Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1020: Dive into the dark night (5)


Chapter 1020: Exploring the Night (5)

Knock, knock. In the quiet ward at night, the knock on the door was extra harsh, although the knocker had tried his best to restrain himself.

“Come in.” Lian Yin put down the book in her hand and called out casually.

“Lian Yin.” King Arthur pushed the door and entered the ward, with a relieved smile on the corner of his mouth: “I’ve been busy all day, so I’m only here at this time, I’m really sorry.”

Lian Yin shook her head gently: “Where. It is my great honor to have His Majesty come to see me.”

She was going to get down from the hospital bed and salute, but the king stopped her with a gesture: “Speaking of which, you are really outrageous.”

The king of knights set his eyes on the book in front of the lotus sound bed, which is a book on magic research: “Is it because you have done too much clerical work in recent years, and the feeling of fighting has become dull? ? You’ve been plotted against by that kind of inferior assassin?”

“I’m really ashamed to say it…” The woman lowered her head and faced King Arthur speechlessly: “I thought it would be safe to put an alarm barrier at home, but I didn’t expect that someone would be able to pass through my knot. World, without leaving any traces. From that point alone, that person’s infiltration skills are really superb.——By the way, did the assassin catch it?”

“Unfortunately, he blew himself up and died at the time.” Arthur shrugged: “It also blew up half of your apartment.”

Lian Yin covered her face: “Oh, the landlord will not be happy…”

“I will help you solve the economic problem.” Arthur continued, “The child is also temporarily housed in my dormitory, and you can pick him up when you recover from the injury and can be discharged from the hospital. At that time, the new The residence should also be prepared for you.”

The woman looked at the King of Knights gratefully: “It’s really bothering you, Your Majesty.”

“It’s just a trivial matter.” Arthur nodded, pulled a chair aside and sat down: “By the way, it’s time for you to tell me, what is the origin of that child? According to Husky’s own It is said that he should be your adopted child. But this is far from enough to explain the fact that he was targeted by the Order of Twilight and the mysterious ancient king.”

“Do you really want to say it?” Lian Yin nervously glanced outside the ward door.

Seeing that Lian Yin had some scruples, Arthur explained: “It’s okay, I came here first to check on the situation. The child is still in the hospital lounge, and a group of nurses are playing with him.”

“Well… well.” The young Patima woman sighed: “Your Majesty, do you know what [Basak] is?”

“[Basac]…?” The King of Knights frowned slightly, “Do you mean Berserker…?”

“Exactly.” Lian Yin blinked: “It should be said, that child is the last descendant of the Bassac tribe – the only survivor of that cursed race.”

Hearing this, the King of Knights snorted, and an ominous premonition spread in his heart.

“According to the report that Vivian-sama got from the ancient gods’ database, the seven clans of the orcs were originally created to suppress the rebellious new humans, right?” Lian Yin continued to explain Said: “But the [Basak], even if it is barely a branch of the werewolf and canine, is decisively different from other orcs. They were not created to [suppress new humans], But for [annihilation].”


“Destroy [darkness].” Lian Yin lowered her voice and said, “Other orcs are [maintainers of order] at best. But the Basaks are thorough [biochemical weapons]. It was programmed into their bodies in the form of genetic codes from the beginning. Even a three-year-old child who has never received combat training can use the power hidden in the body under suitable conditions to [annihilate] the target. “

“Humph—” King Arthur grunted again. This explains a lot.

“Because this race is too dangerous, the ancients kept this race sealed in order to avoid the abuse of the power of the Bassacs. They should have never been unsealed and never left behind in the history of this planet. without any trace.

However, five years ago, when my husband and I were traveling in the snowy fields of Siberia, we discovered a small village of this race. The number of people is very small, a small village of only fifty people, living a quiet and uncontested life in the depths of Siberia, which is icy and snowy. “

“And Husky is one of them.” King Arthur touched his chin subconsciously.

Lian Yin nodded again: “At that time, he was only a three-year-old child, not sensible. — In short, my husband and I have developed a strong interest in this Bassac, and want to go deeper Research this mysterious race that shouldn’t exist on Earth. And the canines were so hospitable, so we stayed in their village. Everything was fine, we were in the Basak village Had a great time as a guest…until one day.”


