Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1312: Explore in the Wilderness (27)


Chapter 1312 Exploration in the Wilderness (27)

Hearing this, Albert has roughly heard the clues of the matter. He had a very bad premonition, and could not help frowning, he continued to ask: “One day…what happened?”

“Hu——” The Sphinx took a deep breath of the cigar and blew out a large puff of white smoke with his face turned to the side. His expression was silent and complex, like the calm sea before a storm.

“Until one day, one of the two guardians, he went mad.”


“Yeah, he’s mad.” The Sphinx ignored Albert’s cat-calling, and continued, “This guardian has been guarding year after year, day after day. He was holding the device, but his eyes could not ignore the activities of the underworld creatures. He was tired of his responsibilities, and wanted to abandon everything and live a free life. Yes, the idea of ​​[freedom] was born in his heart, once It started to get out of hand.”

Albert is even more skeptical: “Wait, you seem to have said just now that these enhanced races have elements of absolute obedience to the gods in their bodies, and it is impossible to betray——“

“So, this is the mystery of the matter: the impossible happened, and the guardian who should be absolutely obedient had the unreasonable idea of ​​disobedience.”

The Sphinx took another sip of his cigar and continued: “This mad Guardian was talking to another Guardian about it. He wanted to retire and wanted someone to take their place. But his The companion did not agree, because their work was irreplaceable.

The battle was brutal. The two fought fiercely for centuries in the darkness of gunpowder, bringing upheaval to the world. One of the mad guardians was eventually defeated by his comrades, but was on the verge of death due to severe battle wounds. As a result, his companions believed that the mad guardian was unable to take on the task of guarding, and his power was deprived and dispersed among his immediate family, who shared the half of the guardianship task. . And this mad guardian was sealed like a dangerous item, sleeping for thousands of years. “

“In the end, he was still free, not meow.” Albert changed his seat to a more comfortable position and said.

“Perhaps. But freedom comes at a price—all the freedom in the world, isn’t there a price?” Daddy Lion smiled mysteriously: “But when the name is already free When the mad Guardian woke up again, the world was turned upside down.

First of all, the comrade who defeated him is no longer there. The device that guards the world is only guarded by the guardian’s immediate clansmen. These clansmen have declined and the power of guardianship is weaker than ever before.

Secondly, there are many wonderful new races in the world. They are flourishing like mushrooms after the rain, but they exude a dark atmosphere. “

For some reason, a group of foxmen suddenly flashed in Albert’s mind.

“The world is heading in an unpredictable direction for this mad Guardian who just woke up, it’s all messed up, it’s all out of the norm.” Suddenly the Sphinx Squeeze out a wry smile: “Guess what this mad Guardian will do next?”

The young tiger man frowned: “He’ll, uh, take over and get things back on track?”

“No, if he was really so responsible, he wouldn’t be that crazy guardian.” Father Sphinx shook his head suddenly: “As a result, he doesn’t do anything, doesn’t care about anything. He lives a mortal life in the mortal world, marrying a wife and having children. He only wants his own happiness and ignores this desolate world.

Hundreds of years passed, until the identity of the mad guardian was discovered — you know, paper can’t contain fire, and the guardian’s wisdom, power and even knowledge are far from Far above his kin, and most importantly, he hardly ages. An uproar started from this. Some of his clan worshipped him as a god, and some hoped to use the power of the guardian to change the status quo and invade the human world.

The Guardian knew that their race was created to govern and prevent humans from rebelling against the gods, and that race had no right to attack humans in turn, so he initially disagreed. However, when he saw the lavish and depraved lives of human beings, and compared with the difficult lives of his people, the mad guardian was moved. He agreed to assist his clan, but only limited to providing the most basic technical support for the clan, and was in charge of a study to strengthen the physique of the clan.

