Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1382: Trapped in the deceitful way (54)


Chapter 1382 Trapped in the Bewildering Way (54)

There are bandages floating around the bath, the magic bandages that were used to wrap Mutter’s hands and feet to prevent the limbs of the cat boy from softening.

But the magic on these bandages is obviously not designed to be waterproof, they lose their magic when soaked in hot water, and come loose from Mutter’s hands and feet. And Mutter returned to his “original shape” because he didn’t have the protection of those bandages. His hands and feet were softened, stretched, and soaked in the pool like dead snakes!

Because the hands and feet have become like that, Mutter, who has lost his limbs, can’t even sit on the edge of the bath, so he sank down on his side, and his nostrils sank to the water level of the bath. the following!

“Woo! Gudududu——!” The cat boy tried his best to get his head out of the water, accompanied by bubbles, spit out a few vague words: “—Gu (Save) —Beep (me)!”

“Uh, the octopus boy is about to drown.” Albert said this out of nowhere.

“Ugh!” Mutter’s head sank to the surface again, before he sank, he didn’t forget to give Albert a stern look. If his hands and feet could move, he would have been looking for the murder weapon in the bathroom and smashed the tiger on the head.

“Okay okay, don’t panic.” Albert then walked over slowly and dragged the drowning kitten out of the water: “Yo, you haven’t suffocated yet?”

“Wow! Cough, cough, cough!” Mutter coughed violently several times and spit out the water in his stomach: “I almost died!”

Albert glanced again at the soft and elongated hands and feet of the teenage cat. They were still soaking in the bath for a long time, like noodles in soup. Mutter almost drowned, the situation was actually quite serious, but for some reason, Albert just couldn’t help the urge to laugh.

“Puhuhuhuhu…” Albert tried his best to suppress the urge to laugh, finally took a breath, and began to blame: “I reminded you, don’t be yourself If one goes to take a bath, you will be paralyzed as soon as the bandage is loosened. I kindly persuade you, but you always refuse to listen.”

“How do I know! Everything was fine when I washed my body and showered just now, and I didn’t see any signs of loosening the bandage! But when I soaked it in the bath, it suddenly failed!” the cat boy shouted innocently “Ahhhh, stop talking, do something! I can’t feel my legs anymore!”

“You didn’t feel it, idiot.” Albert went over and pulled the plug at the bottom of the bath. The water level dropped rapidly and stopped when it dropped to about half the depth of the bath. After there was no danger of drowning, the tiger threw the cat boy back into the bath: “It’s really good. Fortunately, the muscle relaxant has worn off more than half of its effect and no muscle spasms have occurred. Otherwise, you’ll have to suffer again.”

He walks to the nearby shower and begins to take off his shirt.

“Wait! What are you, what are you doing?!” Mutter turned to see Albert undressing, his face turning white. He had a very bad feeling.

“Is there a problem in the shower, meow?” Albert even took off his pants, washing the soap bubbles from his body in the smoky shower: “It’s all men, why are you shy meow? Look at your appearance. , I didn’t wash my hands and feet, so I jumped into the bath with a bandage in a hurry, right? Even if it’s dirty like that, even if you’ve taken a bath? In the end, I have to wash it for you again, it’s a trouble.”

“No, no need!” The cat boy refused with all his strength.

“Ahahahaha~!” Albert ignored Mutter’s request (resist), begged (discussed), and jumped into the bathtub carelessly. Pasha! Splashes of water splashed all over, drenching the cat boy’s face.

“You wash your body quite fast.” Mutter looked at Albert coldly, looking like he wanted to kill someone.

“If you think it’s fast, even if it’s fast.” The tiger grinned wickedly, “Come on, hand me your hands and feet, and I’ll wash it for you~”

“They’re all paralyzed and can’t move, have you forgotten?” The cat-man boy rolled his eyes at the tiger, looking angry and helpless.

The tiger snorted and reached into the water looking for Mutter’s hands and feet.

