Light Spirit Epic Chapter 224: Looking for the first time in the fairyland


Chapter 224: Finding Traces in Wonderland (Part 2)

Arthur jumped off the back of the hoarfrost dragon Xianvia, and dozens of knights of the Southern Sky Knights had already gathered in the mechanical warehouse.

“Who is coming? Hurry up and sign up!” The knights raised their weapons.

“It’s me,” Arthur took off his helmet. He also knew that if he visited late at night without a notice, it would inevitably cause a riot — but the two stupid dragons just couldn’t wait, there was no way!

“Temporary Celestial Knight Arthur Kelton wants to meet the Grand Duke of Yones.” Arthur said.

The knights recognized Arthur the moment he took off his helmet. However, after all, Arthur was not from the Knights of the Western Heavens, and he was rushing to visit in such a late night, which made the knights uneasy. Confuse.

“Arthur!” Evan arrived, walked over and said to Arthur, “What are you doing in the Southern Sky Knights so late?”

“I have something to discuss with you, of course.” Arthur said. The hoarfrost dragon Xianvia behind him hurriedly drove off Bedivere and others on his back, and then he became smaller and flew to squat on Arthur’s shoulder.

The wonder of Arthur sitting on the shoulders of two red and white dragons made the knights of the Southern Sky Knights talk a lot. At this time, Aoyun also arrived. He made a few gestures to drive away the knights who were watching. He came over and said to Arthur: “Master Arthur, it seems that you have something important to visit at night. I will take you to see the Grand Duke of Yones.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to Evan as we walk.” Arthur said.

A group of people rushed to the study of the Duke of Yones under the leadership of Ao Yun. At the same time, Arthur asked Evan, “Can you lend the necklace that your mother left you to the evil stars?”

“Hmm…” Evan couldn’t help but hesitate for a while. The last time the Red Fire Dragon Demon Star lost his temper because of this necklace, so Evan couldn’t help but be wary of these two dragons.

He looked at the red dragon on Arthur’s shoulder, and the evil star was a little impatient.

“Mr. Shaxing, Mr. Xianvia, I can show you the necklace. But this is my mother’s relic. Please be careful when you look at it. If it is damaged, I will even use it as a souvenir. My mother’s keepsakes are gone——“

“Understood, I will be careful.” Sha Xing took the necklace in one hand, jumped on top of Arthur’s head, and muttered to the frost dragon beside him. They speak the language of dragons that only they can understand.

Only at this time did the evil star have a chance to take a closer look at this necklace. It is a very beautiful silver necklace, and the fire dragon took it in his hand and felt that it was given a strong protection magic, and it was probably indestructible (Evan’s worry was simply unnecessary). The pendant of this necklace is a silver base set with obsidian and a black crescent.

In this beautiful and elegant black meniscus, a familiar force faintly came.

The two dragons don’t understand whether this has anything to do with the Pure Land. All they have is deeper doubts and unease.

“Hey!” Arthur’s head was obviously upset when the dragon stepped on it, but the evil star did not hear the muffled groan that Arthur used to protest. He and his brother had a series of discussions until the crowd came. In front of the office of the Grand Duke of Yones.

“Knock.” Owen knocked on the door and cleared his throat, “Grand Duke Yones, Heavenly Knight Arthur asks to see you.”

“Let them in.” The voice of Celestial Knight Youns came from inside.

Owen gently opened the door.

The Grand Duke of Yones is busy reviewing the mountain of documents in his office.

“Oh, Arthur!” Ewans turned around and said, but his hand hadn’t stopped, and he kept taking documents to sign, “I’m sorry, I’ve been busy these days, documents I have piled up a lot and have not had time to approve it, and I am busy now.”

“Uh, okay.” Arthur replied perfunctorily. I didn’t expect Yones to be so busy with official business. If it’s the Grand Duke of Lyon Dickens…is that Greenville busy approving? Can not help but worry.

“What’s the matter, just tell me if you have something to do with me?” Youns said impatiently.

Arthur pulls Rasha’s tail.

“Well, okay, wait a minute.” Shaxing and Xianvia muttered a few more words in dragon language, and then he turned to the grand duke and said, “Grand Duke Yones, under the red fire dragon evil star, I want to ask about your ex-wife.”

“What ex-wife and second-wife?” Youns was stunned for a while.

