Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1154: Fighting at the Oasis (7)


Chapter 1154 Fierce Battle in the Oasis (7)

As soon as Vivian and the others walked out of King Arthur’s bedroom, a blue-blue light pierced the sky and soared away. It was Lancelot’s iron cavalry. Sang Wu Novel Network

“It’s coming and going in a hurry.” Shaxing laughed casually. He then turned his attention to the dozens of knights waiting outside the palace. Judging from the coat of arms, these people should be knights of Great Britain, but each of them was an unfamiliar face, at least Shaxing had never seen before.

“Are you leaving? Please allow us to accompany you.” The burly and handsome knight in the lead was, of course, the Knight of the Round Table, Westard.

“What are these guys from?” Shaxing asked curiously, looking at Westad and his men with hostile eyes.

Lian Yin was afraid that the evil spirits would provoke Westard, and quickly explained: “The Knight of the Round Table Lord Westard was sent by His Majesty King Arthur to protect our mother and son.” “Oh?” Said that the hostility of the evil star was even heavier. The arrogant dragon said unceremoniously: “However, Arthur has entrusted me to protect this brat. It’s none of your business here, Knight of the Round Table Westard.” Do it.” Verstad leaned in front of the evil star and looked at the little man in gold armor who looked like a teenager: “Do you think this is okay? You are still responsible for protecting Husky. , and Miss Lianyin’s side is under the escort. We divide labor and cooperate, and each does not interfere with each other’s tasks, isn’t it good?” Xinghuilong snorted coldly: “You are quite good at talking. .” Although the problem between them was solved in this way, the Shaxing’s favorability for Westard continued to decline. It was an indescribable strange feeling. Although the other party spoke well and seemed to be a decent gentleman, for some reason, Shaxing just couldn’t like someone like Westard.

Or, is it just the difference in height and physique between them that makes Xinghuilong, who looks obviously shorter and thinner, feel a sense of resistance? Sha Xing shook his head and tried his best to throw away these messy thoughts.

“You want to come too? But I can’t bring so many people.” Vivienne didn’t seem to like Vestard very much either. You can only bring seven people at most.” Including Vivienne, they had already occupied five seats. And Westard’s burly figure, I am afraid that one person will occupy the seat of two people.

“That’s not a problem.” The Knights of the Round Table said: “My knights are also very aware of the location of your research institute, Miss Vivian. They will come after them on an iron cavalry.” So, you still have to follow Come?” Vivian was a little unhappy: “If possible, the fewer people in my research institute, the better. Many of the research projects are state secrets, so your subordinates can see it all at will, right? Good thing.” “That’s not a problem.” Westard said calmly again: “Neither your subordinates nor your subordinates will enter your research institute. We will set up camp outside the research institute to prepare for the cultists at dusk. Intrusion. Is this okay?” “In my opinion, this is superfluous, and it will expose the location of the institute.” Vivian still looked very unpleasant: “But I know you won’t let it go. Whatever you like. Yes.” The Knight of the Round Table smiled and said nothing.

And Vivian has stretched out her hands, signaling everyone to take her hand to teleport. With a swoosh, Sha Xing realized that he was already in another place.

Under the sea? Do not. Bottom of the lake! The scenery was amazing, with all kinds of fish swimming around them and algae floating on the ground with the current. But this is not a real underwater, but a fictional world created by some kind of holographic scene.

Vivian’s research institute is hidden at the bottom of an otherwise dry lake, and she uses holographic images to recreate the lake scene, cleverly hiding the research institute. This is one of the most hidden facilities in the world, and people who don’t know the secrets can’t even find it and never get in.

“This way.” Vivian carried her young son Hal towards the door of the institute.

“It’s very late today, you should go to bed after taking a bath.” Lian Yin also led her son Husky to the institute: “Do you want Mommy to bathe you?””No need to woo! “The canine boy protested loudly as if he was stimulated: “Husky has grown up, so I don’t need Mommy to help me take a bath!” Sha Xing restrained his laughter and strode across the gate of the research institute. At this time, Westard just wanted to come in, but Xinghuilong turned his head and glared at the Knights of the Round Table: “Didn’t you say that neither you nor your subordinates will enter your research institute? Set up camp outside and wait. Let’s go!” “Okay.” The Knights of the Round Table didn’t keep up, so they stayed outside the door of the institute and watched everyone enter the deep and long corridor of the institute.

