Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1349: Trapped in the deceitful way (21)


Chapter 1349 Trapped in the Betrayal (21)

Albert’s concerns became reality.

Even if Tiger was able to sprint to score a touchdown at a high speed, in the following bonus round, the strength of his cat would not be able to break through the dense defense of the Ghana team, so the Sphinx had to kick the ball. in the form of a point. Dancing eBook

But Ghana’s situation is completely different. This group of guys who took the medicine completely won by brute force, and they were able to break through the offensive and defensive line of the Sphinx team. They can either force the six points for a touchdown in the official attacking round, or they can force another touchdown in the bonus round for an additional two bonus points.

&;In the bonus round, one point for kicks and two points for touchdowns were originally just a negligible difference. But this insignificant difference in points often becomes the key to victory in a tense game where the disparity must be compared.

The Sphinx scored fourteen points with two normal touchdowns and two kicks, while Ghana scored sixteen points with two normal touchdowns and two extra touchdowns , the gap is so widened!

“You have to replace the regular army’s offensive and defensive line!” Albert said to the quarterback as he stepped on the court: “These little guys can’t stop the opponent’s offensive at all. If we can’t pull back the point difference, the game will end Lose the latest chapter of Yutang Kinmen!” “The regular army has all fallen, and they need time to rest and recover.” Shiloma said without emotion: “Don’t worry, I will control my measure.” “I hope so.” Tiger dissatisfied He grinned and returned to his place.

Kickoff! Exactly the same as the previous strategy, after the center threw the ball to the quarterback, Shiloma instantly sent a super short pass to Albert. The tiger rushed out, and as soon as he bypassed the offensive and defensive line of the Garner team, he saw the group of Black King Kong giants overturned the offensive and defensive lines of the second army of the Sphinx team to the ground. The second army seemed really unreliable, but they at least delayed the opponent’s offensive and defensive line for a few seconds, and these few seconds were enough for Albert to throw most of the enemies away!

However, the enemy also came prepared. Except for the players on the offensive and defensive lines, all the rest came to Albert. What they are worried about is the speed of the tiger, but under this kind of intensive marking, the tiger can’t escape, no matter how high the speed is, it can’t be used!

Albert, however, grinned and opened his hands. He wasn’t holding the ball in his arms! He’s just a bait!

“Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey he and his partner are ready for a long pass!

Whoosh! The ball in his hand was shot like a cannonball, spanning more than half of the court, flying straight into the depths of the enemy’s line! There, the cat boy Mutter who exists as an outfield catcher is waiting! And it’s still completely unmarked!

Clap! Mutter jumped into the air and caught the long pass with both hands. His leather glove collided with the hard surface of the ball, making a crisp sound!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! When Mutter landed, he took advantage of the momentum to slide forward, and even saved his run, directly overcoming the Ghana team’s bottom line!

Touchdowns! There was an uproar on and off the field. Fiction

The offensive and defensive rhythm of this game is insane. No two teams have ever scored so easily in a game, nor have two teams ever lost a point so easily in a game! Judging from this momentum, it seems that both teams have completely given up their defense and are desperate to defeat their opponents by relying on a lightning attack!

Despite the fact that this is not the case – the Sphinx’s disadvantage is still very clear.

The Sphinx’s score mainly depends on the sprinting of the tiger man Albert and the catman Mutter’s catching ability. Although they are both strong, if any one of them is closely marked, it will be no joke. No matter how clever Hiromar is, as long as the opponent decides to focus only on either Albert or Mutter, the chance of the attack being intercepted is one in two;

And what about the Ghana Black Kings? The group of black people who took the medicine are all monsters who can suppress their opponents with brute force. Every player can sprint for touchdowns alone with the ball. The Sphinx’s second army defense line can’t stop them at all. The chance of their attack being intercepted – zero!

What’s more, even if both teams have touchdowns in their respective attacking rounds, the difference in bonus rounds will still be widened! The Sphinx should score 1 point less than the opponent every time they switch offense and defense. After a long period of calculation, it is equivalent to losing!

With the last twenty minutes left in the game, Albert glanced at the timer on the huge scoreboard on the pitch, and a cold sweat broke from his forehead.

The ball is scored. The Sphinx’s kicker did his job and got the ball into Ghana’s goal without incident. The score became 21:16, and the Sphinx temporarily took the lead. Although Albert is not optimistic about the lead at all, because Ghana will easily break through the Sphinx next round and score.

