Light Spirit Epic Chapter 251: Preparation for battle in the dark (middle)


Chapter 251 Preparations for the Darkness (Part II)

At the same time, the Liaowangtai on the deck of the battleship [Sword of Damocles] (Yin).

“If you look more closely, it becomes like this——” Tristan pinched a piece of ice in front of him, and finally made a statue of an ice bird.

“Oh, so detailed!” Bedivere watched intently, “But, what’s the use of it?”

“Hey, you’ll understand right away.” Tristan said, at this moment, he was injecting a lot of photons into the ice sculpture. Just like he made snow butterflies, he entered some simple instructions into the ice sculpture and made the ice sculpture act according to his ideas.

“Look at it, stupid dragon.” Tristan showed off to Xianvia next to him, “You said before that my [Snow Butterfly] was too slow to be used for reconnaissance. Now this [Blue Bird] , is an improved version of that one. The flight speed is dozens of times faster!”

“Oh, really?” Xianvia lay on Bedivere’s head, disapprovingly. He knew that Tristan had developed [stupid] magic again. The [Blue Bird] made with such a waste of energy has improved the shortcomings of [Flying Slowly], but has added a bigger disadvantage – it cannot be mass-produced. It is extremely inefficient to use such high-level magic just for reconnaissance.

Anyway, this is someone else’s business, and Xianvia is too lazy to care about it. He was lying on the soft fur of the werewolf boy, just watching the play.

“Hey, hey,” Tristan pushed the [Blue Bird] into flight after he was done.

“Where are you going to send it?” Bedivere asked, looking at the birds flying in the air.

“Of course it’s the second strategic goal.” Tristan said, “Although Lao Long said we can’t afford to provoke that place for the time being, we won’t suffer any losses if we scout first, right?”

“…Indeed.” Xianwei said.

At this time, another snow butterfly flew back, landed on Tristan’s arm, and disappeared.

“Oh?” Tristan looked stunned. “Ice Butterfly found a group of remaining elves. They don’t look infected. Well, are you going to save them?”

“What?” Evan in the command room heard, “What should I do?” He looked at Elaison beside him.

“I’ll leave it to you to decide, Evan.” said the elf girl.

“Well, okay… eh?!” Only then did Ivan realize that the girl was calling him by her first name, and he blushed, “Hey, okay—-Cui Do you know where they are, Stan?”

“At one o’clock, the distance is about ten kilometers.” Tristan said to the walkie-talkie, “No need to change course, I have released [Blue Bird] to guide them. At this rhythm, we can meet tonight. .”

Two hours later, the two warships were moored in place, and Arthur and the others came to the ground by dragon and looked at this group of strange elves.

Leading the team of twelve was a handsome young man.

All the advantages of the elves are fully reflected in this young man: including those beautiful green eyes, including the long hair that is smooth and shining like gold pouring down, including the standard face of melon seeds .

Although the armor on his body is tattered, making him look miserable, this elf still exudes an incomparably noble temperament. His noble temperament cannot be described by pen and ink, and it would be too rude to describe his nobility only by his speech and manners, so it is better not to talk about it. The only thing that can be said is that a noble person like him must be a big man with a very high status, not a royal family but also a noble.

“Oh, Thor!” As soon as the elf girl Elison saw the young elf who was taking the lead, she walked over and gave him a warm hug, “You’re still alive! That’s great!”

“It’s good to see you again, [Dawn Singer].” The elf youth also said that he seemed to be an acquaintance of Elaison.

“Is this the [World Changer]?” Prince Thor looked at Arthur with a red dragon on his shoulders, and came over to salute, “The next is the prince of the second clan of the elves, River Wind Thor. Er. These two are General Calvert Alfried and General Melody Moonlight. We are here at the command of [World Changers].”

“Um…” Arthur grunted, looking at the two elves, a man and a woman, beside the prince. The elves also bowed humbly to Arthur. They are all battle-hardened warriors, and from their scarred armor, it is estimated that, like Thor, they have fought countless battles with dark creatures in the Pure Land.

Evan looked on and felt a little uncomfortable, especially when he saw the handsome face of this elf knight, his heart was even more sour.

“How did you survive?” the Dragon Emperor couldn’t help asking, “The last time I saw you was when your advance party was swept away by the army of darkness, Prince Thor? Then… It must have been a century ago?”

