Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1151: Fighting at the Oasis (4)


Chapter 1151 The fierce battle in the oasis (four)

As Father Sphinx reminded beforehand, the Queen of Gems, Lady Rosetta, is inherently suspicious.

No, before that, it’s more intuitive — she was a woman.

Women are inherently suspicious.

Even if it’s easy to tell from the heart sound that Palamides is not lying, this suspicious woman still won’t completely believe in the leopard warrior. As long as there is the slightest irrational and illogical flaw, she must pursue it to the end and see how Palamidis responds.

(What trouble. Women are so troublesome.)

The big cat was stunned for a while, and then asked in a low voice: “Am I really going to answer this question? … If I don’t answer, the negotiations between you and Daddy Sphinx will break down. ?”

“Yes reads;.” The Queen of Gems affirmed: “Although it sounds very disrespectful, if you let me know that the two of you are setting up a game to deceive my favor—you know what the consequences will be. “

(Women are so troublesome.)

“Okay.” Palamides sighed. He thought about it for a while before answering boldly: “Because I have a wife, because I love her very much.”

“Oh?” This answer was beyond the Queen’s expectations, and she let out a groan of confusion.

“Seven years ago, I went through a great battle.” Palamedis went on to explain: “I used up all my strength and turned to stone. At that time, I should have died a long time ago. dropped.”

Rosetta made no further sound, and listened quietly.

“Even though I miraculously came back to life afterwards, I can’t help but wonder, what would my wife… Vivien do if I died then?” Palamidis looked at Lady Rosetta, with deep fear…and pity in her eyes.

“You said at the time that the handbag contained your husband’s belongings, which were priceless to you. In that case, how could I refuse your request and not take back the treasures your husband left you?” /

I admit, at that moment I saw Vivienne in you. If I had died seven years ago, she might be widowed for me now, and like you, take my relic once a year to remember me. What would she do if she had the same thing as you, and even the things that were in my memory were taken away?

——I just don’t want to see a lady crying in front of me, that’s all. [Xiaowang is updated quickly, the website page is refreshing, and there are few advertisements. I like this kind of website the most, and I must praise it]”

After listening to Palamidis’ narration, Rosetta, the queen of gems, was stunned for about ten minutes, and then she breathed a sigh of relief reads;.

“I really didn’t see the wrong person.” She said: “Although your motives are very strange, you are indeed a gentle and considerate person with a noble soul. There are still people like you in this world, look The world has not completely fallen.”

“Uh, thanks for the compliment? I think I should say thank you…” Palamedis replied embarrassedly.

Rosetta turned to look at the night sky again, and the fireworks stagnating in the air only fell a little. This illusory and magical scenery makes people feel like they are in a dream.

Rosetta stared at the splendid fireworks and kept recalling: “Sean…that is, my first husband, he was a pauper until he died. We were very poor, but very happy.

That year, on our wedding anniversary, he didn’t have the spare money to buy an expensive gift for me, but instead bought a small firework. That very night, on the coast of Cairo, we lit this firework and shot it into the starless sky. It exploded, adorning the night sky with colorful, unimaginable beauty. ——Yes, just like this scene, although not on such a large scale. Since then, I have completely lost my resistance to fireworks. Every time I see this beauty, I miss it and want to cry. “

“Ms. Rosetta…” Palamidis felt very depressed for a while, not knowing what was wrong. The other party seemed to be completely lost in memories, leaving the big cat cold.

“The Sphinx is very smart and scheming.” After the Queen of Gems recalled her past, the conversation changed: “He must have thoroughly investigated me and knew my [weakness] before preparing for this game. Fireworks show.”

She looked at Palamidis again with her deep, empty black eyes, as if she could see through the big cat: “I know you’re not his son.”

Palamedes shuddered. It turned out that he had already been seen through!

Seeing that the leopard warrior didn’t speak, Rosetta continued: “I can clearly feel the alienation between you and him, so I know you are not his son. However, the strange thing is that the Sphinx Everything he said to me at the dinner was the truth, the truth. He said you were his son, at least he thought so. That was, no matter how strong the psychological suggestion, No matter how much you train to lie, it’s a big lie that you can’t tell.——And yet he does it. The sphinx is really capable.”

