Light Spirit Epic Chapter 234: The plan is in the quiet night (Part 1)


Chapter 234: Plan for Jing Ye (Part 1)

An hour later, Dragon Emperor Titans brought everyone to a city. Although this place once had incomparable splendor, it has now become a dead city.

Ivan looked at the empty streets here: the elves have ingenious architectural designs, the white buildings are meticulously carved, and the textures of gold are filled with all kinds of runes, which seem to have anti-damage magic.

This city is estimated to be the capital of the elves in terms of size. The huge platforms on the top of many buildings are obviously for the dragons to land or rest.

The central tower is even more magnificent: it is a thousand feet high, and judging from the number of windows, it has at least three hundred stories. At the very top of it are two sharp needles with a huge black void between them. Arthur figured it was a magic device to harvest sunlight for the city’s energy use.

Dragon Emperor Titans motioned for Shaxing and other dragons to land on a raised terrace in the tower.

As soon as he landed, he immediately took on a human form. After Arthur jumped off the back of the evil star, he has been observing Titans. He turned into a middle-aged man. Except for the silver scales on his body, he was almost no different from humans. Arthur knows that the transformation of dragons into human form is a very high-level magic… At least, neither Shaxing nor Xianvia can use it.

After everyone landed, the Titans raised their hands and a door near the platform opened.

Arthur and his party followed the Dragon Emperor into the tower and wandered in this splendid palace with golden walls.

Bediver and Tristan were almost mad with excitement at the beauty of this place. They were like two bumpkins just out of the country, touching the statues here, the knight armor there, and the The stone pillar, and touched the golden window frame next to it.

As they excitedly stomped and danced on the soft red carpet, Arthur finally couldn’t hold back: “You two idiots, don’t be rude! You won’t be able to pay for anything you mess up!”

“Hmph, let them play, [World Changers].” Elf girl Elison chuckled, her voice very sweet, “There’s no one else here but me and the [Glorious Guardian]. .”

“No one else?” Arthur couldn’t help but look ashen: “No one else would——“

“They were all infected by [the boundless darkness], and we had to kill them all.” Dragon Emperor Titans said as if nothing had happened.

When he said this, Arthur suddenly felt Shaxing and Xianwei squatting on his shoulders!

“…What happened?” Arthur couldn’t help asking, “Why did Anko raging in a place like Elysian’s Pure Land? Who brought Anko?!”

“…It’s my fault.” Titans whispered, he didn’t want to mention this to anyone, but he had to admit it.

“It’s your fault? Why!?” Sha Xing couldn’t help asking, “What the **** did you do?! Where did the mother go?!”

“Here it is.” Titans pushed open a huge door carved out of white jade. Inside was a huge living room. On the huge long dining table in the center of the hall, all kinds of exquisite food were placed.

A group of white jade golems dispersed, arranged stools according to the number of people entering the living room, and then lined up to bow humbly to the guests who entered the living room.

Arthur walked in and couldn’t help but admire the wisdom of the elves. If you bring one of these golems back to the farm, you don’t have to take turns to do the meal, you don’t have to take turns to clean, and even– after thinking about it, Arthur stopped these thoughts for a while, seeing that the Dragon Emperor Titans had already sat down. He also sat down and grabbed a loaf of bread in one hand.

“Eat more,” Titans ate rough, but in his hands was the exquisite food. Arthur remembered the description of the evil star once, this kind of shimmering bread is made of luminous insects and the nectar of the breath of the sky… Why does it feel like I suddenly lose my appetite! ?

“Delicious! It’s delicious!” Bedivere and Tristan, the two idiots, ate it without hesitation. If they knew they were eating worms, they probably wouldn’t have given such admiration.

Evan took a bite of the bread. The sweet taste spread in his mouth. He had never eaten such a delicious food. He wanted to let go of his mind and eat, but he was afraid that he would show a rude side in front of Elaison, so he shrewdly and pretended to eat with dignity.

“Father, don’t worry about eating, hurry up and tell us where the mother is!” Sha Xing asked immediately after taking a few bites of the bread.

“On the other side of this world, far away from the Elf Township.” Dragon Emperor Titans said unhurriedly, “But, you can’t get there. It has been infected by [the boundless darkness] Now, there is a dark storm blowing all day long, and no matter how powerful the protective barrier is, it will not be able to break through that storm and reach Ayaris.”