“That day… a crazy monster appeared.” Talking about this, Lian Yin’s face became gloomy: “It was a demon with an ominous blood-red light, a monster from chaos. It… Attacked the village… My husband and I were only able to protect ourselves. In the blink of an eye, more than 50 Basak lives were lost, leaving only the child Husky…”

“I’m sorry——“

“I’m sorry too, Your Majesty.” Lian Yin sighed in a low voice: “And all this is all I know about Husky. Why does that mysterious Basak village exist, and why is that monster? To attack the village and kill the villagers, I really don’t know. My husband and I adopted Husky, far from the blood-stained village, and lived in seclusion in the deepest part of Siberia, and lived a quiet life for several years. Mr. Lin took the initiative to contact me and said that he wanted me to come to Great Britain to help him, so I moved to Great Britain with Husky. I haven’t had anything in these years, and I thought this disaster was over.—- –Now that I think about it, I’m still too naive.”

“A bomb that could go off at any moment…” Arthur murmured.

“Uh, Your Majesty?”

“Cough…Lian Yin, what did you mean when you said [move the hidden power in the body under suitable conditions to annihilate the target]? posed a threat?”

Lian Yin shook his head: “As far as I know, [suitable conditions] refer to when the concentration of dark particles in the surrounding space is higher than a certain standard, or when there is some kind of extreme threat to the survival of the Basak people nearby. things. In this case, they will be uncharacteristically, become fierce warriors that they have never been before, and attack the designated target – until the target is annihilated. But the attack is limited to the designated target, I don’t think it will threaten unrelated people around me.”

“Very good.” After hearing this, King Arthur finally felt a little relieved.

“Actually, all orcs contain the genetic factors of the Basak tribe. The [madness] used by the orcs is also activated by the Basak factor. Of course, the Basak in ordinary orcs The factor content is extremely low, and it is completely incomparable with the Basak.” Lian Yin continued to explain: “But it is not enough to explain how dangerous the Huskies are. We have lived with that child for a long time, and we have always If there is no problem, there will be no problem in the future.”

“I hope so.” Arthur stroked his chin again: “Let’s talk about it here, Lian Yin. I’ll go away first, so that you can chat with your mother and son.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” The woman nodded and watched the King of Knights walk out of the room.

“Hmm—” I didn’t expect Arthur to only take a few steps, and immediately turned around: “Lian Yin, you have really changed.”


“When I first saw you seven years ago, you were still a cold Patimo. At that time, you were no different from a golem. But now you are full of [human] nature. It’s no different from a human being. Did the child change you? Or your husband?”

“Both…both.” Lian Yin replied ambiguous: “For me now, Husky is everything in my life. For that child, I will try my best to be a good mother, even if I may not be qualified enough.”

“What nonsense.” The king of knights said: “You are already a good mother. You have done a good job of making that child grow up healthily to what it is now.

I have encountered many people and events over the years, and my view of [people] has changed a lot. [People] in this world may not be just a general term for a creature, but a concept. Some people are obviously dressed in human skin, but they are full-blown monsters inside; while some guys who look like monsters are full of humanity inside.

Comparing the two, which do you think is the real [person]? “

Lian Yin showed a confused expression: “I don’t understand, Your Majesty.”

“Even if I don’t understand, this is also a good answer.” The King of Knights smiled mysteriously: “Okay, let’s not talk about it. I’ll go and call Husky. I’m sorry for the delay.”

“Your Majesty…” Before Lian Yin could say anything, King Arthur quickly walked out of the room.

He walked around the hospital corridor a few times, and when he came to the hospital lounge, Husky was being “besieged” by a group of beautiful nurse sisters.

“Oh my God! My God! My God! Super cute!~” A nurse was hugging the canine boy’s head and rubbing it violently, as if playing with a puppy.

“Disgusting! ~ This kid’s tail is so soft! It’s still curled!” Another nurse sister rubbed Husky’s puppy’s tail violently.

“Wow! ~ The pads on this dog’s paws are so soft!” There was also a nurse sister who was in charge of poking the canine boy’s soles, and even took off one of Husky’s shoes. Didn’t take off Husky’s pants.

“What are you all doing?” King Arthur was very depressed.

“Massage!” The nurse sisters said confidently: “It can relieve muscle fatigue! But this service is only open to children under the age of Your Majesty, you are a married woman.”

“Ah, Uncle Arthur! Help Wang——” Husky’s face was buried in a nurse’s sister’s huge chest, on the verge of suffocation, and at this moment he was desperately calling for help with his last breath. middle.

“Pfft—” The King of Knights couldn’t help laughing: “Husky, I have already gone to confirm, your mother is in good spirits now, everything is fine, you can rest assured to see her.”

“Um…um…!” The canine boy tried his best to break free from the hugs of the nurses and sisters, and tidied up his messy hair: “Husky’s shoes are wobbly—“

“Here, here, for you, hehe—” The nurses watched the dog boy put on his shoes by himself, and suddenly rushed up to hug Husky frantically: “Wow, ah, ah, so cute~ !”

Husky’s face was contorted by the **** of his sisters, and he was struggling to laugh or cry. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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