Light Spirit Epic Chapter 214: Rapid attack in the morning light


Chapter 214: Assault on Morning Light (Part 2)

“The sweep on the first floor is complete, now continue to sweep the first floor.” Palamidis’ voice came from the communicator.

“Very good, Para——“

“Ow!” Before Arthur could finish speaking, the leopard’s scream came from the opposite side of the communicator.

“What’s the matter, Palamidis?!” Arthur hurriedly said, “answer!”

“Quick… escape! This is a trap——” Communication was interrupted.

“Damn!” Arthur looked back at Bedivere and the others, “Beddie, meet the others in the basement before you brought your clan back!”

“How about you, Arthur?!”

“I’m going to save Palamidis,” Arthur said.


Arthur dashed out regardless of Bedivere.

He immediately came to the minus floor, where Palamides’ communication was interrupted.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” A fox man was driving a huge wolf-shaped golem, which was biting Palamidis in its mouth.

“Arthur…” The Leopard Man was bloodied by the sharp teeth of the wolf golem.

“Hold on, Palamie,” Arthur drew his sword, “and two children waiting for you to take care of.”

“Humph.” The fox man manipulated the wolf golem, spit out the seriously injured leopard man, and threw it aside. “The Celestial Knight Arthur, who has long admired his name, and the patriarch of the Romani clan, Reid, asked for advice. !”

As soon as the voice fell, the huge wolf demon pressed down like a road roller! Dozens of drill bits stick out from the blood plate of the wolf golem. If they are involved in these drill bits, they will immediately turn into meat mud!

Arthur runs back immediately. Narrow corridors are not conducive to dodging, and there is basically no room for evasion in such an attack. The only thing Arthur can do is to run away!

“Hahahahaha!” Reid laughed frantically, “Go to hell, Celestial Knight Arthur! You actually blew up the research institute I built with my life’s wealth. You will die for such sins. Redeem!”

The drill shoots like an arrow, and Arthur dodges as he runs.

“What? Did your kid have back eyes? How could you avoid it?” said Patriarch Leid.

Arthur couldn’t help but feel disdain in his heart. As the patriarch, he didn’t even know how to use the mind. Long-range attacks such as bullets have a fixed trajectory before they are issued, and if they are sensed with the mind-eye technique, they are easier to avoid than melee weapons.

It’s a fact that the stronger the knight, the more disdainful the bullets are.

“Just keep running away! Let’s see how long you can run!” Patriarch Reid said arrogantly.

“Humph!” Arthur sped up his run. Although he runs fast, he is definitely not comparable to the mechanical power of the golem, neither in terms of acceleration ability nor stamina! If you go on like this, you’ll just be crushed to death!

Hurry up and figure it out! If it goes on like this—

I have no choice but to ——

Arthur rushed to the turn, a flying shovel, knocked off the cover of the ventilation duct and slid directly into the ventilation duct!

The following wolf golem smashed the ventilation duct behind Arthur to pieces! But Arthur had crawled out a long way.

“You can’t escape, Arthur!” Red sneered, “I know the plumbing system here! It’s only a matter of time before I find you!”

Arthur ignores him, crawling quietly through the pipe. Red’s wolf golem smashed the pipe on the other end, and it looks like he guessed wrong.

“Hey, just keep hiding! Watch me smash all the pipes into shards and bury you in the pipes!”

Arthur knew something was wrong. If he crawls fast, he will be caught, if he runs out, he will be caught, and even if he does nothing, he will be smashed.

Just when he was at a loss, he suddenly encountered something in the pipe.

“Isn’t it out yet?!” Red was still smashing the ventilation ducts, hundreds of feet.

“I got you.” Arthur jumped out of the side of the pipe and fell on his face, “Don’t do this, don’t kill me, I’m willing to do anything you want, as long as you can spare my life!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Are you here begging for mercy only now?! No way!”

“Please, please ——“

Before he could finish speaking, the wolf demon had already rushed in front of Arthur and bit him whole. The drill bit in the wolf golem’s mouth turned together, smashing Arthur’s whole body!

