Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1013: The ultimate battle against Ziyan (13)


Chapter 1013 The ultimate battle against Ziyan Thirteen

The missed wooden arrow flew towards the face of the tiger man youth. Almost shot the tiger in the head.

“Wow…” Fortunately, Albert responded quickly enough. At the critical moment, he turned his head and avoided it. The arrow just brushed past the tiger’s left face. Only a bloodstain was drawn. But he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat: “Bastard. You want to kill me meow.”

“Oops.” Bedivere saw that the last blow missed the slime mold. Quickly shouted: “Evan.”

Bah. The half-dragon youth had already raised his gun to shoot. Hope to get another shot from this position. Kill the slime mold monster floating 300 yards away from a distance.

Keng. The bullet was blocked by a floating island that just flew over. The surrounding floating islands are flying faster and faster. Patterns are getting harder to touch. Evan hurried to shoot again. So it went wrong.

And several floating islands that flew around were just blocking the half-dragon youth’s trajectory. Wait for these obstructive things to move away. It is estimated that the monster has recovered from the completely frozen state.

Too bad. drag on. The monster will recover from the frozen state in no time. Thinking about killing it will be harder than reaching the sky.

What to do. Missed time. Is there really no way to destroy this monster? . Did it fail like this? .

“Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” exclaim — or scream. Slash through “Sky” – or the ceiling of a huge underground cavern. Fall from the sky.

That’s right. That is what has been forgotten. From the very beginning of the battle, Elaine, a white dragon who has been flying high on the floating island. This fight has been going on for so long. He finally fell from the sky. You can see how huge this underground void is.

And this stupid young white dragon man doesn’t know whether he is afraid of death or fear of heights. I didn’t even know that I jumped off the floating island in the middle. Had to take the floating island to the top. Then even people and the floating island landed. The floating island is still falling sharply. Elaine had to grasp the uneven volcanic rock floor of the floating island with both hands. Avoid throwing yourself from the floating island. . . The sight was hilarious.

However, his presence also broke the deadlock of the battle. Because of the floating island where the White Dragon people are. Very close to the slime mold monster. —— In other words. Before getting caught in the lava and soaring high into the sky. The floating island where Elaine stood. It was originally one of the floating islands closest to the Amethyst Lava Dragon.

This is a great opportunity. And it’s the only chance for everyone to win. As long as Elaine shot in time.

“Elaine.——————–” Bedivere took a deep breath. With one of the abilities he has cultivated over the years — Wolf Howl. Shout out to Elaine 300 yards away:

“———cut that puck.”

The wolf howl almost deafened everyone around. It has a power comparable to that of a dragon’s roar. And it’s loud. in this empty environment. Howling can go very far.

“What, what…” The white dragon man is still in the process of falling rapidly. But he could clearly hear Bedivere’s cry. The little idiot was stunned for a moment. He stuck his head out and looked at the huge ice ball suspended in mid-air—the core of the frozen slime mold.

Before it thawed. It must be dealt a fatal blow. This is a fact that Elaine can instantly understand. But the White Dragons also understood another fact: the puck was less than a hundred feet below. It’s a hot purple lava pool. If you fall in. Even Elaine, a white dragon with superior defense and self-healing abilities. It will burn to ashes in an instant.

“No, it’s impossible.” Elaine said in horror. Although no one could hear his answer. He is not a man who fears death. But shake he jumped off the floating island. Jump into the lava pool. This almost suicidal behavior. A normal person would refuse.

As if she had guessed Elaine’s answer. Bedivere continued with a wolf howl: “————You are not going to save Bols.”

“Uh.” It was like being stabbed all over by a sharp needle. The first time to update the white dragon Elaine’s body was shaking. The werewolf’s words deeply stabbed the white dragon’s death hole. Excited Elaine. It gave him a reason to have to sacrifice his life.

For his dad. He can give up.

Just as Bedivere once promised. If Elaine dies here. His wish was also fulfilled by Bedivere; but if the White Dragons were greedy for life, they were afraid of death. Everyone present will be wiped out in this battle. No one will save Bolles.

“Uh ah—” The white dragon man, who was still falling fast, climbed up desperately. With a voice that broke his throat, he shouted: “Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ——.”

A person who puts life and death aside. The first update is the most terrifying creature in the world. They are fearless. Even if you go to the torrent of flames, you will not hesitate. Elaine held up the rhinoceros sword. Desperately jumped from the floating island. It fell from the sky in a straight line. Slash at the still unfrozen giant ball of slime mold.

lbs. . ————Incomparably heavy banging. Echoes in the cave.

