Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1331: Trapped in the deceitful way (3)


Chapter 1331 Trapped in the trick three

At the same time, Ghana, Africa, inside the Ghana National Stadium.

Dark American football matchup continues, and it’s still the [Sandstorm Sphinx] offensive round.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha.” Gusta the tiger man, who was in charge of clearing the way for the running back, was already tired and sweaty.

This is also a matter of course. From the beginning of the offensive round, Gusta was responsible for clearing the way for Phileos, knocking off countless opponents with only brute force, and forcibly advancing on the defense line of the Ghana Black King Kong team. Although this can be done slowly and steadily, it also means that he will consume more than ten times the usual physical strength. Those black guards who had been doping all crashed into Gusta like they were dying, but they were all pushed away by the tigers one by one. In fact, he knocked down hundreds of people in just ten minutes ( people) —— not tired is a strange thing!

“Cheer up, fat man!” Quarterback Shiloma cursed behind the big man: “The only attack we can use at the moment is swipe tactics centered on you. Without you We can only wait until we die, you can’t just fall down like this!”

“I, I know…” Gusta was wiping the sweat from his forehead with exhaustion. His helmet was almost completely wet with sweat, ready for fish farming.

“But it’s weird. The body doesn’t seem to be working hard…” Gusta muttered in a low voice that was barely audible.

“You’re no longer a newcomer, are you still unable to perform at a normal level because of this little pressure?” Shiloma scolded viciously: “Damn fat! If you are really so incompetent, then Get off the field for me! The center of the Second Army is better than you!!”

“No! I can still—” Gusta replied vaguely, wiping the sweat from his brow. But in fact, he was so tired that he was struggling to breathe. The air he inhaled in his lungs seemed to have thorns, and every liter of air stinged every alveolus of his!

Quarterback Shiloma certainly saw through all this, but instead of letting Gusta rest, he urged cruelly: “Then just say a few words less and give me focus on the challenge! Think about it! How did you get saved in the first place, ungrateful fellow! Daddy Sphinx is watching from outside this stadium! Do you dare to let him down under his nose?”

Gusta fell into a dead silence. Countless unbearable past events flashed through his mind in an instant. These memories were full of sadness and humiliation, but they had all vanished, and the image finally settled in front of a person’s figure——Father Sphinx directed at Image of him smiling. [800] Was his meaningful smile out of sympathy or compassion?

In any case, Gusta’s pariah has already belonged to him, and he will die for Father Sphinx to the death. What’s the point of mere fatigue at this point?

Thinking of this, Gusta, who had completely exhausted his physical strength and was close to collapse, suddenly regained his energy.

He gritted his teeth and walked to the forefront of the team’s offensive and defensive line, shouting loudly: “Kill them all!!”

“Oh!!—————“The offensive and defensive linemen led by Gusta were encouraged and their morale was high.

The players on the offensive and defensive lines are all at the forefront of the field and are responsible for using their strength to fight against the opponent. The fatigue that builds up in their bodies is no less than that of their centers. But the sluggishness of the ** can be made up for temporarily by the momentum!

At least this time, they can’t lose! !

Kickoff! Just like the tactics used countless times before, the center Gusta who was holding the ball passed the ball to Hilomar, and the quarterback Hilomar shoved the ball to the running back Phileos.

This is the last [sweep tactics] the Sphinx can do this round, worthy of the name!


The offensive and defensive line of the Ghana Black King Kong team is not Gusta’s opponent at all, and it collapsed instantly under the impact of the giant! The group of black people flew out like bowling **** one by one, and the scene was spectacular!

The intense pain also irritated Gusta’s nerves. The arms he used to stand in front of him and clear the way for his teammates were already scarred, and the bruises on them had formed a piece, and a slight touch would cause piercing pain. His legs were already sore from the numerous sacks by the opponent’s defender, and every step was accompanied by a thousand needles. But he was selectively numb, leaving all the pain behind, just to advance that mere yards! In order to give Phileos who is sprinting with the ball as much advantage as possible!

Five guards rushed up to stop Gusta at the same time. These human beings who had taken the medicine were as powerful as oxen. Gusta could only take these attacks with his own body and endure the urge to vomit!


