Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1243: Break in the silent night (20)


Chapter 1243 Rest in Silent Night (Twenty)

Face to face with ghosts!

After all, Husky is just a child, and suddenly there is a ghost-like thing in front of him, he can’t not be afraid!

The moment he saw the group of spirits, he immediately screamed: “Ghost ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ——!!” (Husky?!) Canine boy The panicked screams echoed in the night sky, and it was extremely difficult to make out. And the night was dark, and Husky hid half of his face in the shadow of the rooftop, so Bedivere couldn’t see it at all.

(But!) But as a father, it’s impossible for Bedivere to not recognize his son’s voice! No matter how blurry, distorted, or distant it is, a werewolf can still recognize it! !

(Husky!!) Bedivere, who was on the run, instantly forgot what he was going to do. He desperately reached out to the little boy in the dark!

Of course, to Husky, the one in front of him is just a ghost, and this terrible ghost is reaching out to him!

“Don’t, don’t come here!!——” Husky screamed and stepped back, not intending to shake hands with this spirit at all!

(No! Don’t run! It’s Daddy———!) The more you try to chase, the further away the child is.

(Don’t run! Stop!!) The farther away, the farther out of reach.

(Let Dad compare, take a good look at you again! ——————-) Tuck! !

A sharp red blade pierced through Bedivere’s chest, preventing the werewolf from chasing.

“Finally solved you.” Accompanied by the severe back pain, it was Xinghuilong’s cold and emotionless voice. The cruel voice of an executioner.

(NO————!!) He fell. The body was gradually engulfed by nothingness, and the scene in front of him was constantly torn and merged into the boundless darkness. The last scene in Bedivere’s vision was his son’s terrified face.

(Again, I can only watch from a distance, but can’t do anything.) (Why can’t I always get close!) (Why can’t I always catch it!) (Could it be, the fate between us, really Haven’t we met again?!) The next second, Bedivere found himself lying in a metal-like cylinder, his eyes wet with tears.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and it only took half a second to recall the origin of the matter.

Yes, he is lying in this scanner, undergoing a medical examination. The examination took a long time. In order to make the werewolf less noisy, the doctor lent a strange headband to Bedivere, and let the werewolf control the artificial holy spirit from afar, wandering in the building to pass the time.

However, while wandering around aimlessly, Bedivere not only encountered the evil star, but was chased by Xinghuilong like a ghost, and because of this, he met his son Husky again.

— Husky!

Husky! ?

Husky is in this building! ?

“Let, let me out!!” The werewolf, who understood everything, immediately banged on the inner wall of the metal cylinder excitedly, shouting: “I want to see my son!! My dead son, just In this castle!” “You bastard, give me peace!” Evan’s swearing voice came from outside the scanner: “What dead son, what is in this castle?! Since your son is dead, and How could it appear in such a place!” “But I saw it, I really saw it!!” “What you see are hallucinations!” Bedivere’s shout suddenly dropped several decibels: “Illusion, hallucination? “”Oh, this kid actually broke the [Sky Eye System].” The old military doctor’s voice also echoed: “What a powerful brain wave. Even the [Sky Eye System] can’t stand it?””What hallucination, what Sky Eye System, what brain waves?! Stop the scan, I’m going out to find my son!!” The werewolf continued to shout.

“You calm down!” Evan continued to explain: “The headband you used just now is a device that can remotely control a spirit body and conduct long-distance detection. However, this device is not yet perfect, and it occasionally produces side effects. For example, the user will see some messy hallucinations.” “That’s not a hallucination! He’s there! I saw it with my own eyes!!” It’s not an illusion?” Evan retorted: “You said your son is dead, how can the dead be resurrected? Step back, even if he didn’t die, how could he just appear in the base of the Knights of the Western Heaven? It’s all too coincidental, what else could it be if it’s not an illusion?” Bedivere’s voice was a few decibels lower again: “But!” The old military doctor also interjected: “You mean to say that you used the [Sky Eye System] to transform into His spirit body wandered around, and happened to meet his son who should have been dead for a long time in this castle, but he didn’t die? Hmph, it’s a coincidence that father and son are reunited. Wake up, this kind of low-level fantasy novels will appear. How could it happen in reality?” This sentence deeply hurt Bedivere, he was speechless for a while, and he couldn’t even come up with a confrontation plan.

