This Ninja Is Obviously Not Strong but Really Hard to Kill English

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Ding! The system activated the mission!

Shinomiya Aoba was stunned.

The old man mentioned by the dog system seemed to be a little strong…

Looking at the Gedo Mado Pipe inserted in the back of ‘old age Madara’, he was silent and even wanted to laugh.

What do you mean his ‘oxygen tube’?

You want me to die?!

In addition… The super suicide missions have been released:

In addition, there were many other kinds of death-seeking missions waiting to be opened. And when the main character looked back many years later, everyone was holding back a sentence of “Damn it, he’s crazy!”

“This Ninja clearly didn’t look very strong, so why did he not die even after doing this?”

This was probably a poor child who had been dragged onto a path of death by a shitty system that’s on seeking death.

This Ninja Is Obviously Not Strong but Really Hard to Kill Table of Contents

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