The Corpse Collector In Conan English

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Interview with the protagonist:

Q1: What is your secret to becoming the ace of the Black Organization?
Jiang Xia: “Take Conan to the target’s house for a stroll.”

Q2: What’s the secret of your repeated recovery of the treasures stolen by Kidd?
Jiang Xia: “His accomplice was my vest.”

Interview with the detectives of Conan World:

Q1: How do you view Jiang Xia?
Detectives: “Except for solving the case too quickly + being difficult to hold back, there are no other shortcomings.”

Q2: Everyone is a detective. Why not join forces with Jiang Xia to fight against the Black Organization?
Detectives (hurriedly wave their hands): “No no no, can’t tell him that the darkness of the world is too heavy for him.”

The Corpse Collector In Conan Table of Contents

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2023-12-14 04:23:23
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