The Red Fire Dragon Shaxing and the White Frost Dragon Xianvia suddenly seemed to understand something. They tremblingly said: “That is to say——“

“Yes, Ayaris has been infected by [the boundless darkness]. She will never come back.” When Dragon Emperor Titans said these words, his face was filled with remorse and regret. Lonely, “I have lost my favorite queen forever.”

The two little dragons were silent.

Silence again.

Then, the rage broke out!

“What the **** is going on?!” Sha Xing scolded, “How dare you say [favorite queen]?! How many times did your mother cry secretly when you were playing with women outside? , you know?! Ah ha?! The mother became like this, that’s the reason for you, right!?!”

“You still have the **** face to show up in front of us, what did you say [favorite queen]!?” Xian Weiya also scolded, “You think your mother is old and ugly, not as good as others. The beauty of the dragon is so beautiful that we left us to go out to play with women!! When the **** did you love your mother?!”

Everyone present was taken aback by the sudden attack of the Shaxing Brothers. Only Arthur continued to eat and drink calmly. He had probably guessed that this was the case.

The Dragon Emperor looked at his sons and didn’t say anything. He just picked up a glass of honey water and drank it casually. It should be a drink made from the nectar of Breath of the Sky.

“What did you say, old bastard!?” The two dragons cursed together.

“I don’t have much to say,” Titans said. “As for adults, children should not talk too much.”

“Damn!” Sha Xing was so angry that his four claws clattered on the table, and he turned to (usually poisonous mouth) Arthur for help: “Boy, please help me too. He!?”

“…Why do you want me to scold him?” Arthur also took a sip of the nectar water. The sweetness of the thing rippled in his throat, but it was sweet but not sticky, and it really was superb.

“It’s not my outsider’s turn to intervene in your family’s affairs.” Arthur said indifferently, “However, Your Majesty Titans, there is one thing I want to confirm.”

“Let’s talk about it,” said the Dragon Emperor.

“Before we fought with the elves who were infected by the dark son, I obviously felt that their [heart] was completely swallowed up, they were just puppets without hearts.” Arthur said, “But …this is different from what I know.”

“The dark son can obviously multiply by the maliciousness of the creatures. Why does the dark son devour the hearts of the creatures? Isn’t it better to keep their hearts for the needs of large-scale proliferation?”

“I don’t know what you want to say,” said the Dragon Emperor, “I also have a very one-sided understanding of [the boundless darkness]. I only know that it cannot multiply by the heart of a single creature. It will devour When the consciousness of the weak is lost, only the strong-willed can withstand its erosion, but it is only temporary, and eventually the soul will be completely devoured by [the boundless darkness] and become a heartless puppet.”

“The creatures on this planet are too weak at heart to meet the needs of the explosive proliferation of [Boundless Darkness]. Perhaps this is the only thing to be thankful for.” Titans sneered.

“However, the queen who was infected by the dark son, her heart is not weak.” Arthur looked at Titans with insight, “The current queen is the source of the rapid proliferation of dark sons in this world. ], right?”

Titans squinted silently at Arthur.

Then he said: “Yes. It will be some time before the Queen completely loses [heart]. In the process, the darkness will continue to multiply in abundance until the world is obliterated.”

“The Pure Land of Elaison will be completely swallowed by darkness, unless we kill the Queen first.” He said in a cold tone.

“What did you say?!” “Damn old you say it again?!” Red Dragon and White Dragon posted together.

“Enough.” Arthur pressed the two little dragons on the table, lest they rush over and bite the Dragon Emperor. He turned to Titans and said, “Your Majesty, you should already have a plan to kill the Queen?”

“Yes, yes,” Dragon Emperor Titans glanced at everyone present, and he couldn’t help showing a puzzled look, “However, with everyone’s fighting power, I’m afraid the plan won’t be implemented smoothly.”

“Whether it can be successfully implemented, I would like to first listen to His Majesty’s plan before making a decision.” Arthur insisted, “If the fighting strength is insufficient, I can call some friends to help.”

He suddenly thought of Merlin.

“Call a helper again?” Titans chuckled, “Forget it, the portal to the Pure Land takes five days to recharge every time it is used. It takes a lot of time to go back and forth.”

“If Your Majesty insists on this…” Arthur couldn’t refute, and he saw that the Dragon Emperor looked confident. It seems that this battle plan does not depend on the number of people to determine the success or failure?

“I’ll explain the battle plan tonight. Seeing that you are all tired, go and rest first. The golems will take you to your own room.” Dragon Emperor Titan said.

Now it is morning in the Pure Land, but is it night beyond the Pure Land? The jet lag made Arthur very uncomfortable. He sighed and followed the golem.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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