“Cough cough.” Ivan coughed dryly, lowered his voice and said to the evil star: “Grand Duke Ewings has never married my mother——“

“Tsk,” the red fire dragon jumped on top of Ivan’s head, “Well, to put it another way—I want to know about this kid’s mother. Especially, about the fact that she is an elf. “

Grand Duke Euns stopped writing, he looked at the red fire dragon evil star with a serious expression, and then spit out a sentence: “Red dragon, you really want to trace my romantic history? Alice is a Human, I know this very well. She has neither elf ears, nor eagle eyes, super vision or anything. Her eyesight is better than ordinary people, but that’s all.”

“This can’t explain Ivan’s innate ability to eagle eyes.” Arthur said, “Even if humans can use eagle eyes, they will definitely need long-term training, and they are used against the risk of petrifying blindness when using them. .”

Ivan basically can use whatever he wants, and his eagle eyes are superhuman. Evan is definitely not human.

“I’m also very confused about this.” Euns said, “However, I can’t answer any of your questions, because I don’t know either.”

“Please tell me more about my mother.” Evan said, “Anything can be — this necklace, do you know how it came from?”

Youns looked at the necklace in Evan’s hand. He sighed.

“It should have been fifteen years ago. At that time, my wife had just passed away. She was very disappointed and went to the city to drink and drink.” Euns said, “And then I met your mother Alice in the bar.”

“…And then?” Seeing that Ewens didn’t go on, Evan couldn’t help but ask.

“Then there is no then.” Ewans said a little embarrassedly, “Alice is a prostitute, of course we did that–kind–thing. I liked that very much at that time. Woman, she is always very gentle on my chest, chatting with me.”

“Cough cough.” Owen on the side couldn’t help coughing dryly, “Father, please pay attention to your words——“

“We spent three years together like this. Although most of the time was money transactions, I liked that woman. She is a very free person, and there is no pressure to be with her.”

“——Then what?” Evan hurriedly urged when Ewans began to digress.

“And then? I also climbed to the position of the Heavenly Knight at that time. Our identities became more and more disparate, and there were more and more rumors from other knights. In the end, we couldn’t bear the pressure and separated. “If it wasn’t for Owen who drove Alice away at that time, I might have chosen not to be a knight and stayed with Alice.”

“However, I didn’t stop Owen, because I really wanted to be a knight.” The Grand Duke said bluntly.

“Poor…” Arthur and Evan said in unison.

“You’re still little devils, of course it’s so easy to say!” Ewans couldn’t help defending himself, “I have a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders, how could I give up my responsibilities for a woman? Besides, I don’t either. Do you know that Alice is pregnant?”

“If you knew, what would you do?” Ivan asked in a cold tone.

“Of course, find a place to keep Alice secretly and wait for her to give birth——“

“Poor!!” Arthur, Evan, the Red Fire Dragon Shaxing and the White Frost Dragon Xianvia shouted at the same time.

Youns looked at the group of coaxing guys and couldn’t help laughing: “There’s no need to be so angry.”

Arthur glanced coldly at Grand Duke Yones, “Grand Duke, is that all you know?”

“That’s all.” Youns said without hesitation.

“Really?” Seeing the other party’s answer so casually, Arthur asked again.

“Really…?” So Ewans thought about it Then, the old **** seemed to have thought of something, and he oh-oh, “I almost forgot, indeed One more thing.”

He stretches out the **** of his right hand, on which is a ring with a sun carved in gold amber.

“That’s the only gadget Alice gave me. She just said it was a [little thing], so I didn’t pay much attention to it, I just wore it all the time.”

The golden sun and the black moon. Arthur had probably guessed something, but he remained silent.

“…Can I take a look?” Evan asked.

“Well, okay.” The Duke of Yones wanted to take off the ring. But he wore this thing for many years, and the ring was so tight that he couldn’t take it off.

“Uh, why is it so tight——” He pulled it out a few more times, “Well, it can’t be done——“

“I’m here to help.” Evan stretched out his hand to pull it out. He pulled at one end and Yones pulled at the other, but he still couldn’t get the ring out of Yones’ ring finger.

Ivan saw no effect, and stepped up his efforts——

“Ow! It hurts, hurts, hurts——!” The Duke of Yones hurriedly shouted.

“I’m going to get some soapy water.” Ao Yun looked at the funny faces of his father and brother at a loss, and hurriedly walked out.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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