Light Spirit Epic Chapter 193: Fighting in a foreign land (middle)


Chapter 193: Fierce Fighting in a Foreign Land (Part 2)

Keng! ! ! ! ! !

In the nick of time, Arthur raised his sword to parry the fatal blow, and at the same time did a backflip, “Shaxing, Xianvia!”

The two dragons appeared beside Arthur as promised, and without saying much, they directly fell on Arthur’s body and merged with him!

“Did you drink dragon blood again? You’re really not afraid of death!” Coves rushed over and grabbed Arthur with his two-photon claws.

“Bump!!” Arthur raised his fists and blocked an attack with one punch!

“What!? The reaction speed is fast again?!”

“You take a good look at what you are fighting with.” Arthur said.

The dragon armor on Arthur is fused with the evil star and Xianvia. Each joint of the armor has jet ports, and the flames are jetted out from there to drive the body to move at a high speed, and it is controlled by brain waves, which is unimaginably fast! The ice dragon’s lina armor strengthens the armor to an incredible hardness, and the sharp barbs are both offensive and defensive.

“What kind of price do you have to pay for being in such a state?” Coves sneered, “Besides, didn’t you say you want to fight me in an upright manner?!”

“Long-winded! You hurt Bedivere, and you hurt Tol’vir. Who wants to fight with you, a leopard scum like you?!” Arthur scolded angrily, “Besides, I didn’t drink dragon blood at all. , this is enough to deal with you! This is the effect of the fusion of the black dragon armor on the body and the dragons. Although this experiment has failed countless times, a certain mage helped me adjust it yesterday.”

“Just be the number one experiment in the actual combat evaluation of this fusion dragon armor, Corvez!” Arthur raised his holy sword, sprayed flames from his body, and charged at the leopard warrior at super high speed.

“Come, come, come!!!!” Tristan erected an ice wall as a defense, while shooting countless ice arrows into the distance!

Ivan summoned Javier, the green wind dragon, while letting the dragon hover over the position, spitting out countless vacuum waves. Evan himself set up two heavy machine guns and rode on the back of the dragon to shoot everywhere!

Renine threw countless huge fireballs while defending the position, blowing up the approaching enemy troops!

Bedivere raised the photon bow, picked it up beside Renine, and shot down the orcs one by one.

Merlin operates dozens of powerful magic shields. Although he doesn’t kill people, he can effectively knock enemies who dare to approach!

The other knights fought guerrilla warfare around their positions, constantly shifting positions, drawing the enemy’s attention while reducing their strength!

“Fifty percent of the booster formation! Hold on for another five minutes, everyone!” Merlin shouted through the walkie-talkie.

“Very well,—-we only have five minutes to play. Hurry up!” Arthur looked at Coves, waving his weapon at a high speed, attacking frantically, gradually gaining the upper hand . Coves could only keep dodging and blocking, and countless small wounds appeared on his body.

“Arthur, it’s really yours!” Coves pushed Arthur back with a single blow, and then he dropped the weapon in his hand, “I’ll have fun with you!”

He fell to the ground, his body began to change dramatically.

Crazy? Not also. Bestialized? Neither. Corvez not only transformed into a beast-like form, but also made his body gigantic. Both madness and beastification are used at the same time. This is the ultimate form-changing ability that many orcs cannot cultivate in their lives, “mad beastization”.

“Whoosh!” Coves disappeared from Arthur’s field of vision in an instant, unimaginably fast. Then with a snap, Arthur received a heavy blow in the back and was knocked out!

Papapapa, Arthur has been hit dozens of times in an instant. Although there is a powerful fusion dragon armor body that will not be particularly fatal damage, he also feels that it is not good!

“Ouch!” Arthur landed heavily on the ground. Corvez’s speed is not only a little faster, the guy gallops with four legs, coupled with the explosion of muscle power brought by madness, the speed and strength soar several levels in an instant!

“Pounds! Pounds! Pounds!!!” The guy’s movement made sonic boom after boom. The phenomenon of this sonic boom is proof that he has surpassed the speed of sound.

Arthur has recently played a lot of high-speed opponents, and he thought he had a perfect countermeasure against this type of enemy. But the speed of Coves surpassed common sense, but far exceeded Arthur’s expectations.

If the attack of the three-headed Cerberus is infinitely close to the speed of light [response speed], it is also close to the speed of light at the moment of the shot. This guy is a monster living in a supersonic world. From moving to attacking, the whole process is supersonic!

Supersonic guy, how to deal with it! ?

Even if you can barely dodge him at the moment of the attack, you can’t catch him, and you can’t catch up with him and cause damage to him!

—– Figure out a way, use your brain quickly, Arthur!

If you don’t hurry up, you’re going to die!

Arthur’s adrenaline is surging, his head is spinning at high speed, thinking about all kinds of ways to reverse the disadvantage.

But he can’t remember anything. No, no is no! To deal with supersonic attacks, even the body’s reaction limit can’t keep up. How can such a guy defend? How to fight back? !

Let’s not talk about those, why are there organisms that can break through the photon buffer effect and enter the supersonic field? ! Isn’t this impossible by the laws of physics? !

There must be some reason for this.