Palramidis has long had doubts about this. Daddy Sphinx is indeed capable, and there are terrifyingly capable reads;.

” So, let me warn you: you’d better watch out for that guy. I don’t care if you’re an extra he hired, have some kind of partnership with him, or really are his son— –In short, you must be careful, don’t get too involved with that person. He is like a bottomless pit, swallowing people and things around him. Once the mud feet are deep, you will never be able to get rid of his influence.”

“Thanks for the advice. I will,” Palamedis replied nonchalantly. He didn’t intend to have too much involvement with Father Sphinx. After all, that guy was the boss of the ****, and it felt dangerous to listen to.

“And the Sphinx wants only one thing.” Ms. Rosetta breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had just made some important decision to tell the secret: “— ——[Heart of Africa]()”

“Africa…what?” Palamidis was confused.

“It is the largest, purest and most expensive ruby ​​in the history of Africa.” Rosetta, the queen of gemstones, explained with a serious look: “Before we discovered it, it was in a certain underground. The ancient ruins have been preserved for tens of thousands of years or even longer. Its value is immeasurable and has already exceeded astronomical figures.”

The big cat wondered. So, the “business” that Father Sphinx and the Queen of Gems talked about was to buy this ruby? It’s just a gem, is it necessary to spend so much trouble?

“Although it’s just a gem, it hides some kind of powerful power. This power will continue to accumulate over time, and in modern times, the power hidden in that gem has long been enough to easily destroy a country If it falls into the wrong hands, this African continent will probably cause another **** storm.” Ms. Rosetta blinked, as if she was looking into the future: “I don’t know about Sphinx. How on earth did he learn about the existence of [Heart of Africa], but he must be planning to do something amazing with that gem.

I was terrified and repeatedly turned down his requests to buy gems. At this point, I could indeed continue to think of ways to hold off on the Sphinx for a while, but time was running out. He will eventually lose his patience. Whether he steals it or steals it, he will always get this gem from me. “

Palamidis’s heart tensed, and his uneasy premonition came true: “So…you want me to stop him?”

If it’s all right, Palamidis really doesn’t want to mess with Daddy Sphinx. Turning against the old man also means that the leopard warrior must fight with his good brother — Phileos—reads;.

The Queen of Gems smiled mysteriously: “I don’t know. I don’t even know what the Sphinx will do with this gem. I just feel that something bad might be about to happen. But that’s likely. It’s just an unreliable hunch from a female classmate of mine. But if you want, I can entrust the [Heart of Africa] to you.”

“What? Me? But I——“

“You’re an honest, strong enough knight. I’m afraid you’re the one I’ve always wanted to find, someone who can use [Heart of Africa] in the right way.” Rosetta said here At that time, a slight, mischievous smile appeared on his face: “The gem is entrusted to you, no matter what your plan is after the event, I have no regrets. Even if you choose to believe in the Sphinx and give the gem to him– —-That’s your freedom too. It’s up to you to decide what to do.”

“I…” Palamidis was stunned for a long time. It was a far-reaching affair, and it was worse than the Leopard warriors had initially imagined. Mou Ran accepts the gift of the Queen of Gems and takes the [Heart of Africa] as his own. Maybe it will really turn into a situation where he is the enemy of Father Sphinx.

However, if you just let it go, things will probably get worse. Who knows how much damage the sphinx can do with the power of the gems? God knows how many people will die because of this?

Rather than sit back and wait for Daddy Sphinx to **** it to grab the gem from Ms. Rosetta; it’s better to take the lead, get the gem early, and then use the gem and Sphinx Finks haggled, let’s see what conspiracy the old fox had.

Of course, once Palamidis chooses to do this, he will be so involved in the event that he will never be able to withdraw.

For a country that has nothing to do with him, for a dispute that has nothing to do with him, and may not even happen – is it worth it?

“Leave the gems to me for safekeeping.” After thinking for a long time, Palamidis finally sighed: “Sure enough, I still can’t just sit back and ignore it.”

“I knew you would say that.” Ms. Rosetta smiled, as innocent as a little girl.

She has her rare witty face, but she understates a fiendishly tricky condition: “However, the gems can’t be given to you for nothing.

I want you to do one thing: date me. “() “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform.【】, thank you!


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