Not anymore. The other party is also desperate to stop Gusta, and their strength is really great! In front of the tiger man center is not a human wall made of flesh and blood, but more like an iron wall made of fine steel, thousands of feet thick!

How can this kind of thing break through!

“Tsk——” Gusta heard Phileos behind him smashing himself. The Leopard Man sees that the center cannot continue to rush forward, and it is estimated that he is planning to find another route to dribble the ball forward!

But no! Walking in front of him has a great advantage in height and Gusta can see it clearly. Although there seems to be a path to the left that can be broken through, it is a trap! The local quarterback and another guard are guarding the end of the deliberately created passageway, waiting for the unknowing Phileos to slam into the trap!

If Mu Ran rushes in, all that awaits Phileos will be **** slaughter! They’ll knock Leopard Man to the ground hard and grab the ball from him! In this way, the forty-yard distance that had been dashed so hard before was completely in vain! !

What should I do? ! It’s probably too late to tell Phileos now! If you want your teammates to change their minds, you can only rely on Gusta himself to use brute force to break the iron wall in front of you, and kill a **** path that should not exist! !

“Woooo!” The stout tiger man took a deep breath and released the last remaining strength in his body! !


Like a volcanic eruption, like a giant wave roaring into the sky, Gusta’s howl shocked the five opponents in front of him! The arm of the group of black people, which was tightly clamped on the tiger man like steel bars, loosened a little! ! The iron wall that was supposed to be unbreakable fell apart because of this little shake, and fell apart under the full impact of the tiger people! !

Pounds! ! ————————— Ghana’s five black defenders were knocked out by Gusta, hit the ground hard, and then on the lawn Glide out a full twenty yards! ! At the same time as the last obstacles were knocked away, the giant tiger man also fell!

The moment he fell to the ground, he saw Daddy Sphinx outside the field! Dad seems to have settled the dispute with Seth and finally arrived at the arena! Daddy Sphinx saw all this, saw Gusta fight with all his strength, and then fell to the ground! !

Daddy Sphinx seems to smile at Gusta.

“Philaos…go!” Gusta was so excited that he burst into tears, and he was already a little delirious, but he was still stubbornly muttering!

“Thank you for your hard work.” When the time came, Phileos whispered like a mourning comrade-in-arms, and instantly jumped out from behind Gusta! He used Gusta’s broad and sturdy back as a pedal, and used all his strength to jump high, jumping higher than anyone else, and farther than anyone!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two remaining guards of the Garner team rushed over to block Phileos! But they were at least five yards away from Phileos, and it was too late!

Philaos galloped toward his opponent, ready to dodge! He crossed over the heads of the two, and before the enemy reached out his hand to grab him, he leaned forward and performed a violent somersault! The guards were already half a beat too late, and Phileos’ somersault was extraordinarily powerful, how could he be able to stop it! The Leopard Man threw off everything, tossed the two sturdy black men ten yards away, then swept away and charged towards the finish line! !

He may not be the fastest of the Leopards, but Phileos is still surprisingly fast! With such an advantage, no one on this court can stop him!

That blue shadow is unmatched. He crossed the thirty-yard line, crossed the twenty-yard line, crossed the ten-yard line, and then as if a death sentence was announced to the enemy, a dash quickly approached the enemy’s Bottom line! !

Beep! ——————————

As soon as the referee’s whistle blew, Phileos had crossed the Ghana team’s bottom line!

Touchdowns! !


There is a lot of excitement inside and outside the venue! The cheers of the audience are like a triumphant song dedicated to the The earth is shaking!

After a tough 20-minute stalemate, the Sandstorm Sphinx finally took the lead, taking a 6-0 lead over the Ghana Black Kings!

They visited Ghana, facing a group of “cheating” players who were taking doping, and even the two main attackers could not play, but with their own courage and strength, they made a fortune and gave Ghana’s Black King Kong team has a dismay! !

The Sphinx didn’t just rely on Albert and Mutter to score points! Even in such a trivial position as the offensive and defensive line, if you work hard with all your strength, you can still produce heroes!

“Umm…” Gusta, who fell to the ground, looked at Phileos, who was holding a football high in the enemy’s bottom line, and couldn’t help but squeeze out a pale and relieved smile.

The next second, his consciousness was completely blurred and he fell into a coma.

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