(Is it really just an illusion?) (But) “If you know how ridiculous you are, just lie down and lie down for me.” Evan’s resentful voice came from outside the scanner: “It’s all your fault for moving around. The data scanned just now is completely destroyed. There is still half an hour to complete the scan. During this half hour, you can sleep or meditate. In short, don’t move around!!” “Damn!” The werewolf couldn’t help smacking his lips. Even if he wanted to refute, he had no confidence.

So logic and reason prevailed over intuition and dream; so Bedivere gave up hope and gave up, believing that there was a cruel and hopeless world in front of him.

——Because this is [reality], swallowing everything, not even the slightest hope is left, cruel reality.

He sighed deeply.

In the medical room outside the scanner, Evan also took a step back: “I’ll leave it to you here. I’ll walk away for a while.” Do you want to visit your sweet wife? It’s too short, go quickly.” “Nonsense.” Banlong young man rolled his eyes at the doctor and walked to the door of the medical room: “If that guy makes trouble again, please don’t hesitate. Use hypnotic gas to let him sleep honestly.” “It is an immortal artificial spiritual body, but it can be broken by this guy.” After Ivan left, the old military doctor observed the data on the scanner control panel, While using a voice that only he could hear, he muttered to himself, “It’s really interesting experimental material.” At the same time, on the rooftop of the east wing of Attenborough, the evil star had just finished solving the spirit body (Bediver). , put away the demon knife and walked towards the canine boy.

“Are you all right?” asked the dragon.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu000” Husky stopped from panic and turned to look stunned.

“Huh?” Sha Xing tilted his head and looked at the canine boy.

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo” Husky suddenly rushed towards Xinghuilong, crying and said, “Okay, good, so scary! So scary! Scared Husky to death!””Humph , is just a ghost, there is nothing to be afraid of.” Xinghuilong sneered. He even killed a ghost with a knife. This bizarre experience was enough for the evil star to be complacent and proud for a long time.

How is it actually?

The artificial Holy Spirit bound to the [Sky Eye System] is actually an immortal existence. The reason why it was “destroyed” was entirely due to the special nature of the Crimson Demon Sword.

Because the demon sword has the characteristic of absorbing life force (photons), when it hits the Holy Spirit, it absorbs part of the Holy Spirit. The mortal blow that Shaxing made to the spirit body (Bedivere) was not actually that deadly, it just sucked the Holy Spirit into the demon sword completely.

The spirit was not completely destroyed. But it was swallowed by the crimson demon sword and temporarily sealed in the demon sword.

——Until the moment when fate meets.

“It’s a monster and a ghost again. That’s enough for tonight.” Long looked up at the night sky, and handed the washed shorts to the dog boy: “Let’s go back.””Um”Haas Ji took his trousers from Sha Xing, still blushing: “Uncle Sha Xing can’t talk about what happened today, tonight!” When encountering such a supernatural existence, everyone would feel scared, but there is actually nothing to be ashamed of—I really don’t know what this kid thinks.

However, Husky wasn’t really afraid of the “ghost”.

What really scares Husky is the fact that he discovers that he is not afraid of the “ghost”.

That misty thing was more sad than scary. Although unable to speak, Husky could feel the sadness radiating from the other party.

It knows Husky. It came back on purpose to see Husky again. As if the ghost was someone he once knew, a very important person. And that person, in fact, is no longer in the world.

Every time I think about this canine boy gets a chill down his spine.

Husky shook his head, trying to put those negative thoughts behind him. He put on his trousers, and suddenly felt cold on his buttocks, so he stretched his face and complained: “But, Uncle Sha Xing, the trousers are still wet.” “It’s okay, just bake it.” Xing Huilong squeezed a The golden dragon flame, with a mischievous smile on his face: “Don’t worry, I promise not to completely burn your ass.” This sentence is similar to “I promise not to kill you”, Husky Hearing his face pale, and seeing Xinghuilong with a fierce look in his eyes, he immediately had a bad feeling: “Uncle Sha, Sha Xing? No, don’t make such a joke!” “It’s not a joke, hehe!” The dragon chased the canine boy with one hand, and the fireball with the other hand was ready. Ignoring the canine boy’s struggles, he shoved the hand holding the fireball into Husky’s crotch!

Zi——! ! Heat spreads between the canine boy’s thighs.

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo together!!” Husky’s tragic cry echoed in the night sky on the roof of the castle.

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