Starting From Fooling the Elderly into Registering for a Cultivation Training Class English

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Qin Chuan arrived in a parallel world and got bound to a system.

System: «Host, please guide the entire nation into cultivation.»

Qin Chuan was shocked.

What era are we in? Who still believes in cultivation!

However, to complete his mission, he set up a cultivation training class as an attempt to get people to cultivate, and in the process of doing so, got sent to the mental hospital multiple times.

He was ready to give up after all the setbacks, until he encountered a group of elderlymen and women.

A 93-year-old man of the Weapon Forging specialization was forging gear at home when he was coincidentally discovered by his great-granddaughter who was livestreaming.

During his birthday banquet, a 100-year-old man of the Combat specialization flew on a sword while in high spirits.

An 80-year-old lady of the Alchemy specialization was mistaken as her college-attending granddaughter’s sister while she was visiting her.

Deskripsi Novel Starting From Fooling the Elderly into Registering for a Cultivation Training Class

Associated Names
- 从忽悠老年人报名修仙培训班开始

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