Although the water level of the bath has dropped by half, it is much safer, but the cat boy’s limbs are still paralyzed and the numbness extends to his shoulders and most of his buttocks. He can only rely on his waist. Supported, reluctantly sitting in the pool, so as not to drown.

The water level was submerged to a little over half of his lower abdomen, just in a situation that made him itchy and uncomfortable. The steam was full of smoke, and the massaging water from the luxurious bath had countless bubbles, impacting his whole body—except for these “measures” to cover his shame, he was completely naked, and Albert Lie in the same bath. In this warm water, the cat boy blushed both from the heat and embarrassment.

At this time, Albert picked up Mutt’s long and thin arm in the bathtub and played with it, scratching with interest: “Wow, it’s so soft~ Sure enough, even the bones are soft, meow. ~You kid is really amazing with bones and a special physique.”

Mutter didn’t speak, and even looked away, ignoring Albert on purpose. He looked at the scenery outside the terrace, from the luxurious bath of this luxurious bathroom, and looked up at the clouds on the blue sky through the mist.

Albert saw that Mutter was ignoring him, so he picked up the soap and rubbed the arm of the cat boy, and said to himself, “As expected, the arms and legs are all cartilage. I really want to know what your waist is. What structure, is it also a stretchable cartilage meow?”

“God knows.” Mutter replied in a low voice, “I was very young when I was put into the octopus pot by the slave owners. At that time, I was knocked out of a leg and lost consciousness in pain. I didn’t know they were treating me. What exactly did my body do. But I think they must have smashed my vertebrae as well. If they didn’t, my body would not fit in the octopus pot.”

“Does it hurt meow?”

The cat-man boy looked away from the blue sky and rolled his eyes at Albert: “You’re not listening, I said that when my first leg was knocked off, I fainted in pain.”

“I mean, after that.” The tiger kept rubbing foam on the catman boy’s arm that softened and stretched to the thickness of a firewood branch: “It will definitely not be so easy to break the bones of the whole body. Recovery? The pain will last for months, right?”

“No.” The cat-man boy looked at Albert in amazement, hesitating whether or not to follow the tiger’s rhythm to continue the topic.

But after thinking about it for a while, he finally summoned the courage to speak: “Before the hole in the bottom of the octopus pot was opened, the pot was filled with an anesthetic and antiseptic gel. What was the first time you lay in it? I can’t feel it at all, I just feel like my body is melting, but it’s actually quite comfortable.

After that, however, things took a turn for the worse. The antibacterial gel would eventually lose its effectiveness, and it would inevitably become dirty after being mixed into the slaves’ bodily fluids and excrement for a long time. Slave owners had to open the stopper at the bottom of the octopus pot to allow the waste fluid to drain away. And then they just kept pouring water into the jug, a lot of sea water, to wash the slaves [formed] in the jug…clean. “

Albert frowned and said nothing. He remembered that Phileos had mentioned the various miserable tortures that slaves locked in octopus pots would suffer. In order not to touch Mutter’s pain point, it is better to keep silent here.

“I still remember the situation at that time.” The cat-man boy shuddered: “As long as it is handled properly, eight out of ten slaves stuffed into the octopus pot can survive, which is considered a [transformation success]. My owner keeps hundreds of octopus pots filled with people in the cellar, a dark cellar with countless drainage holes in the ceiling.

Every three days, so-called [bath water] runs down the ceiling. The icy sea water fell like a torrential rain and flowed into the octopus pot, washing away the filth from the slaves. The filth in the pot was flushed out and flowed down the drain hole at the bottom of the octopus pot and flowed into the drain system of the cellar. After each [cleaning] like this, the stench in that cellar would temporarily subside, replaced by the stench of sea water, and… blood… rotten viscera. “

“Visceral… rotten?” Albert’s face sank.