“Hahahahaha! Finally died! Your indispensable heavenly knight, finally died in my Red’s hand!”

“I thought the fox was really that smart.” Arthur’s voice sounded from behind Patriarch Red.

“What, what!?” The patriarch turned his head and saw that Arthur was standing behind the driver’s seat of the wolf golem!

“But, why!?”

“I’m lucky again. I found the body of Palamitos hidden in the ventilation duct.” Arthur sneered, “That was just a projection I made with the body of a guard.”

“What?! There has never been a —— in the data”

“Because the Hungarians who have seen me use projection magic are all dead.” Arthur sneered.

“Damn! I haven’t——“

“You’re dead too,” Arthur said. He had already raised Red’s head and spoke to him.

He turns Red’s head to show him his headless body.

“Ahahahaha! This, how is this possible! Can I still say–and–?!”

Arthur ignored him and chopped off the fox man’s head: “This is for you from the people of Bedivere.”

He walked back to check on Palamides, “Can you stand up?”

“Ugh—” He was seriously injured, but the leopard warrior still endured and stood up, “I’m sorry, it seems that the sweeping of the first floor is impossible.”

“Forget it, let’s go back first.” Arthur supported the injured Palamidis, “detonating the bomb would at least raze the institute. The researchers on the first floor may escape part of it—but , since the underground part of the research institute is the important research project, the guys upstairs will not be able to escape a few people.”

“I just hope you’re right—” The Leopard covered the bleeding wound in his abdomen.

A large number of guards surrounded the corridors on both sides.

“So, this is a trap——” Palamedis said in despair, “Arthur, leave me alone, and you can still escape alone.”

“No.” Arthur said decisively, drawing his sword.

Indeed, taking care of wounded companions and fighting hundreds of guards at the same time, only to die in battle.

How can such a desperate situation be rescued——

“Arthur!” Bedivere shouted as he charged with his companions surrounded by guards.

With Bedivere as the striker, Tristan, Lianne and Merlin’s magic bombarded everywhere, coupled with Evan’s artillery support, and quickly made a **** path.

“This way, Arthur!” cried Bedivere.

“You guys are so messed up!” Arthur wanted to rebuke a few more words, but he knew it was too late, so he had to hurry up and rush into the gap in the encirclement!

“Would anyone drive this?!” Arthur cried, placing the badly wounded Paramedis in the cockpit of the wolf golem and throwing the corpse of the fox patriarch out.

“Let’s see!” Merlin jumped into the cockpit, he used some kind of magic, and immediately deciphered the wolf golem’s operating system.

“There is no problem with the basic operation!” Merlin said, “Everyone, come up!”

“Activate!” When all the companions jumped on the back of the wolf golem, Merlin immediately activated the wolf It was fun. As soon as they saw the wolf golem running towards them, the guards immediately fled! None of them thought that anyone in Arthur’s group knew how to operate such a complex wolf golem, nor did they think of dealing with wolf golems in such a narrow corridor.

For a time, the wolf golem had the upper hand, and still attacked like a road roller, chasing the fleeing guards. Some of them ran slowly and were immediately drawn into the blood plate of the wolf golem, instantly turning into minced meat. Bedivere and others used various long-range attacks on the back of the wolf golem to pick up the leaks, killing those poor guards who had no time to escape.

“Okay!” Seeing that the wolf golem was running out of fuel, Merlin jumped off the golem immediately, “The guards don’t dare to catch up for the time being, let’s retreat!”

“Wait a minute!” Tristan used ice to make a bust of Merlin in the wolf golem’s cockpit, “Hey, that’ll scare them to death.”

“Run, you’re still playing!” Arthur urged.

“It’s not over yet!” As Tristan stepped back, he was creating an ice wall, blocking the road ahead, and simulating the ice wall as the material of the laboratory wall.

“Look at me creating a huge maze on the minus one and minus two floors for the guards to go around in circles,” he said.

“Well, let’s go to the maze, and trap the guards as long as possible.” Arthur said, “Evan, go and accompany him, lest this idiot be trapped in the maze he made!”

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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