“Integrate into nature. Use instinct to act.” The words of Duke Hall suddenly sounded in Arthur’s mind.

“…Integrating into nature?” Arthur figured it out, he sat down and closed his eyes in the mood to fight to the death.

“What is he doing?! Does he want to die?!” Tristan looked at Arthur, who was sitting still on the ground, and Corvis, who was running at high speed.

“Arthur, behind you!!” Bedivere yelled, and he saw Coves grab Arthur from behind with a claws, wanting to take Arthur’s head!

However, Arthur could not hear or feel anything at this time. He tried to throw away all the thoughts in his head and reached the state of [no-mind].

——Then, he surpassed the [impossible].

Coves’s fatal blow was swayed away by Arthur’s extremely light movement method within a distance that could only be avoided.

He doesn’t know what’s going on, he doesn’t even realize he’s dodged a blow from his opponent. In front of him is darkness, and in this darkness, he can gradually see clearly the torrent of countless photons in this world——[Light Vessel].

Arthur just danced along the flow of this light vein, like a feather in the wind, like a floating leaf on the water. Abandoning his thoughts, he acted only by intuition. His intuition told him that instead of resisting the trend, only dancing in line with the flow of the light pulse was the only correct choice.

——Photon will not abandon those who believe in it.

“Difficult, unbelievable!” Coves gasped, “How could anyone avoid my attack?! You…you’re just lucky!”

Arthur remained seated on the ground, not answering. He wasn’t listening, he just felt the breathlessness in Coves’s breath.

“Hey! Didn’t you hear what I said?!” Coves said angrily, “You’re just a **** luck! Your luck won’t last forever! Watch me tear you to shreds! !”

Whistle! The supersonic attack hit Arthur again.

Arthur just turned around, deftly avoiding the attack.

(Hit me!?)

Whistle! The supersonic attack slashed towards Arthur’s throat.

—— Arthur leaned back slightly, and his attack failed.

(Why can’t you hit?!)

Whistling, Whistling! The supersonic attack surrounded Arthur from all directions.

—— Arthur’s body swayed for a while, and all his attacks failed!

(Are you kidding me?!?)

Whistling, swish, swish! Hundreds of slashes fell from the top of Arthur’s head, covering the sky above Arthur. Such a dense attack, even if Arthur has a strong evasion ability, it is impossible to avoid it, right? !

——Arthur just raised his hand and waved it gently.

The moment Corvis hit him, Arthur’s fingertips slid aside, releasing the force of the opponent’s claw strike! The attack trajectory shifted in an instant, and Corvis was picked up and slammed into the ground!

“Ah, cough…cough!” Leopard Man spat out a few mouthfuls of blood and got up, “Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You… how did you do it? !”

“I finally understand, it turns out that it’s as simple as that, as long as you dance along the pulse of light.” Arthur opened his eyes and said, “There is no way to break the sound barrier with the body of a living being.

No matter how fast you are, you are just gliding in the flow of light pulses, relying on the flow of photons to accelerate you. Your fast is not really fast.

——So, I just need to follow the flow of photons to dodge. If you want to attack me, you can only move according to your own will, so that I can’t predict your attack. However, if you don’t flow with the pulse of light, you are slowed down by the friction of the photons. —— I’m afraid it will never reach that supersonic speed again? “

“You… when did you learn True Sight?!” Coves said in exasperation.

“Oh, is this true vision? I did hear Justinian say it.” Arthur said, “Is that what it feels like to see the light pulse?”

Arthur raised his sword and pointed at the seriously injured Coves: “Do you want to fight again?”

“Ugh…” The Leopard Man knew that he had no chance of winning, so he lifted the mad beastization.

Pop! The combined armor of Shaxing and Xianvia suddenly came into contact!

“Hey, you guys!” Arthur said angrily.

“Sorry, you’ve been fighting for too long, and the fusion can’t be maintained!” Shi Xing burrowed into the teleportation channel with a tired face, “Good luck!”

Arthur looked at Corvis, who was exhausted. But the armor that Arthur used to counter the speed of Corvez is also Ha, ha ha ha ha ha! “Covice suddenly laughed,” You have no armor, and I am also injured. It seems our terms have become fair again. “

“One last time, fight to the death!” Coves charged at high speed. He had no weapon in his hand, but used his sharp claws as a weapon to grab Arthur! Arthur dodged sideways and barely avoided it. It seems that Coves was seriously injured and did not have the speed he should have! In this case, it should barely be able to win!

“Ha!” Arthur drew out a sword, and at the same time Coves slashed out with both claws!

Cut! tie!

Arthur chopped off Corvez’s left arm, and at the same time, Corvez also stabbed Arthur’s belly with a claw!

“Cough!” Arthur spat blood.

“Sorry, kid, it looks like it’s me… uh, ah!?” Coves couldn’t help the stench gushing out of his throat, he spat out a big mouthful of blood!

Arthur’s other photon dagger pierced deeply into Corvez’s chest!

“Well done, boy…” Coves fell to the ground.

“Uh, huh.” Arthur clutched his wounded belly. “If you took the photon claw instead of your bare hands, I might have died. Goodbye, Coves. This knife is for Tol’vir. .”

He left the dying Coves alone and walked to the camp.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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