“Yes,” said the elf prince, “At that time, my subordinates and I were surrounded by the army of [darkness]. We continued to fight and flee in the wilderness. In order not to be tracked by the enemy, we hid in the mountains and Until now. Has a century passed? I don’t know, I have no sense of the passage of time.”

“Stop talking, let’s rest in the advanced battleship. You are also tired.” Long Di said.

“No!” Arthur said quickly. He drew out the sword of the king. The golden light from the golden sword in the night was more dazzling than usual. He pointed the sword to the arm of the elf prince: “They have been infected by Anzi, so they can’t be let on the battleship like this.”

Under the golden light, a black lump appeared on Prince Thor’s arm. The lump wasn’t big, nor was it particularly swollen, just like a raised scab sticking to the prince’s arm.

“Well… I fought with the [Dark] army before, and was scratched by their weapons.” Prince Thor said, “Indeed, this thing is like a time bomb, I don’t know when It will explode and endanger the people around us…. We will not be on the battleship, and protecting the [Star Chanter] is indeed the first priority. We just need to take some water and food, and leave immediately after replenishing our physical strength. “

“You don’t need to leave, Thor.” Elaison laughed. “You all stand up and don’t move, I’ll help you clear the [darkness] right away.”

“Ah——” The girl began to sing. She was sending out ultrasonic waves, and none of the people present could hear it. This kind of ultrasonic wave has been manipulated to perfection by her. It can penetrate into the body cells of the creature without damaging the body of the creature, and destroy the dark child on the creature!

After about five minutes of singing, Elaison stopped, “Okay, the [darkness] in all of you has been completely removed.”

“Oh, I think… my whole body is relaxed. The erosion of [darkness] is over!” Melody General Moonlight exclaimed.

“[Star Chanter], you have fully mastered the skills of a bard? Congratulations! [Song of Purification] is so perfect!” General Calvert Alfried praised unreservedly. .

Arthur shone suspiciously at Thor and the others with his sword, and the black lumps on their bodies disappeared.

Elathan’s [Song of Purification] is real. Since she said that Anko has been cleaned up, it is really cleaned up.

“Okay,” Arthur said, looking at the group of elves, “Everyone, please go to the battleship to rest. Thank you for your hard work.”

“Thank you, [World Changer].” Elf Prince Thor bowed to Arthur.

Arthur withdrew his sword. Although he was still full of doubts, he couldn’t find any problems.

“So—-” Prince Thor explained to the Dragon Emperor while eating the elf bread, “After we found out that we were infected, there were subtle changes in our body and mind. We became irritable and abnormal. hungry, always wanting to attack those around me.”

“How did you get over it?” Arthur asked coldly. In his opinion, these elves have been infected by Anzi for a full century, but they can still maintain their current state, which is really a fantasy.

“The [unintentional] combat skills we once learned worked.” Prince Thor said, “When we are hungry, angry, or want to attack others, we sit and meditate. Elves don’t eat for centuries. We will not starve to death, so our hunger is not real As long as you let go of distractions, let go of all thoughts, and let yourself be one with nature, you can resist the temptation of hunger and anger.

It’s a pity that many of our compatriots don’t know that indulgence will make them fall into [darkness] instantly. Once they start overeating, they can’t stop, and because of this, we have lost many companions. The ones who survived now were all masters who used [Wuxin], the most determined warriors. “

[Wuxin] This combat skill, Arthur heard from Grand Duke Hall. The elves can go without food for centuries, which is also true from the expressions of the Dragon Emperor and Elaison on the side.

If they keep on hunger strike and keep their minds at peace, they can stop the growth of the dark seeds in their bodies.

On this point, Arthur can really believe that the elf prince, who had been hungry for a century, should now devour the delicacies in front of him. It’s a shame that he can still maintain such a demeanor, chewing the bread gracefully, bite by bite, huh? ! He can also eat quietly when he eats, and only speak when he swallows the food completely. This is the noble manner of the elf royal family. For these alone, Arthur had to admire a five-body cast.

Relatively——(Arthur glanced at Bedivere and Tristan, who were eating happily beside him)——If some idiots were infected by Anzi, I’m afraid one day will [fall into darkness] within.

Evan, who was beside him, looked at Thor, the elf prince so handsome and generous, and he couldn’t help but feel jealous.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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