Ambience is slightly dark. The research institute should be hidden at the bottom of the lake, and there should not be much light exposed outside. But the further you go, the better the lighting gets, and the better you can see the metal walls and ceiling here. Although the design is simple, the white walls of this institute are like stacks of countless steel plates. The edges of each huge steel plate have some kind of dark seam, and the green light of diodes faintly appears in the seam, which is full of high-tech atmosphere.

After walking a short distance, Vivienne handed over her young son to a golem who was in charge of leading the way, and immediately turned around and said to Shaxing, “Shaxing, come with me.” “You really have something to wish for. I see? I thought you were joking.” Xinghuilong sneered.

Vivian responded with a low hum: “I’m not kidding. Your [goods] stayed with us, I’ve never known what to do with it, you’d better give me an idea. “”Goods?” These words confuse Shixing even more.

Vivian sped up her steps and walked towards a room deep in the research institute: “I don’t need to explain, you will understand all this if you see it with your own eyes.” Xinghuilong also stepped up suspiciously and followed. Arrive behind Vivian. In fact, the woman was reaching out to release the electronic door lock of the room, and the large gate opened with a slam.

This is a huge warehouse that was supposed to hold giant research equipment. But now it was empty, and the only thing in the warehouse seemed to be a model, gleaming golden in the darkness.

That thing is! ? ——The moment Shaxing saw the model, his scalp felt numb, and an indescribable feeling of disgust struck his heart!

When Vivian turned on the power of the warehouse, the “model” was even more recklessly presented in front of Xinghuilong’s eyes.

“Do you still recognize this thing?” Vivienne said with a sneer, a hint of sarcasm in her words.

The evil star certainly recognizes it. He was all too familiar with that thing!

The “model”, to be more precise, is actually a carbon skeleton, a shelf similar to an armor stand. But it was made into a dragon shape, which is very different from a normal coat hanger or armor stand. And the “armor” placed on this armor stand is not even worn by humans.

It is a pair of dragon scales, wild, natural, unprocessed, dragon scale leather! It is golden light, and every scale has a luxurious and gorgeous golden luster.

This beautiful dragon scale armor, like a pure natural art, is extremely annoying to the evil star!

“Oh, please! Don’t put such abominable things here!” Shaxing protested loudly, his screams being slightly off-tone with anger. Of course he knew this pair of dragon scales, because——this is his scales!

Seven years ago, Shaxing was captured by the fox people on the Roman front. The foxes brought Xinghuilong to the research institute to conduct a “skinning” experiment on him. This is the dragon scale armor that was peeled off from the evil star at that time. Inside the glittering scales, there seems to be a little bit of Xinghuilong’s blood sticking to it!

And this pair of scales is a shame for Sha Xing, a shame he will never forget in his life! Ever since he heard that the fox’s research institute was blown up, he thought he would never see this pair of scales again, but it appeared in front of Xinghuilong once again like the ghosts of the past!

“How on earth did you find this scale armor?” Xinghuilong asked angrily.

“ you want to know?” Vivian smiled maliciously and replied slowly: “Seven years ago, when we attacked the Foxmen’s [hub] facility, we blocked the way in front of us. A monster in dragon armor. It’s a dark slime mold on the inside, but it’s wearing this damned, almost invulnerable dragon armor on the outside, causing us a lot of trouble. We finally beat it, this one The dragon armor fell to the ground. It was collected by a certain rabbit. Now it is lying here quietly, we don’t know what to do with it.” “Of course, destroy it!” Xing hurriedly shouted: “I don’t want to see this hateful ominous thing again!”” It would be nice if it was so easy to destroy. In fact, I tried to melt it with a high temperature flame of tens of thousands of degrees. I used a diamond saw to grind it directly, and even used a strong polymer acid, but it was still intact.” Vivian sighed: “This is originally an ultra-high-strength material that can’t be corroded by dark particles. It’s such a pity that it can’t be turned into a weapon or armor.” Xinghuilong gave Vivian a white look: “So…you tell me this, what is your intention?” “I thought so. “Yes,” Vivian’s expression was a little confused, and her words were vaguely greedy: “This is your dragon scale, a special material that grows from your body—since it comes from your body thing, maybe you have a way to do something with it? With your most powerful dragon flame, maybe you can dissolve it and turn it into something that can be processed?” () “The Walking Dead” only represents the author Raven D Wexus’s point of view, if you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it, and its position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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