the fatal blow!

Bediver becomes tough! He was not only controlled by the beast consciousness, but became violent! Bedivere has been through countless battles over the past few months, and he has really grown up. The combat experience he had accumulated was not lost when he lost his human consciousness. They were still stored in the werewolf boy’s brain, and are now being brought into full play by this beast-conscious werewolf!

That’s not just a wild wolf! That is a battle-hardened, cunning and vicious old wolf! And this beast was planning to kill Tristan! !

After dodging dozens of rounds, the murloc prince is already feeling a little overwhelmed. He did his best to just dodge, let alone knock back Bedivere! !

The wound on his chest was also bleeding and continued to tear from the strenuous exercise. If it goes on like this, even if he is not killed by the mad werewolf, he will die from excessive blood loss!

Tristan knows he has miscalculated, he has miscalculated the power of the mad Bedivere, and soon, he will pay the price!

The Elf Prince Thor, who had just finished bathing and was about to go to bed, saw everything on the deck with his eagle eye. He picked up his bow and arrow and hurried to the deck.

He saw the mad Bedivere, thinking it was an incoming dark creature, so he drew his bow and drew an arrow, aiming at the creature’s eyebrows!

The elf’s steel arrow is attached with powerful magic, and its destructive power is amazing. If this arrow hits Bedivere, it will directly explode the werewolf boy’s head!

However, facing the elf prince, Tristan found this cold arrow in an instant! He knew the momentum of the arrow was to kill Bedivere, and if nothing was done, his friend would die like that!

In that one-half second, the murloc prince unleashed a Frost Arrow! The ice arrow shot at the elf’s arrow and collided with it, but was smashed by the elf’s steel arrow!

In the next one-half second, the murloc prince made another ice hockey trick, throwing the puck hard while dodging the werewolf’s attack!

The mass of the ice ball is several times that of the ice arrow, so it should knock off the steel arrow of the elves. However, the penetrating power of the elf’s arrow was still strong, it shot directly through the ice ball and continued to shoot at Bedivere’s forehead! !

It’s too late! The only thing Tristan can do is——

He desperately rammed into the werewolf, while he took a claw blow from the werewolf, and his left arm was bloody; at the same time, he blocked the steel arrow of the elf, and the right arrow opened a big hole!

This was the most [painful] time in his life. The murloc boy, who had been protected all the time and was barely injured in the battle, fell to the ground covered in wounds!

Seeing the murloc boy’s bruised body lying in a pool of blood, the werewolf was instantly stunned! Although he is still controlled by the consciousness of the beast, his memory still remembers Tristan as a friend!

The elf prince also guessed what was going on. He rushed over and raised his steel bow. Instead of killing him, he slapped Bedivere on the head with a sap!

The dizzy werewolf boy immediately recovered and collapsed to the ground. He looked at the murloc boy lying in a pool of blood, closed his eyes guiltily, and lost consciousness.

Hearing the earth-shattering fighting on the deck, Arthur had already woken up, and he had already rushed to the deck at this time.

What he saw was Bedivere and Tristan lying on the ground. Tristan was seriously injured with an arrow stuck in his right shoulder! Elven arrows! The arrow belonging to the elf prince standing beside him!

“This is all a good thing done by the Elf Prince Thor!”——This is what Arthur judged at that moment, the only possibility!

He rushed over, raised his sword at Thor and slashed! !

Keng! Thor blocked with a bow: “[World Changer], calm down and listen to me!”

“What’s there to say!!” Arthur roared, and continued to draw three swords, “You are indeed infected by Anzi, and even your heart has fallen!”

The elf prince deftly dodged Arthur’s attack. He didn’t mean to fight, but diddge with all his heart, “No, it’s really just a misunderstanding!”

“What a misunderstanding! The ghosts believe you!!” Arthur continued to attack viciously, every move he wanted to kill the opponent, and every move was as fast as lightning!

Thor dodged three swords and blocked two swords with his bow, but this last sword came straight at his throat, with the elf prince’s body*, it was really impossible to dodge!

(*Note: Elves are good at long-range attacks with bows and but they are generally not good at melee combat.)

Seeing that the head is about to be cut off, the elf prince knew that the end was coming, and he closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of [Eternal Tranquility].

Keng! A sword blocked Arthur’s attack!

Dragon Emperor Titans instantly appeared, blocking Arthur and Thor! He appeared in human form, waving the sword in his hand. A dragon who never had to fight with a weapon was so skilled with a sword!

“Calm down, [World Changer]! Things are not necessarily what you see!” Xiaoxinglong roared, his voice was calm, majestic and powerful, and seemed to have a huge deterrent effect.

“Yes, but!” Arthur took a step back and glanced at the fallen Bedi and Tristan again.

Bedivere doesn’t appear to have been hurt in any way, just knocked unconscious. Tristan’s injuries were much more serious, with a scratch on his left arm and an arrow in his right shoulder.

Wait. Scratched? !

Arthur glanced at Bedivere’s hand again for a moment. He understood what was going on.

Got it, but still can’t explain why Tristan was shot. Thor remains on the suspect list.


“Don’t linger, send them to the medical room!” The Dragon Emperor picked up the unconscious Bedivere.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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