Light Spirit Epic Chapter 179: Southern Sky


Chapter 179 The Chapter of the Southern Sky (Beginning) Infiltration into the Far Border (Part 1)

On the same night, the battle meeting room of the Southern Sky Knights.

This atmosphere… can be described as “dead”.

Everyone in the “Knights of Arthur” looked at Grand Duke Hall, a man with a kind face and a little bit of middle-aged fat. They have absolutely no idea what to say.

“Well,” Arthur finally spoke first. He adjusted his sitting position and tried to sit as upright as possible, “Is it okay to ask a question first, Archduke Hall. How did you know our plan? It doesn’t seem to be a coincidence that you suddenly appeared in the box of the Knights of the West.”

“Well, it’s not by chance, and it’s not by chance,” said the Grand Duke of Hall.

“Uh, the Grand Duke?” Arthur was confused by the other party’s words.

“My box is near where your duel started, don’t you know?” said the Grand Duke. “My eyesight isn’t very good, but it’s good enough to see your conversations. I only know a little bit by chance. Lip-talking, I also saw the content of your conversation by chance, and even became interested in this matter by chance. So you say, is this an accident or not?”

Is he playing a riddle? It’s not accidental that he understands lip language. He can even see the conversation between two people so far away, and it can’t be accidental.

Arthur definitely remembered that he had already crushed the bee golem that was on the screen of his conversation with Yones.

This guy is an old fox.

“Well, now that the Grand Duke already knows our conversation, things are much simpler, so I don’t have to repeat the same thing again,” Arthur said.

“However, Your Excellency has not indicated your reasons for participating in this matter.” Arthur asked, “Why does the Grand Duke Hall, who we have never met, suddenly want to help us in our battle?”

“Oh, what I’m dealing with and what I’m fighting, I don’t really care.” The Duke of Hall said, “I only care about one thing.”

“Arthur Kelton, who the **** are you?” Hall looked at Arthur and asked in turn.

“I’m going to duel with you in a week. Originally, a pacifist like me hates disputes the most. If a duel really comes, what should I do? Just thinking about this problem is annoying to death. .”

“But you can’t just throw water at you so that you can win.” He said, “Otherwise, if a guy with an unrighteous mind and a cruel and unkind person really becomes king, wouldn’t the people of Pantolaken really want to suffer?”

“So you want to test me, don’t you, Grand Duke?” Arthur said coldly.

“Yes, I want to test you, not by hearsay, but to find out what kind of person you are. That’s my only purpose.” Hall said with a smile, “If you can really make me admit that you are a good person and can be a good king with fairness and integrity, there is no need for us to fight at all. It doesn’t matter if you win without fighting.”

“Otherwise, I will personally come and get rid of you and eliminate you, the potential hidden danger of Pantoracken.” The Grand Duke of Hall put away his smile for a moment, revealing a ferocious look, which made Arthur shudder. .

“Oh, the grand duke thought so well. It’s a pity you missed something: I don’t want to be king at all,” Arthur said.

“A lot of people say that power doesn’t matter to them,” said the Grand Duke of Hall, “but when they do get to the power field, they’re still going to fall into it. That’s the magic of [power]. Haha, it’s useless to talk too much, I’ll find out your true thoughts sooner or later.”

Arthur does not speak.

“Anyway,” said the Grand Duke of Hall, “you plan to leave tomorrow, right? I’ll come with you, you can treat me as air, I won’t help or disrupt your actions, is that okay? ?”


“Then, the dormitory of the Southern Sky Knights has prepared beds for you. You are tired today, so rest early.” Grand Duke Hall said with a smile.

Arthur felt an invisible pressure on Duke Hall. This person, Arthur can’t see his true heart. Is the mind hidden under the smile the mercy of a god, or the hideousness of a devil?

“Well, that—-” Rabbit Ryder finally couldn’t help it, and said, “You don’t plan to take me with you tomorrow, right? Can I stay here?! No one protects you. My word, if the foxes come to assassinate me——“

“Cador.” Grand Duke Hall said.

“Yes, my lord.” A knight entered the door.

“Tomorrow, I will go out with the Arthurian Knights for a combat mission, and the safety of Mr. Rabbit will be guaranteed by you, okay?”

“Yes, my lord.” The knight named Cador said honestly, “Kador, the knight of Gaia, is willing to use his life to ensure the safety of your Excellency.”

Arthur shrugged at Ryder.


“Sure enough, you guys are really here!” Tristan ran into the bathhouse and jumped into the bath.

“Ah, the big bath is so nice, so much better than the little bath on the farm!” he said.

“It would be better if you didn’t splash the water everywhere, thanks.” Arthur wiped the water from his face.

“Huh? Where’s the bunny?” Tristan glanced at Brady and Tolville next to him, but couldn’t find Ryder.

“The guy is either avoiding you or he’s still mad at us,” Arthur said.

“It’s Tristan, you are too enthusiastic, and Ryder can’t bear it.” Bedivere covered his mouth and smiled, “I really didn’t know you liked rabbits so much before.”