This blow shatters the ground. Smashed a giant frozen ball of slime mold. Of course it doesn’t matter. That ice ball instantly turned into billions of shining meteors. Fly away in all directions.

“Ugh.” More shards hit Elaine. Let the white dragon groan. They are like deadly arrows. It can turn ordinary people into a hornet’s nest. It was updated for the first time but could not penetrate the hard scales of the white dragon. At most, countless flower marks were drawn on Elaine’s dragon scales.

And Elaine, who was knocked back by the shock. Luckily, it collided with the floating island that had just fallen. before the body is completely out of balance. The white dragon man grabbed the edge of the floating island with his backhand and turned it up. Let the body “land” firmly. Avoid falling into lava pools yourself. His luck saved him his life.

“Solution, solved..” Albert looked at the shattered slime mold core. Finally breathed a sigh of relief. Once his nerves relax. The whole person collapsed like a collapse. The severed left arm began to bleed heavily due to the thawing of the wound and the disappearance of the power of the Holy Spirit. A pool of bright red frantically poured out.

“Tiger…” Chanel exclaimed again.

“Bring his hand here,” the werewolf ordered. At this time, Seglade had already taken Albert’s arm out of the ice. Tremblingly, he took it to Bedivere.

The werewolf slapped the tiger lightly in the face. Trying to keep the tiger awake: “Al. Call out your Holy White Tiger again. It’s all in a moment. Put your arm on and go to sleep.”

“Ugh—–“Albert was in a trance due to the bleeding and was almost too sleepy to last. But he still tried his best to stay awake. Whispered, “Xiao Bai…”

The power of the Holy White Tiger oozes slightly from the wound on Albert’s arm. Like a lump of glue. plugged on the cut surface of the wound. . . Seeing this, Bedivere immediately took Tiger’s arm. It really stuck like that.

“Give him a bandage.” The werewolf instructed Chanel beside him: “Don’t push too hard. The arm is not well received. Be careful it breaks again.”

“I know, I know.” The elf girl tore a piece of cloth from her sleeve. Bandage carefully.

“Then—–” Bedivere looked at the crowd. He looked at the mountain more than 300 yards away: “The guy in the way has disappeared. Shall we continue to fight?”

The upper half of the magic sword still stands above the mountain. Waiting for the capable one to take it.

But the final battle won’t be easy. There are basically no floating islands around the mountain. The floating island system in the entire cave is even more messed up like a blasted nest. The floating islands are no longer simply vertical movements. Rather, there are vertical and horizontal differences. In the entire cave constitutes an extremely complex line. They even bump into each other occasionally. Generate more complex and unpredictable movement routes. Only a handful of floating islands pass by that mountain every minute. I want to board the very few floating islands. More precise route calculations and action planning are required. You will die if you are not careful.

It’s no longer just a competition for speed. What it needs more is wisdom.

And everyone is on the same floating island. The conditions are almost the same. This test couldn’t be more fair.

“This road is not easy to walk. I suggest that each team only send one representative out to fight for treasure. Minimize sacrifices as much as possible.” The werewolf shrugged at the crowd.

This is not intimidation. Nor is it an excuse made up to give your team a bigger advantage. Everyone present knew it. The road ahead is fraught with danger. Not for everyone to go. Only a few elites are sent to scramble for treasures. As a result, unnecessary confusion caused by contention is avoided. Secondly, the mortality rate of each team is kept to a minimum — after all. If someone dies in a team. The team’s rating will drop dramatically.

Paramedis and Evan face each other. They have already decided that Ivan will take the because the half-dragon youth’s eagle eye technique can be most useful in this environment;

And the Saifel team also discussed in a low voice. Only send Mordred out. The white boy seems to be very confident in his analytical skills;

Tristan and Solar approached for a few words with Bedivere. Although the fish-man prince has repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction. But Bedivere and Solar agree. Best to go by Bedyville. Because the werewolf can use the tortoise tongue whip in his hand to swing between the floating islands. Disguisedly increased the success rate of this trip.

Although a little sorry for Team Albert. But the remaining three teams did not think about quitting at all. They were going to fight until the last minute.

No. Team Albert hasn’t completely lost hope either. Elaine was still very close to that mountain. Maybe he can get on it in his own way. And Chanel. She should——

“Please take care of the tiger. Okay.” The elf girl suddenly said to the two leopard youths. The words he said surprised everyone present: “I will take over the next test.” () “Acts of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content contains Content that violates national laws, please delete it. The stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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