But as the research progresses, the deranged Guardian gradually realizes that things are not that simple. He discovers that behind this chain of events there is a huge conspiracy, a conspiracy from the gods of the third faction. “

Speaking of this, Albert could not help frowning again: “The third faction? Isn’t that the one——“

“That’s right, it’s the faction among the gods that wants to use the human body to resurrect.” Father Sphinx nodded slightly, and took another deep cigar while pretending to have nothing to do with himself: “Then The guardian doesn’t know how these gods escaped their own destruction, but they must have found a way. They are still eyeing the world and plotting all this. The reason why this crazy guardian went crazy back then , awakened the free will, I am afraid it was also secretly arranged by the gods.

But the gods got one thing wrong: this free-will guardian will no longer listen to the gods. In order to protect the current human beings, he is even willing to turn against the gods. The guardian finally realized that [freedom] is the most precious thing in this world, so he could not tolerate the ancient gods returning to the earth again and ravaging the freedom of human beings.

Unfortunately, however, the mad guardian failed in the end. He lost again to the same opponent who defeated him thousands of years ago, another Guardian. Obviously, the guardian is under the control of the gods. He was created in the role of the loyal dog of the gods from the beginning, and this has not changed over the years.

The deranged Guardian is no match for his old foe. This time, he discovered the truth that should not have been discovered, and therefore will not be forgiven again. His head was cut off, thrown into the sea, and drifted adrift. He has disappeared, but at the end, he has hidden from the gods and left a most precious gift for mankind and his clan. “

Albert swallowed a mouthful of saliva and fixed his eyes on the Sphinx: “What kind of gift is it?”

“[Freedom].” The Lion-Man squeezed out a mysterious smile: “Yes, he allowed a part of his descendants to gain [Free Will]. It was when he acted as technical support to carry out that enhancement. In the study of the physique of the clan, he secretly removed the factor of absolute obedience to the gods among the clan. The more than 500 test-tube babies born from that plan, as well as their descendants, all have [free will] and can Don’t listen to the gods anymore. When the gods come again, they will surely surprise the gods.”

After such a long narration, the Sphinx took another deep breath of the cigar and then let out a long breath.

“That’s it, the story is over.” Daddy Lion squeezed the cigar he had smoked almost in the ashtray, “How is it, my little grandson? This story shouldn’t make you feel too dull, right?”

“Uh, wait, this is the end?” Albert gave the Sphinx an incredulous look: “Aren’t you going to tell me about that [Set] meow?!”

“Set?” The lion man tilted his head, pretending not to know: “What does that guy have to say. He is the richest man in Africa, a businessman. Although he is a businessman on the surface, he is actually bigger than me. This ** boss is even worse. He can make money without his conscience. The largest drug market in Africa is run by Seth.”

The tiger man pouted suspiciously, with a face that was far from being satisfied. It’s no wonder that the information the Sphinx told him was not what he expected at all. After listening to the nonsense of the lion man, no one would be happy.

“Huhuhu, are you dissatisfied?” Father Sphinx saw through Albert’s mind, and asked: “Then I will tell you another piece of information: you are very likely to have [ children of free will].”

“I…have free will?”

“Ordinary orcs can only use their innate specialties, such as the super self-healing ability of the polar bear, the toughness of the werewolf, the ability of the rabbit to communicate with monsters, the speed of the leopard, and the explosive power of the tiger. In principle, a race can only have one kind of special ability – at least that’s what the gods designed it to do at the beginning. Only those enhanced orcs who have been re-engineered and have special factors Will have more than one specialty.”

Father Sphinx said in a tentative tone: “So, is your ability to suddenly and completely disappear from your own breath, is it an innate perk, or something else? You or you The ancestors of , maybe it was the five hundred children who had free will and were blessed? God knows.”

Albert thought for a long time, suddenly thought of something, and then asked: “What about you, Daddy Sphinx? I heard that you can also use [Sandstorm], which is obvious It’s not the original ability of the lion people. Are you also so-called blessed by free will——“

“I’m just a little old businessman.” Daddy Lion showed a poker face, interrupting Albert’s question: “Okay, the sand boat has almost arrived in Ghana. Go down and get ready for the game.”

This old man is really watertight. Unless he is willing, it is simply more difficult than moving mountains and reclaiming seas to get information out of his mouth.

In desperation, Albert stood up from his chair, saluted Father Sphinx briefly, and exited the cabin. hT%@Fsj1




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