Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 804: Teaching (1)


p;The confidence to not be nervous! Hearing this, You Wenzheng was stunned for a moment, then he nodded thoughtfully, Ding Chunming look at, he looked like slightly smiled, and then open the mouth and said: “Azure Dragon, I know everyone is ready to attack today, except that you can’t In addition to using the core and Divine Fire, they can do whatever they want. Now, attack!” Following his voice, Azure Dragon and immediately responded, and then gave the order directly. As soon as You Wenzheng heard Ding Chunming‘s order, he couldn’t help but He was stunned for a moment, because Ding Chunming‘s order was too general. He actually let disciple perform it at will. In such a battle, is it too childish to issue such an order? So after hearing Ding Chunming‘s order, You Wenzheng was stunned for a moment. Then he opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn’t say anything. He actually wanted to persuade Ding Chunming, but in the end, Ding Chunming must know better than him. How to do it, so he stopped talking. He just wanted to see how Blood Slaughter Sect‘s disciple would behave if Ding Chunming gave such an order.

The next moment he saw Blood Slaughter Sect’s disciple, they rushed out like a swarm of bees. You Wenzheng couldn’t help but was stunned. He really didn’t expect that Blood Slaughter Sect’s disciple looked no different from everyday, which made him a little disappointed. .

Ding Chunming noticed his expression, but he didn’t say anything, just slightly smiled, and then quietly look at projection. He was very confident in Blood Slaughter Sect‘s disciple. He believed that Blood Slaughter Sect‘s disciple would do everything well.

Shadow Clansman‘s army also came forward at this time. They thought that Blood Slaughter Sect still had the same attack as everyday, but they thought wrong today. Of course, as soon as they came into contact with Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, they discover, and today’s Blood Slaughter Sect disciple attack is very different. Their attacks are more fierce, and they cooperate with each other very good. After only a moment of contact, Shadow Clansman‘s casualties suddenly increased, but Blood Slaughter Sect‘s army has been in advancing. This time it is Shadow Clansman was caught off guard.

And You Wenzheng also saw this situation. When he saw this situation, his complexion couldn’t help but change. He look at battlefield, don’t know said nothing for a while, and then Ding Chunming open the mouth and said: “The book of war has it, know yourself and the enemy, and you will not be in danger in a hundred battles. , before we fight with the enemy, we must be a confidant, because being a confidant will put us in a disadvantageous position. If we can know the enemy, then the enemy will be our opponent. is impossible, I made it before Do you think the order is too simple?” After Ding Chunming said it, he turned to look at You Wenzheng. You Wenzheng was stunned for a moment, and then he nodded. There was nothing to hide. He had indeed thought so before.

Ding Chunming smiled said: “I have become a confidant, so I dare to give such an order. Our Sect‘s disciple, strength extremely powerful, and experienced hundreds of battles, although now seems to be fighting on their own, but the training of long time , they have long been accustomed to cooperate with each other, and they can contact each other at any time, and the command(er) systems of each team are all there, and everyone else will listen to the orders of Captain, which will lead to the appears one type of situation. The offenses of each team seem to be scattered, but in fact they are all coordinated and have command(er). Only we can do this, and the Captain of each team are all experienced people. They don’t need If there are too many orders, they will know what to do when they get to the battlefield, so I will give such an order.”

After hearing Ding Chunming’s words, You Wenzheng couldn’t help but nodded. Ding Chunming look at You Wenzheng looked like this, and then open the mouth and said: “As for what we said before, we are not nervous, what do you think?” Ding Chunming said look at You Wenzheng.

After hearing what Ding Chunming said, You Wenzheng thought for a while and then open the mouth and said: “Because of preparation, because we have made complete preparations, no matter what happens occur, we have a way to deal with it, so we are not nervous. “You Wenzheng expressed his thoughts.

Ding Chunming Hearing what You Wenzheng said, he couldn’t help laughing said:correct/pretty good, HaHaHa Ha, Wenzheng, you are really correct/pretty good, you are right, because we have made complete preparations, so we are not nervous , because there is nothing to be nervous about, any changes are within our expectations, and there is nothing for us to be nervous about, so we don’t need to be nervous in simply. although has made so many preparations in advance, and is possible will make us prepare for has plenty , It’s all in vain, but what about relationship? These preparations can allow us to win. This is the biggest benefit. When we fight with the enemy, what we want is victory? So what’s wrong with making some preparations in advance? Therefore, it is very important to prepare in advance. Prepare in advance and know yourself and the enemy. This is the only way to win.”