“Because some slaves would die slowly even if they were kept alive in the jug. The blood that came out of the octopus jug during cleaning was proof that the slave was dying. Then my master’s men would The slave was taken away with the pot and disposed of. I’ve seen this kind of thing countless times. Sometimes I can’t help but envy them, maybe that’s the real relief.”

Albert groaned.

“The slaves in the octopus pot were only allowed to eat once a day, and the sloppy liquid like pig food was injected through the hanging hose. In order to prevent the slaves from biting their tongues and committing suicide, the hard feeding tube was fastened to the slave’s face with a sleeve. , usually almost never leaves our mouths. With gagged we can’t call, we can only groan like animals. It has neither dignity nor humanity.

Among us dying slaves, there are occasionally a few faces that look pretty good. They were taken away periodically and displayed as some kind of ornament, like a vase in the show-off collection of the slave owners, for the psychopathic bigwigs to enjoy. “

“What about you?” Tiger asked tentatively.

Mutter shuddered deeply again, and his face was filled with incomparable shame: “They will come and take me away about once every other month…wash them clean, master To perform…service…”

“If you don’t want to talk, don’t mention it.” Albert stopped quickly.

Mutter looked at the tiger man youth with a pale face and took a deep breath: “That place is a complete hell. It is dirty and smelly, people are treated like animals, and even the choice to die is not allowed, only I can survive. I don’t even know how I got through that **** place. Maybe it’s because I’ve been a slave since I was a child and was tortured so numbly that I don’t even know what dignity is… I watched other slaves go mad, despair, and finally die weakly in octopus pots, knowing that I would end up like them too.”

“But you survived, you are stronger than them.” The tiger touched a leg in the water, took a look at the surface of the water, and immediately smiled: “Hey, look at this kitten’s legs. Such a cute pink meat ball.”

Mutter gave Albert another stern look in protest at the atmosphere-destroying guy.

“At that time, I was almost at my limit. My master seems to have sold a lot of slaves for economic reasons. There is a shortage of labor in his workshop, and there are fewer and fewer slaves who have spare energy to put in octopus pots to play with. . He doesn’t have much [collection] left, and he is even more diligent about playing with the few remaining undamaged collectibles of his own. Those days were really hard. Maybe another month, a week, or even another One more day and I will die of physical and mental exhaustion.”

Mutter continued with anguish on his face: “It turned out that Daddy Sphinx saved me. He saved me, I was being abused by my master at the time. He cut off my master’s He smashed the octopus pot and picked me up from the ground without disdain for me, who was covered in dirt. He touched my forehead like a child of his own, telling me not to be afraid.”

“That was the first good thing I’ve ever encountered in my life.” Having said this, the cat boy shed tears.

Albert soaped the cat boy’s little feet and snorted: “It’s no wonder you’re giving up on Daddy Sphinx. After all, he appeared and rescued you when you were most desperate. .——Hey, I saved your life just now, but why don’t you show any gratitude?”

Mutter squinted at the tiger in disgust: “You can’t compare to Daddy Sphinx, you pervert.”

“Very well, we won’t mention this.” The tiger shrugged and washed the soap bubbles from the cat boy’s feet with water: “However, you should also know very well that Daddy Sphinx is not a good man either. . He’s the boss of the gang. He kills like a gangster and is You said you could do everything for Daddy Sphinx. But what if one day he wanted you to kill?”

“I’ll do it too,” Mutter replied without thinking.

Albert continued to ask: “What if he asked yours to kill unarmed women and children?”

The cat boy hesitated for half a second: “…I will do it too. Although I don’t think Daddy Sphinx will order me to do such a thing.”

The tiger took a long breath: “What if one day he asks you to kill me?”

Mutter was silent for about a minute.

“But I can’t beat you at all.” The cat-man boy hit the nail on the head.

“That’s not the point!” The tiger grinned angrily: “If, one day, the Sphinx will take you group of orcs to stage a coup d’état that will plunge the whole of Egypt, and even the whole of Africa into war. ?Will you take up arms, obey the command of the big man, and kill innocent civilians?

——Answer me! “


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