As expected, the offense and defense just switched, and the moment it was the Ghana team’s turn to attack, the second army of the Sphinx team was immediately thrown upside down! The running back of the Ghana team ran forward with the ball and recklessly, but this time a tiger man on the offensive and defensive line of the Sphinx stretched out his hand and pulled the black King Kong giant’s foot! The giant lost his balance and fell to the ground, and the attack was miraculously stopped.

“Just a **** luck,” said Albert, sitting on the cold bench. He became more and more dissatisfied with the group of offensive and defensive line players who were easily knocked to the ground, and really hoped that the regular army would come back soon.

“Don’t say that, Crusoe has done a great job.” Mutter obviously knew the tiger man who stopped the enemy’s attack just now, and was saying nice things to the player . Although he is not optimistic about the second army, he knows that they cannot stop the Black King Kong team’s next attack.

“I’m back, how is the battle?” At this moment, Phileos healed the wound from the background and returned to the field again.

“Oh, Mr. Phileos, it’s great that you’re back!” Albert couldn’t help but look at Phileos with a savior-like expression: “This is a disaster! Please come on stage. Go and stop the Ghana team!” “Okay-” “No, you can’t go up.” But Shiloma interrupted Phileos: “Stay here and continue to accumulate strength.” “What?” Albert Angry: “Are you crazy?! The guys in the Ghana team are all monsters. Only Mr. Phileos in our team can stop the attack of the group! Mr. Phileos is not allowed to play now, do you want to? Wait until we are completely lost before we let him play meow?” “I’ve said that, I’ll take care of myself.” The quarterback was indifferent.

“Look, they’re standing up again.” Mutter pointed to the field and said calmly.

Albert, who was about to quarrel with Shiloma, couldn’t help but turn his head to look. The group of second soldiers who were beaten upside down really stood up. Although they suffered humiliation again and again, they still slapped the dirt off their bodies as if nothing had happened and continued to fight.

And they were apparently not seriously injured.

As Captain Shiloma said, this group of players on the offensive and defensive lines of the Second Army are all experts at protecting themselves. They faced the group of Black King Kong, who were even more terrifying than the giants, and had defended the offensive and defensive line for three rounds.

“If I play now, I’m afraid I’ll be seriously injured in the violent collision again, and I’ll be carried back.” Even the leopard Phileos said: “I’m afraid I’ll be carried back for treatment this time. Can’t play anymore. By the time I can get up and keep fighting, the game will be over.” “You mean Shiloma is waiting for the best time to play?” “Maybe.” Quarterback sneered.

It’s the same as playing poker. Even with a few strong good cards in hand, really smart players don’t play them right away. Use the most appropriate trump card in your hand at the most appropriate time to turn the tide of the battle with one shot.

“Humph——” Tiger was so angry that he was blue-veined, but he tried to restrain himself and sat back on the cold bench. He really hoped this was all in Shiloma’s plan. If this damned treacherous man made a random command and let the Sphinx lose this game, Albert would definitely not let him go.

As expected, in the second attack, the Sphinx team’s offensive and defensive line collapsed again in an instant, and the second army was humiliated and fell on all fours. The Black King Kong team won again, with an effortless touchdown with the ball.

In the subsequent bonus round, the Ghana team once again made a touchdown in the form of a storm, the score was 21:24, and the gap was widened again!

Albert takes a sip of a sports drink. The electrolyte-filled drink was sweet and sour, but his heart was very unpleasant. In the last ten minutes of the In this state, the attack and defense are completed every five minutes, the Sphinx team will attack once, and then the Ghana team will attack once, and the whole game will be over. In this way, the Sphinx team will lose no doubt, because the three-point difference has never been opened.

The Sphinx must complete this attacking round’s touchdown (with a 50% chance of being blocked), and then successfully block the Ghana Black Kings’ offensive (requires four consecutive touchdowns within ten yards of the opponent’s possession) The player is knocked to the ground), in order to be regarded as a sure win. However, there are too many uncertain factors, and it is difficult to know who will die until the end of this game! In the worst case, if the Sphinx team fails to prevent the Ghana team from attacking, they will be overtaken by the group of Black King Kong giants, and the remaining game time will be very small, there is no possibility of overtaking! In that case, it’s all over!

“It’s time, let’s start planning.” While the White Tiger was worried, Shiloma walked towards the court with a wicked smile, with a confident face.

“Huh?!” Albert couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw the formation this time.

Mutter, who was supposed to be the outfield catcher, was placed in the center of the line—yes, that’s center Gusta!

And Phileos played the role of full running back, lined up in front of Albert, presumably to clear the way for the white tiger!


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