“Why not? Rabbits are cute?” Tristan said casually, “I had a snow rabbit with pure white fur and blue eyes when I was a child, called Xiao Xue. It looks so much like Ryder. At first I almost thought Ryder was Koyuki’s reincarnation!”

Others cast sympathetic glances at Tristan.

“What is this? Why are you looking at me with those pitiful eyes!? You think I’m an idiot, don’t you!?” Tristan exclaimed.

“You’ve always been an idiot, it’s just that this disease has gotten worse,” Arthur said.

The others roared with laughter.

After people’s laughter, Arthur coughed dryly, and then began to ask seriously: “What do you think about the matter of Duke Hall?”

“What do you think? He’s the one who came to the show.” Tristan said, “I want to find out about your character Arthur, and I want to know your strength. It really makes people feel like an old fox like this. I’m not feeling well.”

“Grand Duke Hall is a famous pacifist and philanthropist. When he said he didn’t want to fight me, he really didn’t want to fight me.” Arthur said, “However, he put aside what he had It’s really unbelievable for me to watch my actions specifically — would an ordinary celestial knight do this? Leave your job and go on an adventure with someone you’ve never met?”

“Arthur, what do the Knights of the Southern Sky usually do? Is Grand Duke Hall so busy?” Bedivere asked.

“Hundreds of years ago, the Knights of Nantian still existed to repel invasions from African countries such as Egypt. However, Egypt has cut its military a lot in recent years due to the economic downturn, and has basically never invaded Pantolaken again. Nantian The current job of the Knights… It should be regarded as a security guard job in every town in Pantoracken, right? The nature of the work is very similar to the [Knights of the Shield] in France. They have it in every city. A branch, all kinds of routine patrol work have not been left behind.”

“Doesn’t this mean that their power in Pantoracken is the largest in the Four-Day Knights?!” Tristan said, “Fortunately, Duke Hall was neutral in the civil war. If he ran away Wouldn’t it be very bad for us to support Parliament!”

“Fortunately.” Arthur said lightly, “If it wasn’t for this ‘fortunate’, the Grand Duke of Hall would not be the Grand Duke of Hall.”

“…I don’t understand me.” Tovel couldn’t help but said, “Since he’s such a good guy, why bother with Arthur meow. If you’re so busy, take care of your work. Meow!”

“That is to say, it is more important to observe Arthur than his own work.” Tristan patted the Leopard boy on the head, “Okay, the children can just play, don’t get involved with the adults. in their affairs.”

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu00 whichever Arthur?”

“It’s also very strange,” Arthur said, “that the Grand Duke of Yones, who is serious about everything, would agree to give this opportunity to the Grand Duke of Hall… I can’t do it at all. understand.”

“——Is that so? It’s you? Well, I’ll let you go.” Ewans’ words were still echoing in people’s minds at that time.

Ewens didn’t even hesitate to give up the opportunity to go with him, treating it as if it were ‘a matter of course’. The reaction alone is puzzling.

“Maybe it’s just because he once owed the Duke of Hall. Maybe it was because the Duke of Hall was a better fit,” Bedivere said.

“Or maybe it’s because he’s afraid of Grand Duke Hall,” Tristan said.

The crowd fell silent again.

“Enough.” Arthur said, “We know so little about the Duke of Hall at the moment that it makes no sense to speculate. I’m just telling you what I know, and everyone is holding on to this man’s actions. direction, be careful with him.”

“I don’t know what he wants to do, but I can be sure that the Duke of Hall is a veritable old fox.” Arthur said.

“There is likely to be a tough battle tomorrow, and I can’t guarantee that you will be safe.” Arthur moved his muscles a few times. “You must have a good rest today and make sure you have enough sleep. It’s all gone!”

“Tsk, I’ve only been soaking for a while.” Tristan stepped out of the bath.

“You didn’t just soak for a while. You didn’t even wash your body before you came in and soaked! Let’s take a shower.” Bedivere also went out and said.

“Towell, go away, what are you doing here?” Arthur asked The Leopard Man shyly looked at Arthur: “I…for Arthur… .wipe my back…”

“Wash your back after taking a shower?” Arthur said angrily.

“…Fight tomorrow…wipe your back and bring good luck meow,” the kid said.

“Oh, is that so? Is that what you meant by wiping my back yesterday? You should have said no earlier!” Arthur sat down. It’s a strange custom, licking wounds and wiping backs.”

Tol’vir knelt behind Arthur and brushed lightly with his paw.

“Didn’t you grow up in a research institute? How do you know so much about customs? Even the human world knows so well.” Arthur asked casually.

“Fox, the foxes used magic to pour knowledge directly into my head, meow.” Tol’vir shivered a few times, “It was one of their experiments meow….It hurts meow.”

“Really? Got it. Sorry to ask you such a question,” Arthur said.

“It’s alright meow… it’s no longer painful meow.” Tol’vir whispered, “with you…you won’t feel the pain meow.”

A slight tremor comes from the cat’s paw on Arthur’s back. Arthur didn’t say anything, just waited quietly.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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