You Wenzheng nodded and took Ding Chunming‘s words into his mind. Ding Chunming look at looked at him, and then open the mouth and said said: “Of course, even if we make preparations in advance, is possible can’t be completely prepared. There will be some special situations occur. At this time, Commander‘s ability can be tested, and you Master are very interested in this aspect, but in the final analysis, he actually made preparations in advance and at the same time knew himself and his enemy. Prepare in advance. Even if the enemy has any new changes, he can react immediately. Knowing oneself and the enemy means knowing one’s own side, what is the strongest, and what methods can be used to deal with the enemy. To know the enemy is to do it. No matter what methods the enemy has, we can all know it, so in the final analysis, preparation in advance and knowing yourself and the enemy are the most important. understand?” Ding Chunming look at You Wenzheng, complexion said solemnly.

For Ding Chunming, at first glance, is possible feels that it will be very contradictory. You say that he is awesome at command(er) on the spot, but you also say that he is awesome at command(er) because he has prepared in advance. This is a bit unexplainable. Yes, on-site command(er) is on-site command(er). Preparation means preparation. On-site command(er) usually encounters unexpected situations before on-site command(er). Preparation means preparing everything. here has a lot of things. There is a big difference, so his words sound a bit contradictory to is possible.

But You Wenzheng understand understood what Ding Chunming meant. The advance preparation mentioned by Ding Chunming is not only preparing for all the occur things on the battlefield, but also includes preparing all the research understand, Blood Slaughter Sect for the previous battles. There are too many times. Everything has is possible occur. If you give all these battles to research understand, then no matter what happens in occur on the scene, you can find the corresponding ones from the previous battles. situation, and then deal with it, this can be regarded as preparation in advance. The average person is possible does not understand this, but for You Wenzheng who knows the battle of Blood Slaughter Sect very clearly, it is not something that cannot be understood, so he The meaning of understand immediately became Ding Chunming.

Ding Chunming look at You Wenzheng looked like, then open the mouth and said: “You should also know now why you Master and your Law Idol are called Yijie, right? To you, everyone on the battlefield is chess piece, you can Put them in the right position, as long as you put these chess piece in the most suitable position, then we will win, so your Law Idol will be Yijie, and it is precisely because of this that your Master will let you come to here Yes, understand?” Ding Chunming look at You Wenzheng, You Wenzheng nodded quickly.

Ding Chunming look at You Wenzheng looked like, then open the mouth and said: “We Sect fight with others, always with stability give priority to, can you tell me why? Use your own understanding.” Ding Chunming is actually taking the exam now You Wen is right.

After You Wenzheng listened to Ding Chunming‘s words, he thought for a while, and then he said solemnly: “Because we are strong enough, our numbers are large enough, and our strength is strong enough. As long as we can be stable, we will win. So we don’t need to be radical, we just need to be stable.” You Wenzheng expressed his thoughts. They are strong enough and don’t need any conspiracy. As long as they push through bit by bit, they will achieve success. The final victory, then why should they take risks? They just need to be stable.

Ding Chunming nodded said: “That’s right correct/pretty good, but you have to remember that in a war, sometimes fights not only these, but also has plenty‘s thing. Like us Blood Slaughter Sect, we never need to worry about supplies. Because our supplies are almost endless, we don’t need to worry about the source of troops. Each of our disciple has a life, and can wipe out so many of us at once. simply No existence, and we have Young Master and Young Master that are unique in strength to world. All of us believe that as long as Young Master make a move, we can defeat no matter how strong the enemy is. It can be said that we are fighting without any worries at all. Only in this way can we be stable. Just imagine, if we are ordinary Sect, when we fight with the enemy, our Magical Artifact is damaged, but we have no new Magical Artifact to replenish it. We are injured, but we But there is not enough wound medicine, and there are fewer and fewer people around us. In this situation, can we still be stable? It is obviously is impossible, so even if we want to be stable, we must have stable conditions. Okay, otherwise we won’t be able to stabilize even if we want to, understand?” You Wenzheng was stunned when he heard Ding Chunming‘s words, and then he complexion nodded solemnly.

He really hadn’t thought about this problem before, because Blood Slaughter Sect’s supplies were so abundant, and they had never worried about supplies, so he had never thought about thing like Magical Artifact, medicine pill This is the most important reason why they can be so stable. It can be said that Ding Chunming‘s remark makes You Wen the real understand. Why can they be so stable?

Ding Chunming then open the mouth and said: “Looking at our opponents, Shadow Clansman, they never seem to worry about supplies? Why? Because they can’t actually be counted. Through Ma Rufeng and the others, you should also know that Shadow Clansman and the others are actually Belonging to the state of incomplete souls, is no more than only looks like humans because of the relationship of the energy of the God of Shadow Clan. This can be known from the fact that they can be transformed into other forms by Refining. It is precisely because of this that they also There is no shortage of supplies, which is why they can have such a long time stalemate with us. Ordinary forces would have been finished long ago.” ()


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