Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1203: Selection in the ring (34)


Purple Pavilion Chapter 1203 Selection in the ring (thirty-four)

Although Albert was in deep despair and unable to act. His opponents did not give the tiger youth a chance to breathe.

Giant Nimitz had already pursued his victory. He charged towards Albert. When he approached 20 feet, he immediately threw two punches in a row.

Hoho. Nimitz’s left and right punches instantly became bigger when he threw them out. He pressed down like a giant mountain. Forcing the tiger to have nowhere to dodge.

If you get hit, it’s over. And Albert knows that his maneuverability can’t dodge at all. Whether it’s sideways or backwards, he will definitely be hit by these giant fists. /

Despair. True despair.

There is nowhere to run. There is no defense. If you take these two punches, Albert will be defeated.


Tiger’s inspiration flashed. He had an epiphany at the most critical moment.

(If you can’t dodge horizontally or move backward——)


At the moment when the tiger was about to be hit, he raised two weapons and stabbed the ground. At the same time, he pushed **** the ground. He pulled the trigger on both weapons with both hands.

(——It’s better to dodge in the air, meow.)

Pop. Bang…——Two muffled sounds burst at the same time. Combined into a unique sound. The plug-in on the Luna Steel Scimitar is a device that creates a vacuum shock wave. The Storm Gunblade is even more Simple. Just fire at the ground. Large caliber shot is fired. However, the recoil of two weapons firing at the same time is amazing. They work perfectly with Albert’s kicking action. Eruption-like strong vertical explosive force. Pushing the tiger into the air..

Whoosh——Albert leaped into the air at the same time. Giant Nimitz’s arm also swept from the ground. The tiger took off with extreme speed, avoiding the opponent’s most fatal blow.

No. It’s not over yet. If Nimitz is really the kind of physique that can grow huge at will, he will definitely make follow-up attacks. Launched the most dangerous attack. Albert’s situation is still not optimistic.

In this situation, attack is the best defense. Tiger flipped in the air. The moment he was able to face Nimitz head-on, he immediately raised his gun and fired.

Bang. The large-caliber shot turns into a rain of iron beads in the air. It presents countless parabolas. It slants towards the giant Nimitz. This blow. Even if it can’t really hurt Nimitz, it can at least force it. The giant takes a defensive stance. It’s better to delay his shot again.

The shot is about to hit Nimitz. As Albert expected. Nimitz is retracting his two giant arms. It’s time to start defending.

But he didn’t. His arms didn’t have time to shrink back. He could only twist his body. Dodge the oncoming shot particles as much as possible.

Dozens of shot-shot iron beads brushed past the giant Nimitz, leaving scratches on the man’s strong and muscular body. But Nimitz used subtle movements to put the most threatening Sex shot **** are dodged. Basically no damage.

Papa. Albert landed. He sprinted out immediately. Keep yourself at least thirty yards away from your opponent.

After reaching a safe range, the tiger asked suspiciously: “Why didn’t you block just now. If you can make every part of your body gigantic, this kind of shotgun is nothing.”

Nimitz showed a poker face: “That kind of thing is similar to scratching. It’s also used to block.”

Albert frowned.

No. Definitely not like that. Nimitz is lying. The **** giant is hiding something.

That’s right. The attack just now. Not because Nimitz didn’t want to block. It was because he couldn’t.

Using money to unlock one’s own abilities. Make every part of the body huge. It must be very expensive. It would cost half a million. Maybe even more. Albert doesn’t think to take this test of candidates can afford that much money.

Nimitz did use the money to unblock the gigantic power. But he only unblocked part of it – his two arms. That is. Except for the two arms. Nimmy The rest of my body cannot be huge.

Although the giant’s ability is against the sky, Nimitz can only use those two arms to instantly become huge. For attack or defense, the rest of his body still maintains the size of a human.

Well, maybe it works. Albert smiled. As long as Nimitz’s two arms were reasonably lured to attack. If the giant’s “shield” was used up, Albert would There is a chance to attack Nimitz’s body.

Tiger’s winning percentage has suddenly changed from 0% to 1%. Although the hope is slim. He still has a chance to win.

About a month ago. Snowfields in Western Siberia.

“Huh~” Albert yawned. When he got up from the sofa. It was already noon.

After defeating Snow White, the tiger stayed in the werewolf Bedivere’s house for a period of time. During this period, he lived a lazy life every day. The Holy Spirit—the cabin in the woods could almost provide them with a living All the resources needed. That is to say. They don’t even have to cook their own meals. They only live with clothes, food and mouth.

