The Landowner And His Wife English

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Liu Xu’er had once hoped that if she were to be reborn, she would be born to old money, and have a rich, handsome and tall husband. That way, she could have a carefree life of luxury!

Then she actually was reborn…. to a family that had been poor for generations, and lost her rich, handsome and tall husband.

Wait, why does this little husband sound so familiar?

Surely it can’t be…. Liu Xu’er helplessly thought – Heaven, must he too be sent here? Would it have been so difficult to have given me a different husband…

Deskripsi Novel The Landowner And His Wife

Associated Names
TLAHW - 大地主和小娘子

The Landowner And His Wife Table of Contents

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345 Monthly | 143 Weekly | 6 Daily
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0 times
Latest retranslation at:
2022-10-25 02:07:15
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Top Glossator TLAHW
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