“Goo…” The tiger rubbed his belly. Feeling a little hungry. Time for lunch. The Bediveville guy ran over there again.

Hoo. Hoo. Hoo. There was a steady, steady rhythm outside the house.

Albert scratched his head. Bedivere must be exercising outside the house again. At least five days a week. Werewolves get up early in the morning. Exercise against the cold wind and snow of the West Siberian snowfields— —Although he will be lazier than Albert for the remaining day or two.

“Beddie. It’s lunch time.” The tiger put on a coat to keep out the cold and walked out. He pushed open the door of the cabin.

A piercing cold wind came in. Albert shivered. Although the sky was clear today. The sun shone brightly across the snowfield. But the cold of Western Siberia is far stronger than the warmth of the sun.

In this cold wind, Bedivere was naked with his upper body exposed. He was half-squatting in the snow to practice punching. His lower body was only wearing a pair of shorts. It was also a piece of clothing that had no ability to keep out the cold.

“You are more motivated than usual meow.” Albert was dumbfounded.

“The weather is nice today. Just wear less clothes and practice more for a while.” The werewolf replied nonchalantly. At the same time, he swung his fists in turn. The sound of his fists was the sound of the hoo hoo wind that the tiger heard before.

The sharp punch that broke through the wind. Is that the secret of Bedivere’s moonlight wave? It’s just practice. If it comes true, both fists can surpass the speed of sound.

Looking at the occasional bead of sweat oozing out from Bedivere’s forehead. Albert said nothing. He quietly watched the werewolf continue exercising. He did notice the small bead on Bedivere’s neck. Something. What appears to be a pendant. But a much rougher iron plate.

Whoosh. Whoosh whoosh.. The werewolf punched hard. Then finished the workout. Retracted his fists and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ha. Starved. Where’s lunch.” Bedivere straightened up. Walked inside.

“That’s something.” Albert also walked back into the house with the werewolf. He took the opportunity to ask. His eyes were always on the piece of iron that gleamed in the sun on Bedivere’s chest. card.

“Oh. This.” The werewolf touched his iron pendant: “It’s just a decoration. A souvenir given to me by my teacher who taught me swordsmanship in the past.”

“Yes meow. It turns out that someone taught you swordsmanship.” Albert suddenly became interested: “However, I don’t seem to see you using a sword.”

“It’s not so much swordsmanship. It’s more about fighting skills. The teacher said. I don’t really need to worry about using swords.” Bedivere shrugged. After entering the room, he found him on a chair. The trousers are put on. The fragrant lunch has already appeared on the dining room table. They are also slowly blowing melodious white smoke.

“Do whatever it takes. In short, as long as you can win your opponent. Right.” Albert looked at Bedivere’s pendant thoughtfully. He asked tentatively, “You are so powerful. It’s also because of that The teacher’s teaching meow.”

“Perhaps.” Bedivere replied ambiguous. He wiped his sweat with a towel. His strength is actually due to his long-term training. It has nothing to do with Lancelot who taught him swordsmanship in the first place. But . Of course. Lancelot’s teaching is the incentive for Bedivere to become stronger. It is the foundation of the foundation. So it can be said that. Without Lancelot’s teaching, Bediveville would not be as strong as it is today.

And. Lancelot taught Bedivere the most valuable knowledge. In fact, there is only one sentence.

“Right.” Bedivere smiled mysteriously at the tiger.” This iron card contains a sentence left by my teacher. Anyone who has read and understood the true meaning of this sentence can become stronger. Do you want to know what that sentence is.”

The tiger’s ears moved: “Um…”

Seeing that Albert was hesitating, Bedivere grinned even more: “Of course I won’t tell you for nothing. How about it. Let’s practice with the wooden swords used for practice in the afternoon. If you can beat me —Even if it’s just a game—I will tell you the secret hidden in this iron card.”

“It’s so arrogant.”Albert was immediately displeased. He immediately showed a ferocious cat face: “Look at me hitting you all over the place to find your teeth.”

As a monster hunter, he learned swordsmanship from the Hunter Association. All kinds of rapiers, longswords, bigswords, and extra-large swords. Tigers have been used for more than two years; he is proficient in sword-blade weapons. Fighting with monsters in various harsh natural environments. Swordsmanship has long been tempered to the point of perfection.

If it is purely compared to swordsmanship, Albert is confident that he will not lose to anyone. He is proud of his swordsmanship, but he is so provoked by Bedivere. How can we stop here.

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